Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Old things, new things

His hyper intuition told him that something was terrible wrong, even before he saw it flying trough the air. It came near be the second. His mind screamed: "Run!", but his body just wouldn't move. It was like Reborn had described it. This creepy feeling to not have control over your own body. He tried to follow his mind's order – maybe out of despair; maybe, because of his fear. But even with all his strength – which wasn't so little after all he had been through – his body did not move an inch.

"Juudaime!", he heard Gokudera scream. The silver-haired boy was running towards him to protect him, like a good right-hand-man should do, from the incoming danger. But Tsuna knew that he wouldn't make it in time. The bazooka was too close now.

Hoping that this won't end like the Byakuran fiasco, Tsuna closed his eyes. And the day had started out so well.

Okay, maybe not so well. Reborn had woken him up with...ahm...let's say, Vongola-style. His last math test was like always below-average and he was the favorite target in dodge ball. But his friends were always be his side And because of that it was a good day. But then Gokudera yelled at Lambo and threw a few dynamite at him, whereupon Lambo once again cried and the ten-years-bazooka used. The bazooka however, had plans on its own and went out of control. And he could only stare at the flying weapon.

And then PUFF! … he was falling down a familiar, colorful tunnel.

Silence. Not one loud could be heard. Tsuna was standing on a solid ground once again. Should he open his eyes now? But what would he see? There was only one way to find out.

The brunet was in a narrow alley. In a gray and colorless alley. It was the exact opposite of the tunnel he was falling down only seconds ago. Somehow, it was depressing. But Tsuna had bigger problems for the moment, like: Where the hell was he?! What would his older self want in such a place?

Hopefully, this is over in five minutes. I should just wait here.

Suddenly Tsuna felt cold metal against his neck. What! How couldn't I notice?

The person spoke in a deep voice – a man. "What are you doing in my territory?" The hand with the gun went to his head. Sure, he was held at gunpoint by Reborn somet...very often, but this was something different. Reborn wouldn't really kill him. But this guy?

He suppressed the rising panic and tried to remain calm. "I'm sorry. I didn't knew that this is your territory. If you could take the gun away, I will leave immediately." Tsuna wanted to go a step forward, but then he heard a shot and winced.

"Not so fast, boy. You invaded my district, so I can't just let you leave like that. But what should I do with you?" For a few minutes Tsuna heard nothing. This would be the perfect chance to strike back, but his gloves and pills lay on his desk back home.

"Ah, do you know what, boy, I just shoot you. Is the easiest way. Turn around. I want to see you in the face when I kill you." Tsuna swallowed. This is my end. He turned around and closed his eyes. But instead of a shot, he could hear something falling to the ground. And this something wasn't him.

It was the man. He looked shocked and pointed a finger at Tsuna. "Y-You're the-the-the-the Decimo!" The man quickly stood up, bowed and run away. "I'm sorry!"

Tsuna just stood there. That was strange. Somewhere near ring a clock. The brunet looked at the steeple.

"HIIE! More than five minutes are over! That is not good! Absolutely not good!" Calm down, Tsuna. Byakuran isn't here, it's not his fault. I bet Giannini just 'repaired' the bazooka. Reborn will know what happened and then the others will come and rescue me. I just need to wait. Tsuna looked around. But not necessarily here.

When he left the alley, Tsuna knew where the lost colors were. He was at a big street with a lot of people. Colorful signs illuminated the whole street. He saw a big building at one end of the street.

The brunet decided to go into the new street. Probably it was safer around other people. He should probably search for a date or a time. Maybe in a newspaper. But there weren't any shops nearby that sold magazines. In return, Tsuna discovered an electronics shop. Behind a window stood several TVs.

Seemed that the news were about to start. A blond woman announced the date of today. Tsuna nodded. Now he had a date. Here was it the…but that couldn't possible be right. Tsuna could feel the panic rising again. If this date was true, then he never traveled trough time. But where was he then? Hopefully the news could answer his question.

"…four leaders of the world will discuss a serious matter in the Senate in the next few minutes. It is about the newly conquered South America. Because North America is part of their territory, the Vongola, the strongest of the four leaders, also want South America. The Gesso protest against this possession claim. Vongola's territory includes, beside North America, also Japan and Europe. It would be too much power in the hands of a single famiglia…"

Tsuna just stared at the TV. He couldn't believe what he heard. Vongola as the strongest power on the planet? That was too much. Tsuna remembered something. The man said he was the Decimo. Wouldn't that mean that he was the heir?


That wasn't just bad. This was worse. The mafia rules the world. Now the brunet noticed the stares directed at him. Oops. Did he scream loud?

Many of the people wore suits. Men and women alike. And they whispered among themselves. Clearly, if the man in the alley knew of him being the heir, then they must know it, too.

What to do? What to do? What to d...HIIE!

A hand grabbed his shoulder. Tsuna tried to jump away reflexively. The result was that the hand grabbed him even harder. "Decimo.", said a deep voice. The hand belonged to a blond man. Sawada Iemitsu. His father. He pointed at a car at the street and lead Tsuna to it. There his father opened the door of the big car. When he and Iemitsu were both inside, Iemitsu turned to the driver and said: "To the Senate." Then he faced Tsuna again.

"I know you don't like it to be called Decimo, but you know in public we must wear our business-face. What brings me to the next matter: You can't just disappear before an important meeting, Tsuna. Nono is waiting for us in the Senate.", he scolded him.

What would the Tsuna of this world say? Why was he at such a place at all? His father seemed not to be an absolute no-good father. Everthing was so confusing. Tsuna sighed and hoped his father could be satisfied with a simple answer.

"I'm sorry, Otou-san."

Now Iemitsu looked stunned. Then his lip formed a smile and Tsuna could swear he saw little hearts all around him. "Oh, my little Tuna-fishy. You didn't call me that for such a long time." He turned to the driver. "Did you here what he said. He called me otou-san."

Tsuna sweat dropped. Some things never change.

The car stopped before the big, fancy building, Tsuna saw earlier. Again, Iemitsu held him the door open. When Tsuna was out, too, he followed his father inside the supposed Senate and into a big hall. There were five podiums with desks and chairs on them. Two were facing each other while the fifth one was at the top. On the first four podiums hung flags with the emblems of the Gesso, Shimon, Cavallone and lastly of the Vongola famiglia. Byakuran, Dino and Enma stood respectively on their podiums.

Iemitsu lead Tsuna to the podium with the Vongola flag. Timoteo stood there and waited for them. When he spotted Tsuna he nodded. Tsuna sat down on a chair besides the ninth, who said: "The meeting can begin now." The fifth podium wasn't taken yet.

The double-door to the hall was opened again. Enma, Byakuran, Dino and the Ninth bowed and Tsuna did the same. But he could get a short look of the new person.

It was a girl, who wore a blood-red top, short pants and black boots. She had shoulder-length hair. The girl walked towards the empty podium.

"Uni.", whispered Tsuna.

Happy new year. And leave a Review please.