Helloooo everyone! Lol. Thank you very much for all of your reviews, following, favorites, etc. I greatly appreciate it and I love to hear my readers opinions:) let's state the usual mumbo jumbo so I don't get sued lol. Disclaimer: I don't not, repeat, do NOT own Inuyasha. Read on! Lol:)

Sesshomaru gracefully walked down the hall that led to his brother's room. The bright rays of the sun shined through the tall glass windows making Sesshomaru appear to look somewhat shimmery and gorgeously unnatural. He knocked firmly three times and entered without even waiting for a response.

"Your late" Said Inuyasha with a smirk. He was sitting down on his lounging chair completely dressed.

"Your dressed?" Questioned Sesshomaru as one of his eyebrows went up in curiosity.

"For about an hour now, I just wanna get this stuff outta the way" Said Inuyasha with agitation in his voice.

Sesshomaru was silent for a moment then a small smile crept upon his lips. "You just want to rush through the other candidates so you can see Lady Kagome again tonight"

Inuyasha turned a light shade of pink as he pouted ever so cutely. "Feh, that's none of your business"

Sesshomaru smirked in an all knowing manner. "On contraire, it is my business. I arrange every woman that you see and I did notice how Kagome's name has been filled in for the midnight spot everyday for the entire month"

Inuyasha threw his hands up in frustration. "Okay, its clear Im interested in her, can you just leave it alone now!"

Sesshomaru chuckled lowly. "You act like a love stricken pup, very amusing indeed little brother" With that being said Sesshomaru made for the exit. "Breakfast is in fifteen minutes, don't be late dilly dallying around with Lady Kagome" Sesshomaru opened the door and prepared to leave. "She might catch you this time"

"Who knows, I might pay Rin a late night visit too" Replied the half demon with a wide grin on his face.

Sesshomaru's face got cold as ice. "Mongrel" he then slammed the door shut behind him.

Kagome slept peacefully in her warm toasty bed until she heard a firm knocking at the door. She sighed heavily as she removed the covers from her small body and trudged to the door. She opened it to see a bright smile on the other side.

"Kagome!" Shrieked Sango as she pulled Kagome in for a big embrace.

"Umm, Good Morning" Replied Kagome as she blushed lightly from the contact.

Sango released Kagome and Kagome gestured for her to enter her room. Kagome plopped down on the bed and rested her head on a nearby pillow.

"So" began Sango as she sat next to Kagome. "How was your night with Inuyasha?"

Kagome looked surprised. "How did you know?"

Sango giggled sweetly. "The list is posted in the main lobby in the South wing. It shows when each candidate will have their time with the King. Your name was on the list for midnight" she paused momentarily and gave Kagome a sly smirk. "Your name is also on the list everyday for the rest of the month"

Kagome's got wide. "Your serious?"

"Very serious"

Kagome could feel her heart begin to race. "But, I thought he had to see different women everytime"

"Apparently he decides who leaves and who stays" Sango winked at her "I think Inuyasha likes you more than you think"

Kagome took in Sangos words as she sat quietly in her bed.

*Inuyasha, do you really like me?*

Nolan and Naraku walked to the Kings royal chambers. Even though no one was suppose to enter the Kings chambers without proper authority Nolan had seen Miroku come and go plently of times and the King didn't seem to mind at all.

"Remember, we have to stay calm and presentable, otherwise he will know something is up" Said Naraku.

"Do, not worry about me, I know exactly what I'm doing" Spat Nolan. "Once we get the Shikon no Tama everything will be much better."

They turned a corner and they were struck with shock and nervousness.

"Hello my King" Said both of the men as they bowed deeply.

Cold demanding amber eyes stared hard at him. "What is your purpose in the Kings chambers?" Asked Sesshomaru.

The two men were silent for a second then Nolan bravely spoke up. "We are aware that it is quite rude to interrupt the King while he is in his personal chambers however, we have discovered something that needs to be brought to the Kings attention."

"And what is this discovery" Questioned Sesshomaru as he glared daggers at Nolan.

"Well, there is a law that needs renewing and-"

"He has no time for that, leave" Said Sesshomaru in a stern voice. Naraku was nearly on the verge of trembling with fear from Sesshomarus aura.

