Hello again! This is a bit later than I intended to post it, but still. Um, just go with it. They're parts of letters. If you see ... at the end, it's not a complete letter. I just didn't feel like writing a lot. Go with it.

*1944, January

"Miss Crock,

Allow me this moment to picture your face. It's been several months now since our encounter. Grayson sent me a letter, which I received just a short while ago. Someone has been asking how I am? Well Miss Crock, I am as well as can be in this situation. The nights are cold and the food is terrible. The men tease my good looks and amazing red hair. They are of course, jealous. Who wouldn't be?

Otherwise, I just miss home. Thank you for your concern. Just so you know, I think about that night often. We had fun, I believe. Now tell me, how are you? Still as opinionated as ever? I wouldn't expect any less. How is your nursing work? I assume your presence is enough for the men to be healed. You seem to be that kind of a person. When you are not arguing with them. Or is that saved for just me?

I have to keep this short, beautiful, but I hope this reaches you and not some stranger. I have to trust Dick gave me the right address. I will be returning by the way. Some day.

Till next time,

Wally West"


"Mr. West,

Don't read into too much of what Dick writes. He blew our meeting out of proportion. He has this crazy idea that you like me or something. Anyways, I believe I'm allowed to be worried about any solider, not just you. I assume you are at least trying to refrain from injury.

To answer your question about my work, it has been as well as can be for now. The men are in good spirits. There have been a few hard cases, but that is to be expected as well. I'm not some saintly nurse, Mr. West, but I am very good at my job.

Also, I'm not argumentative. I just dislike it when people say wrong things and I have to correct them. You're not special by any case. Though, you are pretty fun to talk with at times. Don't get any ideas.

I assume you have lots to do, so I will also keep this letter short. And I am holding you to the promise of returning. We may not be best friends, but I do care somewhat about you.

Artemis Crock"


"Miss Crock,

I'm surprised to receive an answer from you! And so quickly. I'll have to thank the postmaster for being prompt. It is also surprising that you answered in the first place.

It's nearing March now. The cold will not letting up anytime soon. I'd tell you more about it and the wonderful location I'm in right now, but I know the person reading this would disapprove. I also believe they will be thoroughly confused by this letter. It's a letter to a girl that clearly doesn't like me, but worries about me somewhat.

Anyways, Miss Crock, I don't approve of Dick's scheming either. How could I like you, Miss Crock, when you barely gave me a second glance that night? Unless you are interested? That would be an interesting twist.

While I'm on the subject, l have also been giving our conversations more thought. Forgive me; I don't have a lot of more interesting memories to cling to. Perhaps you are right in some sense. Maybe the men are not fighting for their country, but I know some are. I am one of them. I'm out here because this is what is asked of me. Perhaps I'm a minority in that respect, who can tell? War is terrible, but I still think our country is fighting for a better tomorrow. Care to continue our discussion? Perhaps you could tell me why we think we're at war

Yours truly,

Wally West"


"Mr. West,

I believe you take too much pleasure in writing 'Miss Crock.' Please stop because I can picture your face while doing that. It annoys me to even remember your face. And I don't like you. You're letting your imagination run wild. I do not know where you are getting such ideas from. Our meeting lasted a few hours and I don't believe we could have a relationship as such. Besides, you annoyed me terribly that night. How could I stand to be around you?

I would love to continue our conversation on an intellectual level, however. Most men do not give my opinions much thought. I believe they don't believe a woman could understand the 'complexity of war.' War is complex because our countries make it to be so, more so men make it complex.

We're fighting this war because our government could not in good conscious let the attack on our naval base go. We've been dragged into war again. Our government decided that our young men had to sacrifice everything for the 'noble cause.' There are some men who volunteered immediately to serve our country. I don't know what their reasons were, however. Did they volunteer out of a need to avenge American lives lost or because they wanted to fight against the 'enemy?'

Mr. West, I do wonder, what ideals you are fighting for? Life, liberty, freedom, equality?

Artemis Crock"


"Miss Crock,

Let me have a bit of fun. You can picture my face? I am flattered, no matter what you say. I guess you really do care. I must have made somewhat of a good impression that night. You know, I can be loads of fun. You barely gave me a chance to show you what an amazing guy I am. Besides, I still have to get to know you. And you don't know much about my personal life either. We'll have to discuss it more when I return.

