I haven't updated this story in so long. First, I would like to say this is NOT ABANDONED. I have had a lot happen to me in the past few months and got so wrapped up in it that I haven't been able to write. To be honest I miss it and all of the reviews make me so happy yet sad at the same time. I love hearing from you guys and it makes me happy to see even one person reading, let alone this many. But it makes me sad that I'm letting you all down, it honestly breaks my heart. I can give a lot of flowery apologies and halfhearted reasons as to why I haven't updated but I'm going to be honest. I had someone (a few someones) find my pen name that I really didn't want finding it. Don't get me wrong I'm not ashamed of my work, quite the opposite in fact. But these people were looking for my pen name to mock and make fun of my work. I can handle people not liking my work and I can handle flames, or even if they are trolling and attacking my pen name. While Miyako Yukimura is me and a part of me, it's also kind of a character that I created where I can be the truest form of myself. But these people weren't looking for me to read my work because they were interested, they were looking for me to be cruel and attack something I love and see as a safe haven. It made me cry for a while and it killed my muse. This, coupled with a lot of the struggles I have been having with school and a full time job have essentially thrown me back into a depression that writing got me out of. I can say I'm ashamed of myself that I let these people get to me this much, but I want to say enough. I gave up something I love and that makes me happy, all because of these dick bags. I can't say when it will happen but I promise that I will continue this story.

All the love in the world, thank you for sticking with me!

Miyako Yukimura