On My Own
When she decided to be a foreign exchange student, she had no idea she'd find alien robots. When she became a foreign exchange student, she had no idea she'd had a crush on him.
Every look. Each glanced. Every time he smiled at her.
She couldn't help but turn to mush.
She begged to race in Bulkhead and Arcee with the second command's own respective human partner. The rush as Bulk sped up, the screams and cheers on the road. The bets they'd place if one of them won and the other lost.
They'd chill at base. Watch TV, played video games, ate pizza and drank caned soft drinks. She heard the echos of his laughter throughout the base. Sometimes she wanted to keep them and replay them over again if she needed to smile.
She'd thought it never end.
The bliss. The happy moments. It was a heaven she'd never wanted to wake up from.
Until he wrapped his arms around someone that was not her...
Cheer captain.
She called in sick when Bulkhead called. It was a lame excuse, though she might as well be sick if she laid eyes on the young boy's dark eyes again. She tried to avoid him at all cost at school, though he usually met up at her locker to talk about assignments or if they were going to the base that afternoon. Her insides just about shriveled as he brought her name up...
She had everything.
The attention, his approval, his affection. Every damn perfect thing in the world, and she had it in her grasp.
These were things she'd never receive from him.
She would make him smile the way she never could in a million years. He was never hers, though he was never hers to lose at the start.
He'd always see her as one of the boys, what with her punk rock attitude and appearance. She had an obnoxious guitar hanging at her back.
He will never feel that way about her no matter what she did...
I love him
But every day I'm learning
All my life I've only been pretending
Without me, his world will go on turning
A world that's full of happiness that I have never known
I love him
I love him
I love him…
But only on my own
Song: On My Own - from the musical Les Miserables