The dinner was silent expect for the radio playing in the background. He was using it to drown out his thoughts. It hurt less for him not to think. Somehow he managed to fuck everything up again. He wasn't graduating and to make it worse he was fighting with Rory because he wasn't graduating. And everything was just falling apart. He was lost, not sure what to do. So, being alone not thinking was the easy way out in this case.

His back was turned to the door when he heard that annoying bell ring. "We're closed learn to read." He said as he turned around to see the loser who spent most of the day before drinking one cup of fucking coffee, wasting everyone's time. "You're loser coffee guy." He pointed out as he tried to make it clear for the guy to leave.

"I'm your father, Jess." The guy spit out as he looked at the floor. Way too Star Wars for his taste, but he wasn't sure what to do. This was the ass that ran out when he was the baby. He kept himself from asking where the diapers he was supposed to get eighteen years ago were.

"Want some coffee?" He asked dumbly as he walked over to the counter again. The man just nodded as he grabbed a mug off the counter and the coffee that he was about to throw out and poured him a glass. Then that damn bell went off again. He was shocked to see her standing there. He thought he had lost her for sure, but there she was. "Rory." He breathed as he looked at her. She looked like a lost little puppy, scared out of her mind.

"I'm pregnant." She said softly not caring about the man sitting there looking at the young couple.

"What?" He choked out as he looked at her trying to process the words that came out of her mouth. But, she didn't say anything she just ran back out of the door. Yeah, his life was fucked up. But, his listened to his head when it told him to run after her. "Rory wait!"

"Don't worry about anything Jess, I get it. You checked out of this relationship already. I just wanted you to know okay. That's all I wanted." She said as she turned around to look at him. Still moving so he wouldn't catch up with her. He could tell that she was hurt. Hell, she should be. He lied when he said everything was alright. He fucked everything up, and to make it worse he brought her down with him. She was supposed to go to Yale, to make something of herself, but no she was knocked up right out of high school because of him. He brought another person into this mess. She should kill him, but he knows that she doesn't have the will to do so.

"I love you!" He called out hoping that would show her he hadn't checked out. "I love you, and if you give me more than three minutes to process this I know I will love it." He said as he gestured to her stomach. "I haven't checked out, I won't check out. Just please don't give up on me." He said as she finally stopped. He was freaking out in his head as he felt her arms wrap around him. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she was there still. That's all that mattered.

"I love you too." She whispered as he felt her tears go through his shirt. He just led her back to the diner forgetting for a moment about the man he left in there. "I'm sorry about your shirt. I am just emotional." She said as he held the door open for her. He could see the makeup stain she left, but didn't care. It's just a shirt.

"Understandable." He said as he looked at her trying to avoid the man still sitting there.

"I thought you guys were closed?" She asked as she walked into the diner farther.

"We are," He replied knowing he would have to deal with this. "Rory, meet Jimmy, my father." He said as he pointed at the man.

"Girlfriend?" Jimmy asked back. Jess just nodded. "Well, congratulations." He said as he got up. "I got to go."