Guys, I don't even know what this is... I was supposed to be writing a research paper about memory and time in relation to wwll and it somehow ended up with me trying to write an historical au. I've never done anything like this before. Mainly, I have no freaking clue what the heck I was doing. I tried...

1943, December

The night was in full swing when he entered the club. Cheers of joy, laughter echoed from every corner. He saw a few men from his unit gathered together, drinking their cares away. He gave a half-hearted wave to his bunkmate, Conner Kent, who was looking as grim as usual.

"West!" The familiar voice finally cut through the noise.

"Grayson!" He called back, a genuine smile finally appearing on his face.

"Finally West. Glad you could make it."

"Wouldn't miss my last free night now, would I?" He followed his friend back to a booth he had secured for the evening.

"Zatanna, you angel! Dick didn't tell me you were here too." He exclaimed when he got closer. The raven-haired beauty stood up to great him with a hug.

"Wally. Good to see you too." She laughed off his flirtatious remarks.

"Alright. Alright. Sit down and hands off my girlfriend." Dick patted Wally's shoulder.

"Okay. No more hugs from Zatanna." He let her go, allowing him to retake her seat. Dick took his place next to her, with Wally sitting across from him.

"What are we drinking tonight?" He asked, grinning again.

"I was thinking…bourbon. Doubt you'll be getting that much over there."

"Alright, but I hope you're paying." Dick laughed.

"Just tonight, bud." He called out to the waitress, ordering their first rounds.

"Oh, I just remembered to tell you, Wally. I invited one of my friends to join us tonight." Zatanna spoke up after the waitress left.

"I hope she's pretty." He jokingly said, leaning back to relax.

"Oh, is it Artemis?" Dick asked his voice full of mischief.

"Yes, Dick. It is Artemis. Artemis Crock. She's a nurse at the base hospital."

"And she is very, very pretty." Dick snuck in, earning a light slap on the shoulder from his girlfriend. Wally snickered.

"Then I can't wait to meet her." He said, snagging a handful of nuts from the center of the table.

"Wally. Still always eating, huh?"

"You know me, Zee." The group didn't have to wait long for Artemis to finally arrive.

"Zatanna!" She cried out.

Wally automatically stood when Zatanna did, allowing him now to see the new arrival. The first word that came to his mind was beautiful. It was truly a fitting description. She was of an average height with a slim build. Her skin was a light olive and her uniform hugged her curves. Her hair was so blonde, real blonde, and long, almost cascading down her back. Her eyes were a piercing, yet soft, gray-blue. He barely contained his usual whistle.

"Artemis, you remember Richard."

"Nice to see you again, Artemis." He added with a half-wave.

"And this is Wallace West."

"Please. Call me Wally, Miss." He said, taking her hand. She pulled it away, laughing at him.

"Oh that's rich. Those moves must work on all the ladies." He frowned, slightly, allowing her time to sit in the empty seat next to him. They all settled in, after Dick ordered a drink for their new arrival.

"So, Miss Crock." Wally tried to start up again, undeterred by her laughter.

"How long have you been a nurse?"

"Probably longer than you've been a solider." She quipped. He burrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He didn't understand why in the two minutes he had known her she seemed to be fighting his every word. Dick grinned at him, while he glared back.

"Oh, Artemis went to nursing school right after high school. It's been, oh gosh, four years already?" Zatanna answered Wally.

"Can't believe it either Zee. Seems like it was just yesterday."

"Yeah. You and me against the world. And Cameron, of course." Wally noticed her stiffen at that name.

"Who's Cameron?" He decided to ask just to get a reaction from her instead.

"He's a guy. I used to date him in high school. No big deal." She shrugged off.

"No big deal? I thought you two were going to get married!" Zatanna exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, things happen. Like a war…or you learn something about said boy's family and your own."


"Let's not talk about it." She cut off.

"Well then…" Dick started up, trying to bring back a merrier mood.

"I would like to toast to my best friend who ships off tomorrow!" He exclaimed, lifting his glass.

"Thank you Grayson." He responded, lifting his glass along with the girls.

"To good health then!" Zatanna started.

"To safety!" Dick added.

"To an end to this blasted war." Artemis finished. Glasses clicked, they drank.

"I didn't know you were leaving tomorrow. Should I not have come?" Artemis said afterwards.

"Don't be silly." Zatanna brushed off her concerns.

"No big deal. I enjoy new company. Anyways, I'm supposed to join the men in Pacific. Wish I could tell you more, but…" Wally answered, noticing her biting lip.

"I understand. But that's…"

"Dangerous?" He answered, wagging his eyebrows.

"I know. That's what men are good for. And that's what war is."

"It's also about sacrifice. Ever think about that?"

"You always so grim?"

"I'm realistic. I've seen the results of war. Good, young men losing their lives, limbs, and senses. Not just from fighting, but from infection and illness. War isn't so noble or manly." She ranted, staring intently at her drink in hand. Wally stared at her in anger now.

"Do you enjoy belittling our men and country?"

"Alright. I don't think this is going so…"

"No, no Dick. Let her talk."

"I'm speaking the truth! Do you honestly think all these men are going out fighting for your apparent ideals? No! Maybe you are one, but most of these guys don't understand why they have to lose so much when everyone here can just live their lives."

"They're fighting for their country!"

"They're fighting so they can come home! And a lot of them don't make it back in one piece."

"Alright, I seriously think…"

"Shut up, Dick!" They both shouted at him. Dick just looked at Zatanna and shrugged.

"I knew it. They're perfect for each other." Zatanna looked slightly amused.

"Why do you even care?" Wally started up again, drawn in by her head-strong personality.

"I see the results. I told you that."