Nolan however, did not give up so easily. "We are aware that he is indeed busy with the candidates and that's why we were going to ask to complete the task ourselves"

"Renewing a law is only for higher authority, this conversation is over" Sesshomaru promptly walked away while leaving the two men standing there. *I guess were just gonna have to skip to plan b* thought Nolan.

*I need to find out more about this Nolan, I do not trust him one bit* Thought Sesshomaru.

Miroku walked slowly towards the main entrance of the castle. The sun was shinning high in the sky and Miroku felt like today was a good day. He soon walked out of the exit and walked towards another large attachment to the castle. As he walked up the cold cement stairs four guards bowed respectfully towards him and opened the heavily guarded door.

The large door shut closed behind Miroku with a heavy thud. Miroku's comfort level immediately went down as he looked around the room he was standing in. It was pitch black and the only thing that kept the room lit was the numerous torches on both sides of the room. Numerous guards stood on both sides. The room was composed of two large pillars and one large stone door.

As Miroku walked down the narrow pathway the guards slowly bowed their heads. Two guards pushed the stone door open and Miroku was met by two other guards who gestured for him to follow. The walked slowly down the stone spiral stairs and once they came to the bottom Miroku saw ten large wooden doors with chains on them.

"Prisoner name?" Asked the guard as he retrieved a key.

"Jimo" Replied Miroku as they walked to the very last door on the right.

The guard removed the locks from the door and Miroku entered the small foul smelling room.

"It appears I have a guest today" Said Jimo with a light chuckle

"I will be your last" Replied Miroku as he stared hard at Jimo. "Today is judgement day for you, in a couple of hours the guards will come for you, you will get dressed and look presentable for the last time, then you shall be judged"

Jimo moved his body so that he could face Miroku. "So this is like a trial?"


A huge smile appeared on Jimos face. "This will be easy, all I need to do is get in contact with a few people!"

Miroku laughed in his face. "Oh no, you can't have others in your defense. You will be judged by the King and council and they decide your fate"

Jimo lunged out at Miroku only to be stopped by the iron shackles around his wrists. "I suppose you find this humorous huh?"

Miroku approached him and got right in his face. "It will be even more humorous when the King condemns you to death"

Miroku promptly took his leave and slammed the door behind him.

Sesshomaru walked to the North wing of the castle where the judgement chambers was located. Just as he was about to turn the corner and enter the room he stopped dead in his tracks. He gently sniffed the air and determined that the council members were present, excluding Miroku. He remained silent and listened in on the conversation taking place.

"Why do we even need that half breeds opinion?" Said a deep voice.

"Jimo may be human but, he got away with running a very successful business" Whispered another man.

"If we find him not guilty we could arrange something"

"We could get the ring back open and start making big money"

"Jimo is quite intelligent, we could use a man like him to make profits for us" whispered another voice.

"Sesshomaru should have been King but, he decided to marry that dammed mortal" Said a nasaly voice.

"When Inu'Tashio was here things were different, demons ruled over these lands, now Miroku is a member of the council and humans are slowly starting to show up!" Yelled another man.

Sesshomaru took in all of the gossip and walked away.

The cool night air blew ever so gently as the bright moon slowly began to appear in the night sky. Inuyasha put on a gold haori and placed his gold crown that had small Rubies in it firmly on his head. He had a fairly nice day today even though he still had to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the other candidates. He honestly didn't care and was highly uninterested because he only wanted to see one woman, and he would see her at midnight. Sesshomaru had told him to act more focused and pay more attention to what the other candidates had to say but, the only thing he could think of was Kagome Satou.

He only needed to complete this one task before he could have his time with her. Just then he heard a firm knock on the door and it opened without his approval.

"We have to work on knocking" Said Inuyasha as he turned to face his brother.

"I want you to listen, and listen well" Said Sesshomaru in a stern voice.

"Look, I was joking about Rin earlier"

Sesshomaru sighed. "That is irrelevant, absurd, ans highly improbable, I have no need to get angered by such trivial things."

Inuyasha exhaled deeply. "Great! I thought you were gonna have a stick all up your ass and start lecturing me"

Sesshomaru looked somewhat annoyed. "It involves your council, Inuyasha do not trust them"

Inuyasha looked confused. "Why wouldn't I trust them? Father did create the council to have more advice about running the kingdom and making tasks much easier right?"

