Disclaimer: Riordan owns it all, except for the ideas that I am creative enough to come up with. One last time, Enjoy…

"I've looked over your resume again, Annabeth, and I'd say you'd make a great fit here at Mason's Architectural Firm. Congratulations, you start on Monday."

It's that statement from Robert Mason himself that still has me reeling. It's been eleven days since I've gotten that call and yet I still can't comprehend that I start my first ever architectural job on Monday.

It's Saturday evening right now. The night that I graduate college. A definite night to celebrate.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile. My cap and gown are plain black but I've dressed it up with cute heels that Thalia bought me as a graduation present. My makeup is kept simple and elegant, just the way I like it.

I feel Percy step behind me and circle his arms around my waist. "You look beautiful. I'm so proud of you." He whispers in my ear.

I grin. I stare at his reflection in the mirror. "You look pretty handsome, yourself." He's wearing a black formal suit. Simple, and yet he's the hottest man ever to me.

I hear Thalia's yell from the living room. "Okay, stop canoodling! Maggie wants a picture with the NYU graduates." I roll my eyes. Her big mouth is at it again.

I step out of the bathroom with Percy's hand in mine and take in the scene in front of me. Thalia's fixing Luke's tie. Maggie is combing Bobby's hair, Katie and Travis are talking quietly to one another on the couch, Nico is on his phone near the window, Silena is talking with Charlie in the kitchen, and Conner is switching through channels on the television.

All of the people I love are in this room…except Matthew. My hand slips from Percy's and the smile is wiped off my face as I'm reminded that Matt can't come to my college graduation.

The doctors say he could have came, but the expenses for the car and equipment needed to actually get him to the hotel that my graduation was being held at was a number both Maggie and I couldn't afford. It'll be alright, though. Maggie's going to videotape it and then Matt can watch it afterwards. Not the same as seeing the real thing, but it's just something we have to work around.

Even though the situation is manageable, I'm still disappointed that he can't come. Every time I think about it, my good mood vanishes. I try not to show how upset I am about it, but sometimes I can't control it.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a water bottle out of the refrigerator to give myself a moment to put my brave face back on.

I feel a hand grip my shoulder. I look to see Thalia smiling at me sympathetically. "I know you're upset about Matt not being able to come. I'm so sorry, Annie."

I shrug. "It's how life goes."

"Let's get a smile on that face, because guess what?"

I laugh because I know the answer. "What?"

"We're college graduates, bitches!"

I hear everyone in the room cheer in agreement. I walk back into the living room with a better attitude.

Pictures are taken with everyone, people are hugging. It's all really great. Yet there's still that little part of me that wants Matt here more than anyone else. But I know that can't happen, and so I need to accept it.

An hour later we have made it to the hotel. Everyone's taking their seats. Thalia ends up being a few rows behind me because it's mandatory to sit in alphabetical order.

The ceremony is just beginning to start. I turn my head to locate where my family and friends are sitting. I see everyone sitting together in the same row, except for Percy. My eyebrows squint in questioning. I make eye contact with Maggie, and as it's too far away for her to hear me, I motion towards Percy's empty seat and give her a questioning look. She gets a sly look on her face and points to where he's standing at the entrance to the banquet room.

He's talking on his cell phone and looking around as if searching for someone. I don't know who he could be looking for. Everyone I love is in this room with the exception of Matthew.


What if Percy was able to bring him here?

My heart flutters with hope at the prospect and now I'm getting out of my seat. I'm looking for the thing that Percy seems to be intent on.

And then I see him. Emma's pushing his wheelchair through the huge foyer. He's dressed in khakis and a nice shirt with a tiny tie. He has a portable oxygen tank connected to back of the wheelchair. The tube connects into his nose.

My heart starts to race with excitement. I put my hand over my heart in an attempt to stop it's erratic beating. I run over to him. Percy's made it to his side by now, giving him a firm handshake.

"Matt!" My voice catches as I say it. I don't care if anyone heard. I don't care if people are staring. I just don't care.

I run over to where Emma has brought him in. As I reach him I bend down and wrap my arms around him, taking care to avoid the breathing tube attached to his nose, and squeeze tightly.

"I can't believe you're here! Oh, Matt, as much as I want you here, it's probably not safe and I-"

Percy interrupts me. "I worked everything out. His doctor said it would be a great opportunity for him to get out and build his energy up for when he comes home in three weeks."

I let go of Matt then, ruffling his hair as I stand out of habit.