To those who do not listen to you are missing out on some great conversation (notice I did not say argument).

Let's get straight to the main point then. What am I fighting for? I guess it is partially because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. What can I say? We weren't part of the war officially and yet it still happened. However, I believe we would have gotten involved sometime soon. Just like the other war. My father fought in that war. Came home 'a man,' he said. I didn't want to go to war to 'become a man.'

I fight for my country's ideals. America is a land of freedom. Is it so bad to fight for that? If the Germans win, then what will happen to our country? I didn't do this for myself; I did this for our future.

I don't care much for the politics behind war. If I had my way, we would solve our issues through talking, maybe some fists. Or maybe something like a drinking contest between our world leaders to see who could win? Anyway it goes, Miss Crock, I believe in America and what we're doing

Yours forever,

Wally West"


"Mr. West,

You made an impression. It's been months since then and I can't forget you. For one, you keep writing me letters and I feel an obligation to respond. Two, your friend, Mr. Grayson constantly reminds me about you and tells me stories. Three, I believe we are having a fairly interesting discussion going and I'm not going to stop it now.

You are quite interesting in some respects. A drinking contest? Perhaps a chess match would be more practical for a show of mind prowess.

Still, let me draw upon one thing you mentioned. 'America is a land of freedom.' If I may, without sounding too unpatriotic, America is not perfect. If it's a land of freedom, why are the people separated by class and race? Why is it that a woman doesn't seem to have a right to work where she chooses without judgement? Why do we treat others as lesser beings? Think about that Mr. West.

Before you call me out, I believe I deserve my rights. I deserve to be treated equal, as a woman. I'm sorry; perhaps I'm too radical for a woman my age, but I believe you are a bit more opened minded than most men.

If I'm wrong about you, please don't respond. However, like I mentioned, I believe you to be someone different. Perhaps someone worth getting to know more

Artemis Crock"


"Miss Crock,

I'm afraid I can't stop thinking about you either. It's been fun, a great distraction to receive your letters. My parents' letters don't quite feel as satisfying. They're great and all, but usually involving some new project my mother started or who my dad's hired for the farm. Yes, I don't believe I mentioned I'm a farm-boy.

My uncle works in the city. He's a police officer. I may have inherited some farm worker attitude, but my uncle taught me about ideals. I spent so many days dreaming about fighting for something and here I am. I feel like reminiscing. The days are kind of running together for me.

You seem to put a lot of trust in my beliefs, Miss Crock. And you also have a way of scolding me in a way my mother never could. You are one amazing woman. I'm sorry you feel so jaded by America. I didn't realize it was something you didn't feel you had. I view you as an equal in every right, Miss Crock. Who else can tell off a solider when he's going off to fight for his country?

You have every right to voice your opinions. Perhaps when I return you can tell me off some more. This may be my loneliness talking, however, Miss Crock, if you allow me, I expect to take you out on a proper date when I return. I want to show you that I am a different type of man than you're used to.


Wally West"


"Mr. West,

A date! You would dare to ask me on a date when you are so far away from me. That's not how it works solider. I'll hold on to my answer until you can look me in the eyes and ask me. That's how it works.

Are you alright, though? It's nice to hear about your family life, but that is a bit different. And I suppose I should thank you for taking me seriously

Artemis Crock"


"Mr. West,

It's nearing the end of July. Perhaps your letters have gotten lost. But Dick hasn't heard from you either. Or Zatanna. You are making us worried. Not me in particular. Please reply soon.

In any case, I'll tell you a bit about what's been happening in my life. Cameron tried to get me to take him back. I said no, of course. I still have to give you a chance.

Artemis Crock"


"Mr. West,

Dick just told me you've gone missing. I can't possibly believe that. Not the man who promised to return soon. I won't forgive you if you don't keep that promise. Besides, you still need to hear my answer.

I trust they'll find you soon. I'm sure you just got lost. Dick told me a story once about you and your sense of direction. Right? You're fine.

Artemis Crock"

Hmmm... I guess I have to post another part now. Happy New Year! Let me know what you think!

I might come back and edit this when I have more time. I really don't like this layout. Or all the things I put in there... Hmmm...