"So, what? I have to be a solider. You don't have to be a nurse. You could…"

"No. I'm staying because they need someone in this conflict that speaks their mind. I never lie to them about their situations. I let them tell me what happened to them out there. How they watched their friends be blown up… How cold the nights were… The destruction… I'm not just some pretty thing to look at!"

"I don't see you going out there!"

"Well, I have you moron! They sent me back…"

"Okay, enough is enough. This is really not the place to be having this argument." Dick spoke up again.

"Yes, let's talk about something else… How's your sister, Artemis?"

"Wrong topic. Ask Wally how his family is." Wally sighed.

"I'm an only child. I don't have any cousins either. My aunt and uncle need to get a move on. But, yeah…we're all fine." Wally snickered at the memories.

"How's Bruce then?" Wally asked his friend.

"Same old. Same old. Wow. We're an interesting bunch." Dick added.

Somehow Dick managed to bring the conversation back to happier tones and the night drew on. He regaled them with accounts from his childhood in the circus. Zatanna told stories of her dad's magic acts he performed on the side. The topics went all over the place to whatever came to mind.

Wally kept finding himself enthralled by Artemis and her boisterous opinions. She seemed to have something to say about everything from education to cinema to manufacturing. He didn't agree with some of things she said. Sometimes he would just argue with her to hear her talk more. She was glaring at him half the evening, which made him argue more. Eventually Dick and Zatanna had to call it a night, giving farewell hugs to Wally and Artemis.

"Don't be a stupid hero… Stay alive."

"Give me some credit, Dick. I could do both." Wally finished. When they were gone, Wally turned to Artemis.

"I know you seem to dislike my presence, extremely, but may I walk you home? For my own peace of mind?" He didn't know what had possessed him to ask. He knew there'd be more arguing, but he kind of wanted more. It was unique. He'd never met a woman who was so full of fire.

"Alright…" She started.

"But only because I don't trust drunk men on dark nights." He smirked as he opened the door for her.

"So, every night?" She rolled her eyes as she exited.

"Well then, which way Miss Crock?"

"Just follow me." She sighed. They walked in relative silence, her clicking heels echoing off the pavement and a few murmuring words from those passing by. Eventually, the talkative part of Wally broke through.

"So, Cameron? Was that a recent break-up?" There was a momentary pause in her patterned footsteps.

"I'm still not talking about it."

"Come on. Messy break-up? Was he looking at another girl? Oh, was he homosexual? He didn't die, right?"

"You just won't quit." She gritted her teeth.

"I don't know anything about you and it's driving me nuts. How did Artemis become Artemis? Zee mentioned a sister. Any other family?" She remained silent, intent with her walking.

"Fine. I'm just going to make up your life. Let's see…" He cleared his throat, raising the pitch of his voice significantly higher.

"Hi Wally! I'm Artemis Crock! I'm a nurse and I really love wearing skirts! I have a sister and she's probably way prettier than me." He switched back to his normal voice.

"Well, I don't know about that. You're really beautiful, so if your sister is that good looking…"

"Ha. Silly Wally. You're such a tease." He started in his 'girly' voice again.

"Oh, Wally. I know I just met you, but I just wish I could stare at your handsome face forever."

"Okay, that's enough." Artemis interjected.

"But, I haven't even gotten to the good part. Your dad's a mob boss and your mom…"

"Just stop. Please."

"Why? Can't handle some teasing?" She remained silent, so he continued.

"How can you expect to gain friendships or trust from others if you never share parts of your own life?"

"I share plenty."

"Oh, I heard plenty tonight. You got some sound opinions. But I didn't hear anything about who Artemis actually is." The look in her eyes made him regret saying anything.

"I'm sorry. It's my head. Sometimes I like to think everyone thinks the same way I do." She waited for a moment before speaking.

"I'm going to tell you this and don't ask for more details. My dad is a bad man. My sister ran off. And my mom can't leave him and she is the only reason I can do good things in this world."

"But… What are you saying?"

"Drop it, alright?" They continued their walk, but he continued talking.

"What about Cameron?" Wally asked again.

"You plan on trying to date me?" He was glad she couldn't see his flushed cheeks in the dark just then.

"What? No… They're plenty of women that actually like me in this world…and…uh…" He stammered.

She continued, "Well, Cameron's not in the picture anymore. Not after I… Look, we're done with thinking about my rotten father and his lifestyle."

Wally silently nodded as she stopped at a small, modest home. The streets were dark and empty. Wally knew he had to return to his barracks soon or risk disciplinary action. But he didn't want to leave this interesting, strong girl. He wanted to stay here to make her talk more, say more, and protect her. A single light appeared in the darkened window inside the house.

"That'd be my mom. She must have heard us. It's late. Thank you for walking me home, Mr. West. Goodnight." She curtly said, opening the door.

"Wait." He started, grabbing her hand.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but please stay safe and…don't change."

"I won't, but don't worry about me. It's my family, not yours. You be safe, moron."

A huge smile appeared on his face again before he asked, "Will I see you again?" She gave a breathy laugh.

"You want to see me again?"

"Yeah. We still have so much to disagree on."

"Hmmm. We'll see Mr. West. You have to come home first."

And end... Yeah, I don't know. I'm not very good at long stories... Mainly the part about ideology in the middle was what I was working from. I was presenting different aspects of the war and how in American culture it's been generally received as a 'good war' or something. Anyways, I don't know. I kind of had fun with this, but I'm not very good. I did write a second part for some reason, but I don't know if I'll post that. I'm kind of embarrassed posting this...

Anyways, yeah. Let me know what you guys think! I'd be happy to debate or discuss historical aspects...not really. That's a lie. I just got finished with that class two weeks ago. It was just on World War II. Three hours a week for a semester. It's kind of depressing to dwell on it too much. Wow. I am so sad some times.
