A/N: I do not own Rise of The Guardians or Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I don't own the song One More Day by 10 years. I only own future OC's that you may see. I also do not own Breath of Life by Florence and the Machine. Both are the songs of the day. Thank you to wolfwind97 for all of your help. I love ya!
Let's do this!
Chapter one: Chance Meeting
My name is Jack Frost. I'm a guardian. I have seen a lot of things in my life, both lives. Over the long years I been alive, I have experienced a lot whether it be warfare or little emotions.
However, one emotion stirred inside of me when the Man in the Moon led me to her. It was an emotion that I had experienced when I was a mortal, when I had a true family.
She walked around in the moonlight, her eyes and hair shining brightly.
In that moment, I met Thalia Grace. In that moment, I fell in love.
She was beautiful in every way possible. Mentally, Physically, Emotional; she was beautiful.
She looked as if she belonged in the moonlight. Her very own spotlight. I would give anything, for one more day to watch her.
I thought of how I could approach her. Should I just say "hey" of should I be more formal with it? Finally, I smiled. I was just going to act like myself, the fun-loving, caring guy. I was just about to summon a burst of wind to take me to her, but I stopped. 'What if she couldn't see me?' I hesitated, devastated at that small thought, the small fear and insecurity. I knew if she couldn't see me, then it was pointless for my heart to carry this emotion.
However, if she could see me, then everything was worth it. I was torn between those two decisions and I knew I would have to make my decision soon, or I may lose her forever.
The wind was cold and bitter, I wished for it to leave and it did. Thankfully, my father, Zeus, still listens to me at times, so I didn't have to suffer from the cruel winds. I continued walking in the moonlight, glad that the moon was shining so bright, because it made everything easier to see. The beauty of this nature seemed to be so rare, since there were no occupants nearby; it made my walk enjoyable. That is, until I felt somebody was watching me. As a demigod, you tend to notice when a pair of eyes follow you. Nonchalantly, I glanced around, attempting to find the owner of the eyes, but found nothing. I looked ahead and began to focus on everything I could hear in my surroundings. There was no sound, only the quiet whisper of snowflakes falling onto the white blanket covering the ground.
I looked up and I swore that I saw light blue eyes. They were beautiful and rare as every snowflake that hit the ground. I focused more on the stunning pair of eyes as the snowflakes fell. I wanted to say 'hello', but I was mesmerized by those blue eyes. I remained silent and unmoving as I noticed the eyes began to move closer to me. The wind picked up once again, but I barely noticed.
Before I knew what I was doing, I allowed the wind to slowly carry me to the girl. I stopped a few feet away from her as she stared in my eyes. However, I wondered if she was just staring at the place I was and if it was a coincidence that her eyes met mine. I took that moment of silence to study her. Her dark hair, height, and her face helped my heart beat fast, but what truly mesmerized me were her electric blue eyes. I could tell she had experienced things others had not, but, now, she was looking at me with another look I couldn't describe.
I stared at him for what seemed like forever, wishing it could actually last that long. Finally, his voice brought me to my senses.
"Hey..." The boy with the stunning blue eyes said. His hair was as white as the snow, his skinny frame bore muscles, and his eyes were filled with worry, hope, and care.
"Hey." I answered, making a grin spread across the boy's face.
Finally, he remembered his manners and held out his hand, "I'm Jack Frost."
In the back of my mind, I knew I heard the name somewhere, but I pushed it aside and shook his cold hand. At first, I was stunned by the cold, but I figured it was where it was so cold anyway. "I'm Thalia Grace."
I took her warm hand in mine, happy that she could actually see me. The sound of her voice was as smooth as honey, the warmness in her words touched my heart and took away every worry it contained. I was naturally cold, but she made me feel warm all over.
I looked at her, "What are you doing out here anyway? I mean, I don't see people pass through here a lot... well, at all."
She shrugged, "I'm just passing through, and I won't be here long. What about you?"
