Hello everyone!

I still exist! lol It has been a LONG time, I know, I know… This is an author's note for anyone still interested in the Widow Maker sequel. Just so you all know the sequel to this story still exists as well! I have worked on it on and off since I finished the Widow Maker all those years ago. It is REALLY slow in coming along for a long list of reasons; however, I have not given up on it. I only have about 3-4 chapters created but fear not, the plot is mostly worked out. It is just a matter of finding time and continued interest (thank you Quesada for ruining my Spider-Man love…) to keep this going. I am considering posting the first chapter at the very least some time soon. Hopefully, if there is still enough interest in this, it will continue on and inspire me to work harder on it. In any case, the sequel has life but it is nameless. So, let's see the interest level here- either leave me a review or if I find the traffic goes over the usual amount of hits for this week (about 50-75) then I'll know. Take care everyone and thank you to all who enjoyed the Widow Maker!
