This is the end of a beautiful, wonderful transitioning period of my life, and I am proud to say that Lord of the Rings Fandom has probably been the most inspirational thing I have ever been a part of. I have learned so much over the past year, and it's been great. I have mixed feelings about ending this story, probably because this is over a year in the making, but I suppose this is what they call moving on.

So, without further delay, I present you with the last chapter in the love story that is 'The 10th Companion'.

Minas Tirith, one week later…

Frodo was awake. Word spread all around the Houses of Healing and beyond, quickly reaching the ears of a certain elf prince. Quickly dropping what he was doing he made his way down the staircase and towards the Houses, excitement bursting in his heart.

It was hard to believe that a short time ago he had been in the midst of a war to end all wars, not knowing whether he was going to make it out with his life or not. While he and the Fellowship had faced many separations, reunions and trials, Legolas Greenleaf was quite certain two young hobbits had endured more than he, and he wished them all the well.

Samwise Gamgee had made it out of Mordor and in and out of the Houses of healing within a matter of days, being the more steadfast of the two and less under the influence of the One Ring. Poor Frodo had been in a state of shock for almost a week, sleeping and muttering to himself but not waking until now. Gandalf had used a good deal of magic to keep him from falling over the edge, but even now that he was safely out of the worst he would have a long way to go before he was fully healed.

Gimli was already there when he arrived, and the dwarf was already recounting the tales of their grand adventures to the poor overwhelmed and extraordinarily exhilarated hobbit. Merry, Pippin and Sam were still at his bedside with Gandalf and listening eagerly, even if they had been subjected to them a thousand times over already. Legolas thought that these kind of things were the stories legends were made of.

Aragorn joined them shortly after, smiling happily at the sight of an alive and well Frodo Baggins. Legolas knew the man had sacrificed many sleepless nights worrying over the young hobbit's safety, and now he was at peace. The Fellowship was reunited at last, but one was missing- Gwendolyn Jameson.

Legolas wouldn't dare close his eyes, because the moment he did she came flying back, a clear as day, covered in blood and lying helpless on the ground. The prince, if time and circumstance had allowed, would have vowed to kill the monster who'd hurt her himself, but she was safe in Minas Tirith now. Being part elven did help, essentially, having the choice of giving up immortality or holding on until help arrived, and with Elrond's magic she had made a fast recovery and was now walking free around the palace. Legolas hadn't spoken to her since she'd been moved to one of the guest rooms, and he'd regretted it. If he had the chance to speak with her he'd be sure to do so.

A small knock came at the open door, and Legolas turned to see Gwen, dressed in a soft flowing blue dress not unlike the tunic and trousers she'd worn throughout the months they'd spent traveling across the land. Her sword and dagger were gone, which the elf found extremely odd, making her seem almost vulnerable, and the she-elf was anything but. Her hair fell down in waves, not in the braids he'd grown accustomed to her wearing, and it was a nice and unexpected change.

Merry and Pippin, without being asked, launched into a long and lengthy explanation regarding their kidnapping and escape from the Uruk-hai pack, excluding no detail however small it could be. Gwen smiled politely, waving to Frodo and Sam in silent congratulations before disappearing from sight again. She did not even acknowledge Legolas, who was standing right by the door in clear sight. Annoyance settled in, and without thinking he followed after her.


She ended up in the gardens, which had flourished in the short time the war had ended in. If one were to pass by the small stream of crystal clean water that trickled throughout the garden they would find themselves in the center of a shroud of thick flowering trees, so much so that they covered anything and everything that entered their grove with complete and utter privacy. This was where she found herself, picking up a small, delicate water lily from the water and cradling it in the palm of her hand. This was the only, truly peaceful place in palace where she felt safe, far from the sounds of war that where still ringing in her ears and a smell of death that accompanied the Healing Houses.

She'd hid in the Library for a time, where she'd immersed herself in the great works of literature that that spent a good majority of their years collecting dust. However, Faramir had also taken up residence there as well, and after he and Eowyn started arranging meeting there as often as they could Gwen decided it was time to move. And now, here she was, hiding from her problems and counting down the days until her return to Rivendell-

"I thought I'd find you here."

Her heart involuntarily skipped a beat, and she turned suddenly to see Legolas brush aside a branch of flowers and step into the alcove, showering pink petals all around. Gwen stepped back, not looking at him. "Well, everyone's got to have some sort of place, don't they?" she laughed nervously.

The prince raised an eyebrow at her. "You've been avoiding me."

"What? No, I haven't-"Gwen started to say, but Legolas stepped towards her and she found herself with no more room to run. "Yes, you have. You haven't spoken to anyone since you got out of the Healing Houses, and even there the only person you allowed to see you were Elrond and Merry and Pippin."

"Elrond is like a father to me, he healed me himself," Gwen defended herself, narrowing her gray eyes at him. "And Merry and Pippin threatened to raise Cain if I didn't."

Legolas didn't want to know what 'raising Cain' was, but he suspected that even in Gwendolyn's 'Lower Earth' it wasn't good. He crossed his arms and stared back at her. "I know you, Gwen, and it isn't like you to ghost around the halls like you don't exist-"

"What makes you say that?" the she-elf snapped back, a bit harsher than she meant to. "I am entitled to solace every once in a while, am I not?"

"But I am not entitled to your wrath or silence," Legolas replied, stepped towards her yet again. There were only inches between them now, and she could feel his breath on her skin. His gaze forced her to look in his eyes, and her heart thudded in her chest so loudly she was certain he could hear it. "What's wrong, Camaessel? I can help you-"

Gwen pushed him away, brushing past him and running her fingers through her hair. "No, no you can't," she replied, her voice quiet and suddenly broken. "Leave, Legolas, I don't want to-"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back, their positions switched and the situation still the same. "Tell me," he said, matching her tone exactly- desperate, perhaps wanting but not pushing too hard as to break. "Please."

She tried to breath, and when her voice caught in her throat she swallowed and pushed herself forward. "When I was lying there, on the ground watching my own blood stain red, I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw everything I'd ever done, and the last thing I ever thought about was you. How we first met, the time we were trapped in Moria and fighting for our lives, when I was kidnapped and the last person I remembered seeing you, the small moment when we spoke in Rohan right before I was leaving for Gondor, our conversation on the boat before the battle at Minas Tirith…"

Her voice caught again, but she kept going, staring into his eyes with open wonder and amazement. "And when I closed my eyes you were there, begging me to hold on because it was too soon for me to die." Tears welled up in her eyes, and she could barely mouth the words that followed. "You told me not to die because… because you loved me."

Legolas didn't blink. He didn't even flinch. He reached out and took her face in his hands, gently wiping away her tears. "And I still do." And then, without warning, he pressed her lips against hers and kissed her, his fingers enlaced in her hair. For a split second Gwen couldn't move, but slowly and surely she began to kiss back.

For a long time they stood there, in each other's arms, unsure of what to do or say other than what happened there and now. Time stopped, and even as the soft petals floated around them and the wind whistled through the garden like a symphony, nothing was ever said. Neither wanted it to end, and, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, it didn't. Their story is the story legends are made of, and a hundred years after, when the last elven companies left Middle Earth for good and passed away into the Undying Lands, their love remained eternal and everlasting, even upon separation and reunion in Valinor.

And that is, perhaps, the greatest story ever told.


And that, my lovely readers, is the end. This is the last time you shall ever hear of any update from this story, so review well. I shall treasure them always.

Undoubtedly yours,