"Thats the thing, they praised father when he was alive, they look at you as an insignificant half breed that has no worth and is simply a piece of flesh that is occupying space." Sesshomaru stared his brother into his eyes. "They want to see you fail, they are plotting against you"

Inuyasha looked somewhat nervous. "Your serious huh? What am I up against?"

"They intend on letting Jimo go and starting another ring so they can have a cut of the profit"

Inuyasha slammed his fist hard upon his oak dresser which caused a rather large hole. "Those rats, I'll put all of them in their place tonight"

Sesshomaru nodded his head in approval.

"Are you excited about tonight?" Asked Sango as she brought in three new kimonos.

Kagome closed her bedroom door behind them. "A little, all of the other candidates hate me now"

Sango put the kimonos down on the bed and faced Kagome. "Who cares what they think, they're just jealous" Sango ran her hand playfully through Kagomes long tresses. "Every woman here is competing for Inuyashas heart, its every girl for herself, don't forget that."

Kagome sighed heavily. "I know but, I just wish you could have been there earlier"

"What happened earlier?"



Kagome lounged in the South wing as she waited for Sango. Apparently she was having lunch with a woman who went by the name of Rin and Kagome was supposed to be meeting her tonight.

She sighed peacefully as the bright rays of the sun warmed her cool skin.

"Look what we have here"

Kagome looked up to see about ten women surrounding her and they looked far from happy.

Kagome sat up straight In her seat. "Can I help you with something?"

"Word is that you had a little late night special with the King and now he's not interested in anyone but you!"

Kagome looked hard at the woman making the accusations. She was very beautiful, she had long silver hair, perfectly tanned skin, violet eyes, and cute pink lips. Kagome believed her name was Milan and she was the candidate that held no interest within the King because he was a half demon.

"I can't help how he feels about me" Kagome stood up and prepared to leave but, Milan blocked the exit.

"Just who do you think you are anyway?"

Kagome tried to remain calm. "I believe I'm a woman who is staying here, you should go check in the main lobby. King Sesshomaru just put up a list of women who the King no longer wants to see and can therefore go home" Kagome pushed past the demoness without fear. "I do believe I saw your name on it"

(End of Flashback)

"She said that to you!" Sango quickly hopped up. "I'm gonna go give that little whore a piece of my mind!"

Kagome held Sango back and laughed. "It's okay, like you said she's just jealous"

Sango smiled sweetly. "Yeah, your right" she turned her focus to the kimonos. "You have to pick one to wear tonight, Inuyasha isn't going to be able to keep his eyes off of you!"

Kagome blushed as she gently touched her lips. *that kiss from lastnight, was I imagining things? What if he came back and kissed me?*

"Hello, are you listening Kagome?" Asked Sango as she waved her hand in her face to get her attention.

"Oh! I'm sorry I was just thinking about something"

Sango smirked seductively. "I saw that look in your eyes, you were thinking about Inuyasha"

Kagome blushed a deep pink as she laughed at her friend. Just then there was a light knock on the door and Kagome happily got up to answer it. She opened the door to see a very petite woman. She was about 5'0 even with long jet black hair that curled slightly. She had chestnut Brown eyes which looked absolutely adorable.

"Hello, you must be Kagome" Said the small woman with a warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you and your Rin correct?"

The woman gave a chirpy "Yes"

Kagome allowed her to enter the room and then closed the door once again.

"Sango she is quite the looker" Said Rin as she admired Kagomes beauty.

"Yup, she has Inuyasha wrapped around her finger too!"

All of the women laughed and Kagome actually felt like these two women would soon become her trusted and loyal companions.

"Hey, how is Sesshomaru doing? I havent seen him around much" Asked Sango.

"Oh he's fine, we havent spent much time together because he's been helping Inuyasha out, were suppose to have dinner when they are done with judgement"

"You know King Sesshomaru on a personal level?" Asked Kagome

Rin giggled. "Of course sweetie, he's my husband"

Kagome turned red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I actually haven't met him yet, I've heard a lot about him though"

"Trust me, you will instantly know when you see him" Sango smirked at Rin. "I'm surprised that such a little lady can handle all of that"

All of the women burst of laughing and Rin blushed a crimson red.

"Hey, what exactly is Judgement?" Asked Kagome curiously as she changed the subject quickly to save Rin from embarrassment.

"Judgement is somewhat similar to a trial" Replied Rin

"That evil man that abducted you along with the other women finally faces the King and the council tonight" Added Sango. "I hope Inuyasha condemns him to death"

"So, what exactly happens during judgement? Is that where you automatically receive your sentencing?"