"I didn't think I was going to be able to come either, until Percy called and told me he arranged everything." He says, looking up at Percy with reverence.

I turn to Percy now, who looks bashfully at the floor. I grab his chin gently and lift his head up. I put every emotion that this has brought to the surface into my next two words. "Thank you."

He grins shyly. So I kiss him. To say thank you. To show him how much I appreciate this. To show him how much he means to me. To show him I never want to lose him.

He kisses me back with just as much passion and emotion.

When we separate, it's to the sound of Matt making gagging noises. "Considering I'm in a wheelchair and I can't run away from this disgusting scene, could you guys please stop?" I hear Matt say distantly.

I check back in with reality and step away from Percy laughing.

Suddenly, I can hear our Dean of students announcing that we're going to be starting the ceremony. I hug Matt again, kiss Percy on the cheek, and run back to my seat.

I see Thalia's beaming face as I pass her row. I can tell she's happy for me that Matt is here. I guess she saw the entire ordeal.

I take my seat and listen to the Dean continue his speech about the wonderful school year we've had and all the committed students who he is so proud to see graduate.

I listen intently the entire time. My name is called after an hour of introductions and speeches.

I stand and grin from ear to ear. I lift my chin in the air and start my walk to the stage. I'm proud of myself for the hard work and hours of studying that I've endured over the past four years.

I make my way up the steps to shake the Deans hand and at last, hold my diploma proudly in the air.

I look over to the section where all of my friends and family are sitting at. I see everyone waving and shouting congratulations at me.

My eyes land on Matt, looking strong even though he's in a wheelchair with a breathing tube attached to him. He's beaming at me and waving just as enthusiastically as the rest of them.

I'm still processing the fact that Percy was able to get Matt here. That gesture in itself means the world to me. I'm so unbelievably happy.

I grin at all of them and wave back as I make my way down the steps and back to my seat.

After a lot of waiting once again, Thalia's name is called and I scream in excitement and congratulations. She walks briskly up to the stage, shakes the Deans hand and pumps her fist in the air in true Thalia fashion.

I laugh and look back at Percy to see if he's watching this. When I look back I see him laugh and roll his eyes at Thalia's antics. Then he turns to where Bobby is sitting next to him and starts a conversation with him.

I don't know what they're talking about. But as I watch them, all I can think about is the fact that Bobby and Percy aren't much different. They both had to deal with a loved one being diagnosed with cancer. In an odd way, Percy might be the best person for Bobby to talk to about this stuff.

The smile on my face grows even bigger as I see Bobby laugh at something Percy says. I see Matt turn to Percy, probably asking him what he told Bobby.

Percy tells him whatever it is and I see Matt's face light up with a laugh as well.

I turn back around in my seat, paying attention once again to the Dean. Except now, I'm not really listening. I'm excited for this to be over, so I can go home and celebrate with my family.

Thalia and I had told everyone to come back to the house for a small get together once the ceremony was over.

Sadly, Bobby, Maggie, and Matt couldn't come. Matt had to get back to the hospital and Maggie and Bobby were going to help him get settled back in.

I offered to help but Maggie refused, saying, "It's your graduation night! Go celebrate with your friends. Bobby and I can handle this."

I wasn't disappointed. I was thankful, more than anything, for the time I got with them today. Besides, Matthew was probably exhausted from being out all day and sitting up. It was a lot for him.

"Thank you so much for coming, you guys." I tell them, as Percy and I help them into the van that is wheelchair accessible.

I hug Bobby first and then buckle him into his seat. I hug Maggie next, and watch as she situates herself in the passenger seat.

I look towards Matt now. "It meant the world to me that you came tonight, Matt. I know you must have been in pain but still I can't even tell you how much that meant to me."

"No, it was fun! It was great to be out of that hospital, away from all the beeping and doctors asking about my every move. I loved it. Thanks for getting me here, Percy. And congrats, Annie. I can't wait for you to come to my graduation."

"And that's a day that better happen, mister." I say, while giving his hair one last ruffle.

He laughs and waves as the door to the van closes.

Everyone left the hotel in different cars. Thalia and Luke left as soon as the Dean finished talking. I'm not sure of the reason why they left so quickly, but if Thalia had a part in it, I'm not sure I want to find out. Katie, Travis, Silena, and Charlie were next, saying they'd see us at the apartment in a little bit.

Percy puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to his car. I take his hand in mine and squeeze gently.

