Ok, so my first ever fic, don't expect much XD I basically impulsively threw this together after deciding to make a contribution to the world of fanfic (however bad that contribution may be XD)
And, I dunno what the title's relevance is. I'll work that one out later...
Let me know what you think (please be constructive - e.g "it sucks" won't help me improve lol).
I think I should have thought this through but ah well, enjoy.
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It was late into the night, even on the main highways traffic was becoming sporadic, the smaller streets were filled with the silence of the now sleeping city, which was only mildly disturbed by a rustling in a patch of hedges.
Out of the dark undergrowth a lone figure appeared quite suddenly. The figure seemed to flicker like some dark apparition, appearing within the golden pools of light cast by the street lamps before being swallowed again by the darkness.
Marching stiffly, the figure rounded a corner into a pitch black alley, once again vanishing into the shadows before reappearing in the light cast by a near by sign as he ascended the rickety wrought iron stairs of a seemingly empty and derelict apartment. All the windows were black as the night, save for one on the top floor, from which the thinnest bar of light could be seen peaking out between heavy curtains.
The figure continued it's journey along the bare, unlit corridors of the apartment block, following the faint light form the door at the very end of the corridor, his steps steady and sure despite the lack of light.
A foot from the door, it was obvious the room was the only room in the building in use. The door was spotless and considerably heavier than all the other doors, the lock much much sturdier than the run-of-the-mill locks of the other apartments. The figure whipped out a key and briskly unlocked the door, pushing it open with apparent ease despite it's weight.
"Ah, Illumi, I didn't expect you here so soon,"
"I told you my latest job was not going to be too time consuming. Why did you call me here, Hisoka? Your message was rather vague and I don't have time to waste on you,"
Illumi crossed the room and took a seat on the edge of the simple double bed Hisoka was also sat on. The room, despite it's more inhabitable appearance compared to the rest of the building was still one of function rather than for comfort. There were no decorations and only the necessary furniture, the bed, a desk an chair, a cupboard, it was merely a temporary base no a permanent residence, a meeting point for the two to correspond without risk of being overheard.
"I need you to act as my dummy and fill in for me with the Spider," Hisoka replied as he sat casually shuffling a deck of playing cards.
"What are you going to be doing in the mean time?" Illumi asked as he began removing the pins form his head. Hisoka turned his head slightly to watch before answering.
"Just checking how the fruit is doing, I'm becoming impatient for it to ripen," Hisoka let out an unsettling laugh. Illumi could hear a kind of manic glee starting to affect the other's tone.
"Very well. What menial task will I have to do this time?"
"Ah, I don't know just yet," Hisoka sounded distracted and Illumi could tell exactly where the other's mind lay. The deranged look of glee spreading across Hisoka's face was all to obvious to the assassin. It seemed to him Hisoka was getting worse at containing his excitement. Illumi hadn't know him long, but gained enough of an understanding of the other that he would not have expected such a reaction in lieu of the meager young hunter Hisoka had become fixated on.
"I think you're overestimating the boy. I seriously doubt he will have improved significantly in this short space of time. He's not worth your attention, a waste of time, you should just dispose of him,"
Illumi disproved of the boy's relationship with his younger brother. An assassin did not have friends. Or at least if he did the relationship was purely one that would be beneficial to the assassin. Illumi did not see how Killua would gain anything from his "friendship" with Gon.
While Illumi had been contemplating this, he had not noticed his companion's gaze upon him.
"Oh really? Did you not say yourself that he has potential?" Hisoka smirked. Riling the stony faced assassin was one of his favorite pass-times.
Illumi's expression did not change but to Hisoka his eyes seemed even colder than usual.
"Yes I believe he has potential but not as much as you give him credit for. Where you to fight head on, he could train for another hundred years and he would be no match for you," Hisoka's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected compliment of his skills.
"Hmm, then about you? Would he pose a threat to a great assassin such as yourself?" Usually Illumi would have seen straight through Hisoka's intentions but it was now his mind that was no longer focused on the conversation. That boy's closeness to his brother more than he would admit even to himself.
"He might put up a fight but it wouldn't be a greater threat than I have overcome in the past" Illumi stated, his tone noticeably more frigid, and Hisoka certainly did notice.
"You don't think you might be underestimating him? Even at his current level, look what he did to your arm," Hisoka remarked, his grin widening. This jarred Illumi's attention back to him in an instant.
"Are you suggesting he would be at all challenging to fight?" Illumi shot at Hisoka, his tone still flat and his face still devoid of emotion, yet his response was a little too fast, a little too sharp. Hisoka almost didn't believe his luck. He suppressed a chuckle.
"My, my aren't we getting excited, you honestly think I'm suggesting he's a match for you? If he was at your level you don't think I'd have fought him by now? Or does is it his friendship with your brother? Does their closeness bother you so-" Hisoka had hit the nail on the head. As a result he was cut off by a sudden pin flying at him with deadly accuracy. Hisoka almost failed to dodge it. Had it hit, the pin would have shot strait into his mouth right through his tongue.
The sudden attack had actually taken Hisoka by surprise. He hadn't expected his taunts to agitate Illumi this much, his expression was beginning to darken. At this rate he would have an excuse to fight Illumi without it being grounds enough to break off their agreement. He could put it off as a careless spat, pretend he wasn't fighting seriously and (half) truthfully suggest he hadn't expected Illumi to become so enraged. Now it was becoming increasingly hard to hide his excitement. He could feel a mix of laughter and a suppressed moan bubbling in his throat. The anticipation of the upcoming fight was electrifying.
"Ah so it really does bother you. And I thought assassin's were supposed to be devoid of emotions, weren't they...how did you phrase it? 'Unnecessary?'"
"Don't be ridiculous, of course emotions are unnecessary but someone like you who's ruled by your own careless whims would not understand, it's what holds you back from becoming stronger, Hisoka," Illumi replied sharply. Hisoka could feel Illumi's death aura beginning to seep out, it sent shivers through his body causing his expression to become even more elated. The sensation of Illumi's fury was almost too much for him, he was beginning to tremble with excitement.
"Is that a challenge? But I don't really feel like fighting you in this worn out state you're in," Hisoka turned his back in mock indifference when in fact he was concealing his arousal. He could feel a tingling spreading through his body, his excitement was becoming unbearable. If things didn't kick off soon he wouldn't be able to control himself any longer.