"Only criminals that participate in high crimes or gruesome murders face judgment from the Royal Castle. During judgement the criminal can either confess or still lie about their crimes. However, the council which is composed of six men, votes on their punishment. The King has the final say overall." Said Rin.

"It can be as long as 200 years in the dungeon or as gruesome as being beheaded in front of the entire kingdom" Said Sango.

Kagome nodded her head. "And who is to be in attendance?"

"The King, the council members, the knights of the royal army and the nobles of the kingdom" Replied Sango.

"No women are to be allowed?"

"Unfortunately" Sango sighed. "No woman has ever stepped foot within the judgement chamber, there has been plently of murderers that I personally wanted to see receive sentencing. If a woman were to enter the judgement room, the punishment is public hanging"

Chills ran down Kagome's spine as she bit her bottom lip as she quickly brainstormed a plan.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru walked side by side as they prepared to enter the judgment chamber.

"Remember what I informed you of, the only one on the whole council you should trust is Miroku"

Inuyasha nodded his head and exhaled deeply. "You ready?"

Sesshomaru nodded.

"Let's go"

The big oak doors opened and both of the Kings made their entrance. The room was shaped like a giant circle with with about two rows of chairs on each side of the room. Towards the front of the room was a large stage where two large golden chairs were placed on the center of the stage and three elegant wooden chairs were placed on each side of the golden chairs. The room was dimly lit by a large glass chandelier and there was candles surrounding the entire room.

Once Inuyasha and Sesshomaru entered the once talkative room got silent. Both the men took their rightful seats. The council had come in first and Miroku sat right next to Inuyasha while Naraku sat next to Sesshomaru.

Once the Kings were seated the knights made their entrance, they stood infront of the stage and did not move until they received further notice. Finally the doors opened once more and the nobles entered the room and sat in the rows of chairs.

No one however, noticed the cloaked figure that entered the room and stayed in the shadows towards the back of the room.

Once the nobles were seated the doors opened for the final time and four guards escorted Jimo into the room. He wore very fancy attire which appeared to be made out of a sheer material and satin, he looked nothing like a man that would commit the crimes that he was being accused of. Jimo stood directly in the center of the room and the guards removed his shackles.

"We begin now" Said Sesshomaru in a demanding voice.

The entire room got silent then.

"Jimo, you stand here accused of human trafficking, money laundering, kidnapping, tax evasion, evading the law and first degree murder. How do you plea?" Asked Inuyasha in a cold unforgiving tone.

Jimo placed his hands in his pocket and smiled smugly. "Not guilty"

Inuyasha could feel his temper rising and that's probably why his brother placed his hand firmly on his wrist.

"I along with all of these knights that stand before you entered your estate to find women being held against their will and being promoted for sex. According to documentations, you have not paid taxes in over 10 years as well." Said Miroku strongly.

"Yes, I do admit to tax evasion but, I have never abducted any woman and used them to make a profit" Replied Jimo in a matter of factly tone.

"You also tried to evade the law, I along with the other knights had to catch you before you made your escape" Said Rio with pure hatred in his chocolate eyes.

The cloaked figure gasped silently and was now in a temporary state of shock.

Jimo chuckled. "Now, I wouldn't call it evading"

Sesshomaru looked disrespected. "I do not find anything amusing, I don't think you are aware of the seriousness of this judgement"

"I'm aware, I'm simply waiting for my turn to speak in my defense"

"Well" Said a council member uncomfortably. "Why don't we let him speak?"

The room got silent then.

"Well, where do I begin" said Jimo as he scratched the back of his head.

"Begin with the kidnappings" Spat Inuyasha.

Naraku quickly interrupted. "My King maybe we should begin with the money laundering, if that is okay?"

Inuyasha eyeballed Naraku suspiciously. "Fine"

"Well, I cannot lie I did make a nice profit from my occupation" Said Jimo while staring into Inuyashas eyes.

"Documents show that your yearly intake was double that of even the royal castle itself" Said Naraku while looking somewhat proud. "That is somewhat impressive"

There was a few murmurs in the crowd at this news.

Another council member cleared his throat then. "Perhaps, we can come to an arrangement"

"What!?" Yelled Inuyasha as he fought to control his tone.

