Damn. Not again, Lexi.

Kid opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling of his room. It had to be, what? Two in the morning? Three? He listened intently. The October wind blew in the trees outside, and he could hear the leaves blowing around on the pavement. Patty was snoring in the other room. Where was- ah, yes. There it was. The tossing and turning of a person moving around in their bed, and the desperate whimpering of a terrified sixteen-year-old girl. Kid sighed- this was happening far too often to be normal. Something was wrong with Lexi. He pulled the blankets off of him and ran to Lexi's room. Opening the door, he saw he had been right- she was tossing and turning, her face contorted with fear. He walked in and sat on the bed next to her. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her close to him and began whispering in her ear.

"It's alright, Lexi," he said softly. "It's not real. It's just a dream, I'm right here. Come on, wake up." Suddenly, she bolted upright with a scream. Before she could do anything, Kid pulled her back to him, holding her close. She was breathing rapidly. The idea that she had only been having a dream had only just begun to sink into her brain, and tears began streaming out of her eyes. She turned her face into Kid's shoulder, and he held her, his cheek resting on the top of her head.

"It was only a dream," he said to her. "It's not real."

"They killed you," she whispered back through her tears. "You and Maka and Soul and everyone. And they made me watch."

"It's alright, Lexi," he said. "Calix isn't coming back. He's-"

"It wasn't Calix this time," she said. "It was someone else. I don't know who, they didn't say anything. And I couldn't see their face. But they just..." She shook her head and kept crying.

"Lexi," he said softly. She looked up at him. "We need to figure this out. You have awful nightmares almost every night. You're losing sleep, and it's affecting the way you fight." She nodded.

"I know," she said, "but I can't. The nightmares aren't connected to any point in my past. I have no idea who the person was. They're connected to my present because you guys were in them... But the person..."

Suddenly, it hit him like a ton of bricks. "What if they're connected to your future?"

She was silent, considering this. "That makes sense. Most of my dreams are usually repetitive, but once in a while, I'll have an out-of-the-ordinary dream, and it's actually a vision of something. Like that one last year, with the fire..." She looked scared. "So if that was a vision..."

Kid shook his head. "I'm sure it's nothing. You're just stressed. You do have a lot on your plate, after all."

Lexi nodded. "Yeah... That must be it. Stress."

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked.

"No, you can go back to your room. I'll be alright."

"I don't mind at all, Lexi," he said. She looked up at him.

"In that case, yes." She scooted over to make room for him as he laughed lightly. He got in next to her and pulled her close to him. She smiled. She always slept better when he was with her. She was asleep almost instantly, but Kid stayed awake.

Now she was having visions of their deaths. This was bad. And who was the person she mentioned? Was he dangerous? He kept thinking for about an hour until his brain finally shut down and he fell asleep.

In the morning, Maka and Soul came to get them for school. Lexi had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, but she tried her best to play them off as nothing to worry about. Kid knew better, though, and so did Maka.

Over the past few months, she and Maka had become extremely close. Despite Maka trying to kill her the year before when she first came to the DWMA, Lexi considered Maka her best friend now. They often practiced together, Maka using Lexi and seeing how other weapons worked, instead of just using a scythe all the time. She loved Soul, she really did, but what would she do if Soul was knocked out of battle and the only other weapon around was a crossbow or something? She wanted to branch out with her knowledge of using weapons, though she remained primarily a scythe meister. Needless to say, the only one in the Academy who knew Lexi better than Kid was Maka.

And she knew something was wrong.

But she stayed silent. She would talk to Kid about it later. As they walked to the school, Maka held Soul's hand, and Lexi held Kid's. Lexi's necklace shone in the October sunlight- the necklace Kid had semi-proposed to her with. It was a black chain, and the charm at the end was gray. It was the same symbol as the one Kid wore on his collar, the symbol of the Death family. She was never seen without it around her neck.

They entered class silently. It was Fight Week in Stein's class- for a full week, every meister and weapon partner had to fight other meister and weapon partners in the class. Stein did this every year- it was a competition. The winning team got exempt from homework for the remainder of the week- and major bragging rights around school. Last year, the winners had been Maka and Soul. They were determined to win again, but this Fight Week was different, as they found out on that Monday morning.

"Welcome to Fight Week," Stein said. "This week is about testing your skills as a weapon and meister team- but it's a little different this year. Lexi, come on down here." Lexi looked surprised, but walked down the stairs and stood next to Stein.

"Each of you will face Lexi," he said. Her eyes widened. "But-" she began to protest, but he just continued.

"Lexi has incredible fighting skills," Stein went on to say. "Professor Sid and I will be grading you based on your performance against her on a scale of one to ten." Sid walked in at that moment and stood on the other side of Lexi. Stein turned to her.

"You're to fight your hardest with all of them," he said. "No holding back, not for anyone."


"You could use the practice, Lexi," he said. "You're slipping in our one-on-one sessions. You're the Soul Master. You can't afford to slip up." She sighed. She had never told him about the nightmares she had been having.

"Sir, that's not fair!" Kid was standing up at his desk. "You can't possibly expect her to fight everyone in the class, she's gonna get hurt!"

"People get hurt in fights," Stein said. "Fact of life. We're going to start with last year's winners: Soul, Maka, You're up."

That was the first chapter! Hope you all liked it! I'm so excited about this story. Credit for the idea goes to Confetti108! Please review, and I don't own Soul Eater!