"I come here a lot... This place, it's the center of a lot of my memories." I replied honestly, thinking about my life before I became Jack Frost. Did I miss my old life? Yes. If I could go back and change the day when I saved my sister, would I? No, if I had let my sister die that day, I would never have been able to forgive myself. I'm content with being the person I am, even though a lot of people can't see me. I was tempted to ask Thalia how she could see me, but I didn't want to confuse her, I just wanted to talk to her more.
After Jack mentioned his memories, I wanted to ask what kind of memories, but I saw he went deep into thought and I knew I shouldn't invade his personal life. Instead, I wondered who he was exactly. Where was his family? Why was he all alone out here in the bitter cold? These questions rushed through my head, but I didn't get a chance to ask any of them.
"If you want, I can help you get to the nearest town. It will be better than staying here in the cold." Jack offered.
I smiled at his generosity, "I probably won't be able to stay long, but I'll take you up on your offer."
Why am I so nervous? I knew it would be a lot faster to take her to the town by using the wind and I considered it for a few seconds. Nah, it would probably freak her out too much. Walking is probably the best. Anyway, what am I supposed to do when I get her to the town, it's not like I have a home of my own.
I walked with Jack, numb from the cold, toward my home in New York. Even though I accepted his offer, I didn't tell him I knew my way home, but I was glad for his company. We were both silent as we walked and I noticed he dodged people and didn't speak to them like he did to me. I wondered why and I asked him about it.
"Uh... well... it's kind of hard to explain." Jack stated with downcast eyes that showed him fighting an inner battle.
I shook my head, "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. I didn't mean to pry."
"No," Jack stated, and then stopped. "I want to tell you, but I don't know how..."
I smiled, "When you figure out how to tell me, I'll listen. Right now, let's get inside."
"Inside?" I asked, confused, then looked up at the apartment. "You live here?"
She nodded, "Yeah, and since you walked me here, the least I could do is invite you in. It's freezing out here, anyway and you're as cold as ice."
I smiled, "I'm always like that." I opened the door for her and let he lead me to her apartment room. I closed the door as Thalia went into the kitchen.
"What do you want to drink? Coffee, tea, hot chocolate?" She asked, going through a list.
I replied, "Hot chocolate, please." Then, I noticed she stared at me like I was crazy, "What?"
"You choose hot chocolate over coffee? Man, your missing out." Thalia said with a smile.
I laughed, "Nah, I'd rather have the sweet taste of hot chocolate than the bitter taste of coffee."
"The bitter taste goes away after a while and it depends on is you make it right." She stated warmly.
"I don't want to risk it, thanks." I walked into the kitchen, "I'll help."
With a Keurig machine, it didn't take long to make the coffee and hot chocolate. When Jack noticed his help wasn't really needed, he shrugged, "I tried, but the coffee machine won."
I laughed at him and he grabbed a cup, "Jack, wait, that's the..." Too late, he already took a drink. "Coffee."
He looks as if he's about to spit up.
"You okay?" I say, trying not to laugh at his expression.
I laugh, and he glares at me.
As soon as the liquid hit Jack's tongue, a disgusted look formed on his face and he glared at the contents in the cup.
"There's a sink over there." I pointed to the sink and he nodded his head, but didn't move. "You can spit it out, you know."
He shook his head and swallowed the liquid, then shook at the after effects of the taste. "I'll just stick to hot chocolate."
"Why didn't you just spit it out?" I asked a smile on my face as I attempted to contain the laughter.
Jack grinned, "It would have been rude if I did. Besides, it made you laugh."
I took the cup away from him and took a drink, then handed him his own cup. "You're right, it did make me laugh." We sat on separate ends of the couch in the living room, drinking the warm liquid in the cups as the sky grew darker and the snow fell harder. "It's so peaceful outside."
Jack nodded, "Yeah, it is. I love this weather."
"The only downside is how cold it is outside." I stated. "During the winter, people say they want warmth. When summer comes, they say they can't wait for winter."