"I'm not saying a slap on the wrist but, maybe two years in the dungeon then we can start making business proposals that can benefit the castle and bring in more income. This man is clearly highly intelligent and we could use someone like him to help with the finances of the kingdom, my King we cannot let this opportunity pass us"

All of the council members shook their heads In agreement except for Miroku.

"How could you come up with such a proposal? This man has raped, beaten, and killed women. He has used their bodies to make a profit and he has even sold some of them like they were mere cattle! We are not making a deal with this disgusting creature!" Roared Miroku

"Inuyasha stood from his seat and approached Jimo. "You murdered a young woman while trying to escape, her name was Una Hiro, she spoke up against you and she died in my arms"

The cloaked figure fought back hot burning tears that needed to be released.

"I wouldn't say it was first degree, more like third degree, the girl happened to be in the wrong place at the right time" Replied Jimo with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You were trying to flee and she stopped you!" Yelled Inuyasha

"I never attempted to flee, you and your knights came into my estate and wrongfully attacked me!" Spat Jimo in the same tone.

Another council member cleared his throat. "Perhaps we can come to an agreement, Jimo you admit to tax evasion, money laundering, and evading the law and you shall serve five years in the dungeon. Then you must spend the rest of your days as a financial counselor here at the castle."

Some of the nobles nodded and some did not.

Sesshomaru turned his cold orbs towards him. "No deal shall be made, he has earned and now must receive his punishment"

The council member gulped hard and kept his mouth shut.

The tension between the two men overwhelmed the room. Inuyasha saw nothing but evil and deception within his eyes and it angered him that he showed no remorse for his actions and he was still lying about his actions as well.

Jimo laughed loudly. "Why is anyone even listening to you? I heard all of these rumors about the Takahashi Royal family having so much power and control, and what do I find to my disappointment? A weak half breed that is only King because his brother ran off and secretly got married"

"Silence!" Roared Sesshomaru as he growled lowly.

"It's the truth right? All the guards talk about it, about how you are a disgraceful half breed, how they despise Rin for taking Sesshomaru, its shameful, your own council won't even agree with you to condemn me to death!"

Inuyasha began to shack ever so slightly with rage as he listened to Jimo and he quickly turned his back towards Jimo and held his head low.

Jimo chuckled loudly. "You are nothing, you have everything you could ever want yet, no one respects you, no one cares for you, the council members are just waiting on you to perish like the filthy half breed that you are!"

Inuyasha turned around so quickly that Jimo didn't even know what happened until he hit the floor. Blood went across the walls and even the ceiling as Inuyasha's razor sharp claws tore effortlessly threw Jimos throat.

The cloaked figures eyes got wide and his/her mouth hung slightly open at the grisly scene that was now taking place.

The nobles gasped loudly and some fell out of their chairs. There stood the King covered in blood splatter with a crazed look in his eyes. His once amber eyes were now glowing blood red. He growled loudly causing his large fangs to show, the demon that they desired was now awakened.

"Oh shit" Whispered Miroku lowly as he felt a bead of sweat slide down his temple. He quickly glanced over at Sesshomaru to see him smiling in approval. *Sesshomaru you wouldn't let him lose it all the way, would you?*

Jimo laid on the ground as he gurgled up blood and five very defined claw marks could be seen clearly on his throat. The porcelain white and gold tile was now covered in a large pool of blood and Inuyasha soon felt the life leave his body.

The room was dead silent. The only things that could be heard was the dripping of blood from Inuyasha's claws and his ragged heavy breathing.

"Let this be a lesson to ALL of you!" He turned and faced the council. "If any of you ever dare to let the word half breed cross your lips or speak badly upon me you will receive worse than that pathetic piece of flesh that happens to be accompanying my floor!"

He growled lowly and turned his focus to the nobles. "ALL of you are supposed to be loyal subjects yet, you tell lies behind my back! The same goes for you too!"

He took a quick glance around the room. "Now, if anyone of you sons of bitches have anything to say now is the fucking time!" Roared Inuyasha at the top of his lungs.

The whole room got dead silent once more and Inuyasha sniffed the air lightly as he smelt tears. It looked through the rows of nobles and instantly his eyes cold horrifying eyes connected with chocolate Brown eyes that held tears, shock and extreme fear. *Kagome* upon seeing her eyes, feeling her fear, smelling her tears his eyes returned back to the golden ones that everyone knew. He blinked hard to make sure his eyes were not fooling him and when he opened them, she was gone.