I grab his arm, stopping him before he has the chance to open my passenger side door. He looks at me in question. I place both of my hands on either side of his face, staring into his sea green eyes that I have grown to love more than any other color in the world.

"I don't think you realize how happy you made me tonight."

He smiles knowingly and shrugs his shoulders like it's not a big deal. "I could tell it was important to you." He says, unlocking my door and opening it for me. "Matt and Bobby are cool kids. I like them a lot."

The fact that he likes my brothers and gets along with them well makes me feel all kinds of wonderful. "I know. They're the best brothers I could ever ask for."

I'm still in a gloriously happy mood when we arrive at the apartment complex. The elevator doors open to my floor, and we step into the hallway hand-in-hand.

Music greets my ears. Music so loud it's shaking the decorations on the walls of the hallway.

Instantaneously I know it's coming from my apartment. And as I make this realization, it occurs to me exactly why Thalia and Luke rushed out of the graduation ceremony so quickly. Thalia wanted to set up for whatever this was.

I roll my eyes, and look towards Percy. "Can you believe her?"

"She can never miss an opportunity to throw a rager. I respect that."

I shrug my shoulders and start to open the door. I shout to be heard above the music that hits our ear drums. "At least she has an actual legitimate reason for this one!"

Percy laughs. "Now that is cause for celebration!" He looks towards a massive group of people doing shots and points towards them. "Maybe in the form of some celebratory shots?"

I grin and agree, because why the hell not? It is my graduation night after all.

It's a few hours into the party, and I have to admit, I'm having a really great time. I've been talking with Katie the past half an hour about all things her wedding and it's great to see how excited she is getting.

I tell Katie I'll get us refills on our drinks and head over to the make shift bar that my kitchen counter has been turned into. As I'm making us both margaritas, I hear two girls talking loudly to each other to be heard over the music.

They're very obviously wasted, dressed in slutty outfits and smudged makeup.

I overhear the one in the red dress say to the other, "I'm hitting that by the end of the night."

Her friend scoffs at her and says in response, "Not if I get to him first!"

I can see them looking towards the man in perusal and I follow their line of sight. The guy in question is instantly known to me. It's Percy. He's talking to Nico. His suit jacket has been discarded, showing his slightly loosened tie. His hair has taken on a messy quality that only makes him more handsome.

I feel jealousy consume me, and underneath all of that jealousy, I feel pride at the thought that other people want my man. But too late, he's mine. I smile at the thought.

Red dress laughs and then says, "He's so hot! I just want to take him back to my room and-"

"-I heard he's gay!" I say it before I can think to stop myself.

They both turn towards me in surprise. They roll their eyes in turn, muttering something about all the good ones being gay. I point them in Conner's direction, who appreciates any female in their attire, and so they walk towards him instead.

Thalia was apparently lurking in the shadows as this whole ordeal went down and so she laughs her ass off for an entire five minutes, naturally. Once she's done with that, she gets up onto a table and shouts so loud that half the room turns to her in curiosity. "I would just like to announce that I, Thalia Grace, totally set these two up!" She yells, pointing to me and then to Percy

Drunk shouts of agreement ensue and I laugh care-freely, not giving a shit what the two girls' faces must look like now.

After many drinks later, Percy and I are dancing on the makeshift dance floor that my living room has been transformed into.

Percy presses himself closer to my body, if that's even possible, and whispers in my ear, "Let's go to your room."

Even in my tipsy state I know it's not just to talk.

I whisper just as seductively into his ear, "Yes, sir. I guess I still have to follow directions, considering you are still technically my boss."

His eyes gleam with excitement, along with other parts of his body. I grab him by his tie and lead him to my room, as he's too dumbfounded and drunk to find it on his own.

It's been about three weeks since my graduation night. Which means it's also been about three weeks since I've started working for Robert Mason.

Robert Mason.

My time with him as my boss, has been odd, to say the least, and uncomfortable. And not the good uncomfortable I had with Percy. That was more lust than anything. This uncomfortable was bad, in a way that makes the little warning bells go off in your head anytime he comes close to you.

It was the first day of the new month and it was also the first day that the thought of quitting came into my head.

What Robert says next has me thinking that quitting could be something in my near future at this firm.

"Annabeth, come into my office and stack these boxes for me. I need something pretty to look at for a little while." I grit my teeth and stand from my desk. I know he just wants me to stack the boxes so that he can stare at my ass. I trade a knowing look with Sarah, and enter his office.