Jack agreed, "What they don't understand is there's a season in between. Besides, to me, the colder it is the better."
I glance over at him, "You like winter that much?"
"Yeah, I've grown used to all the snow and how cold it is." Jack replied.
I smiled, "It would be nice if everybody was like you."
"What do you mean?" Jack asked.
"You're so easy to talk to. If everybody was like that, this world would be a better place." I stated, and then blushed at what I said.
Jack blushed, too, "The same goes for you. You're generous and kind enough to let a stranger in your apartment."
"It doesn't feel like you're a stranger. Besides, I don't believe you would hurt a fly." I stated.
He smiled, then took another drink of his hot chocolate. After that, we lapsed into silence as the hour ticked by. I don't even remember when I fell asleep.
"Where's Jack?" Tooth asks.
I look around for the young guardian that was like a son to me.
"Hey, we can look at him using the universal globe." Bunnymund said.
"Globe, show us Jack Frost." I say.
An image shimmers into the globe, showing the white haired guardian facing a black haired girl his age.
"Aww! Look at him!" Tooth coos.
The girl grins, chuckling.
"Water. Water!" Jack said, scrambling.
"Here you go." The girl said, handing him a glass of water. " I have never seen someone freak over drinking a cup of coffee."
"Maybe because you never met anyone like me." Jack said.
"Suurree." The girl said, stretching out the word.
The two sit down on the couch and the girl slowly falls asleep.
We had both finished our drinks and left the empty cups lying on the small coffee table in front of us. I enjoyed Thalia's company and I only hoped she felt the same. We were silent for a long time, but it was a comfortable silence. When I looked over at her, I noticed she was fast asleep, her head bobbing a bit. I smiled at the sight and thought she was cute when she was asleep, then I pushed that thought away and quietly rose to my feet. I grabbed the two empty cups and took them to the sink, and filled the sink with enough water and dishwashing liquid to clean them.
I put them in the dish drainer to dry.
Thalia was fast asleep and I wasn't sure if I should mess with her.
"Thalia? Thalia?"
I walked over to her and asked, "Thalia, if you can hear me, which one is your room?"
"Try the one on the right." She said sleepily.
Quietly and quickly, I pulled down the sheets and fixed the pillows. Then, I went back into the living room to where Thalia was asleep. I put one arm under the bends of her legs and the other arm supported her back. I pulled her close to me, then picked her up bridal style and smelled her mint and gingerbread shampoo when her head rested against my shoulder.
I walked over to the first room on the right and pushed open the door. It was a room, but it wasn't girly. It had a white carpet with a sky blue bed set.
I pushed back the cover, and gently put her under them. Then, I put the blankets over her sleeping body as my mind debated on what I should do next.
She whimpered as if she was having a bad dream. She whimpered again.
Two words were muttered from Thalia's lips, "I'm scared." I stopped in my tracks and looked at the sleeping girl. In that instant, she reminded me of how my little sister said those same words while the ice cracked underneath her feet. My heart made my decision for me and I heard her mutter again, "I'm scared." I walked over to Thalia, knowing she must be having a nightmare.
I attempted to wake her up again, "Thalia, it's just a nightmare, wake up." However, no matter how hard I tried, she would not wake up. I knew I had to stay, but how could I comfort her? I brushed her hair out of her face. I thought back to when I was a mortal and my little sister had nightmares. She would always wake me up and say she had a nightmare. As a big brother, I told her everything was okay and let her sleep by my side. But this wasn't my sister; this was somebody I had just met hours ago. Regardless of that, I laid down next to the sleeping form of Thalia and rested my arm against her back in a comforting gesture. Instantly, she faced me and held my arm with one hand, still asleep. I smiled and eventually fell asleep while watching Thalia sleep peacefully.
That's right, Jack. Make yourself comfy. You just gave yourself a new fear. And I will use it against you. She might be your greatest downfall.
So go ahead, Jack. Enjoy your last days. Hopefully, you'll get your first and last chance at love.
I watched them sleep peacefully.