"My King-" Said Naraku in a shaky voice.

"Sesshomaru, Miroku, and knights you may leave."

He didn't have to say it twice either. They promptly exited the room without looking back.

"Everyone else, you are not to leave until this mess is cleaned up" Said Inuyasha as he pointed to the nearly decapitated body. He started walking towards the door. "Since you were so much in his defense you should be happy about cleaning up the remains of him" he opened the door. "The walls and ceiling too, you have one hour"

Inuyasha exited the room and sniffed the air gently. *Cherry Blossoms* Inuyasha punched a nearby wall causing it to cave in completely. *Dammit, she wasn't suppose to be here!*

Kagome quickly sprinted to the garden of Izayio. She had messed up when she made direct eye contact with Inuyasha and she was sure that he knew it was her. *He won't find me here because I smell like the trees* she slowed her pace and rested upon a large Cherry Blossom tree. And she allowed herself to release the tears.

*Father, your still alive? Why didn't you come back for me? Why did you join Inuyasha's army and become a knight?*

She attempted to calm her ragged breathing but, it came to no avail.

She rested her head against the bark of the tree. *I'm certain Inuyasha knew it was me, punishment for sneaking into the judgment chamber is death by hanging!*

She closed her eyes tightly and allowed slumber to take her away from this dreadful night.

Inuyasha knelt down beside the pond in the garden of Izayio. Whenever something was vexing him be would always come here to calm down, logically think about the situation, and ask his dearest mother for advice.

The cool night air ran genltly up his spine as he stared at his reflection in The glossy pond. *The look in her eyes was that of pure fear and terror. She probably thinks I am a monster now, I should have never lost my cool like that* He stared hard at himself and the glossy pond showed the reflection of the terrorizing demon that nearly beheaded Jimo in front of some of the highest people in the kingdom. He quickly lashed out at the water creating small ripples and the image disappeared.

Kagome jumped hard as she awoken from her slumber. *How long has it been?* she looked up into the night sky and saw that the bright moon was now high in the sky. *I must've tooken a small nap then*

She quickly got up and dusted off her kimono.*where should I go? If Inuyasha sees me he might...* her thoughts paused. What would the king do to her? Would he punish her? Would he have her hanged for sneaking into the judgement chambers?

She sighed heavily and began to walk throughout the garden. *He probably hates me, he probably never wants to see me again*

She continued to walk endlessly for another ten minutes until she spotted the shimmery pond that she and the king first met at. She took a closer look in the area and her heart began to race. Only a couple of feet away from her was the King himself.

*What should I do?* Kagome bit her bottom lip and she debated to go over and speak to him. He was kneeling down in front of the pond and had his head hung low. *He looks so sad*

Her mind told her to keep her distance and go in the opposite direction but, she soon realized that her feet were guiding her in the direction of him. She was now standing directly behind Inuyasha and her heart spoke to her like never before.

She quietly bent down and embraced him from behind. He stiffened at first but, he glanced in the water and saw the woman who he adored was hugging him. As Kagome snuggled deeper into Inuyasha he felt all of his worries leave him, he actually felt... Relieved to have her there with him.

"I'm sorry, I never intended for you to witness that" Whispered Inuyasha lowly.

Kagome smiled meekly. "It's okay, its my fault for sneaking in"

Inuyasha chuckled lightly. "You must think I'm a monster now?"

"No, I just think your misunderstood"

The couple sat in a nice silence for a few moments.

Kagome wrapped her arms around him tighter. "I wish that I could tell you how I really feel, how much hurt and pain I've endured... And now that I'm here with you, its ironically gone"

Inuyasha nodded his head in an understanding manner. "I'm not going to force you to tell me, hopefully while your staying here I can heal your wounds and your heart"

Kagome smiled as she allowed a single tear to fall from her eyes. This man had taken everyone and everything away from her yet, she found herself drawn to him, she found herself wanting no, needing to be with him. She still mourned her clans death's every single day but, she found herself secretly loving Inuyasha as well.

Okay this chapter took me a little bit longer to think of because well... I'm not really sure lol.I'm trying to make everything flow evenly and make sense. I also noticed that when I don't update within a week, I tend to forget the flow and plot of each chapter lol.