I finish stacking his boxes, and when I finish I step outside, shutting the door a little too loudly. I'm so fed up with his behavior. I walk over to the secretary desk. Sarah and I have gotten to be really close friends over the last month. It's one of my saving graces at this office. It's one of the reasons I haven't quit yet.

"How have you put up with this for so long?" I ask.

"It gets to a point where I tune out all of his comments, and just focus on my job."

"I'm thinking of quitting." I whispers it so Robert won't overhear. It's the first time I say it out loud. The thought of quitting makes me both sad but hopeful at the same time. I love my job here, but I hate Robert. I feel feeble quitting because of the excuse of not liking the boss. I mean have you ever met an employee out there who actually does like their boss?

Robert really does give me the creeps, though. I don't know how much longer I can put up with that.

Sarah brings me out of my thought process. "I don't blame you. I've tried to quit numerous times but the job search out there is brutal. For now, this is all I can find…" she says, "…although now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if Robert has something to do with me not being able to find a job outside of this establishment."

I laugh because we have this game we play where we blame everything bad that happens entirely on Robert. Stupid, yes, but it gets the work hours to go by quicker when you're around him.

"Hey Sarah, is Annabeth with you?" Sarah's intercom is taken over by Robert's voice.

"Yes, we're here together." She responds, pushing the button so he can hear her.

"Oh, kinky!" He says back. Sarah and I roll our eyes and refuse to answer back.

"I was just wondering how much it would cost to get you two to make out with each other?" He asks through the intercom, with complete seriousness in his voice.

My mouth opens in repulsiveness. Me and Sarah stare at each other in disbelief.

Before either one of us can make any sort of response, I hear a knock on the door. I look over to see three police officers, in full gear, waiting patiently outside.

I quickly walk to the door, opening it fully. "Is something wrong, officers?" I ask.

"Uh, yes. We're looking for a Robert Mason. Is he in the building?"

Sarah stands up from her chair, pointing to his door. "Yes, he's in his office."

I step aside to allow them through. They walk briskly to Robert's door, and knock hard.

"Robert Mason, this is NYPD. Come out of your office with your hands raised!"

I hear a loud crash inside of the office. The police officer who seems to be in charge of this operation takes a few steps back, raises his foot, and then kicks the door in.

All three officers run inside. I hear scuffling and another loud crash before the officer in charge, who's badge reads Lenny, walks out of the office with Robert in front of him. His hands are cuffed behind his back and he has a look of complete anger on his face.

"Robert Mason," Lenny says, "You are under arrest for money laundering and fraud."

Robert adorns a disbelieving and outraged expression. "Who told you this? Whoever is making these accusations is extremely misinformed!"

He looks towards Sarah and I in terror. "Annabeth, Sarah, tell these people that their making some kind of mistake!"

Sarah just smiles and pretends to be preoccupied with papers on her desk. I, on the other hand decide to say something.

"I don't know, Robert. How much money will you pay us to do that?"

He starts to scream in protest, trying and failing to break free from the strong grip Lenny has on him. The two other officers take Robert from him. He continues to shout as they drag him into the police car parked outside the firm.

They situate themselves in the car and then drive Robert off to the precinct.

Lenny approaches Sarah and I, and says, "Sorry to disrupt your day, ladies. We received an anonymous tip earlier this morning about the discretions that were happening inside this firm and decided to look into it. We found that Robert was indeed committing a few too many crimes, as you both probably guessed by now."

"Needless to say, he'll be locked up for quite some time."

I'm equal parts ashamed and amused that my reaction to this entire ordeal is a smile. I make sure only Sarah can see it. When she does see it, her face breaks out into a complete grin in return. Unlike me, she doesn't try to hide it.

"I'll need to get both of your statements for information involving this case. I'm sorry to have to ask you this but I'm going to need both of you to come down to the precinct to get both of your statements on record."

Sarah whispers in my ear, "Damn, this time it really was Robert's fault."

To say my day ended oddly would be an understatement. It took around two hours overtime to get both Sarah and my statements written down and understood by the police. We walked out of that precinct hoping to never be welcomed back.

Sarah and I depart ways on good terms, with the promise that we'll get drinks together in the near future. At least I can say I made a good friend throughout this whole mess.

I walk home from the precinct with a million thoughts circling through my mind. One of the most prominent being, what do I do now?

This was my big shot. My supposed 'life-changing' opportunity and this is what it amounts to.

I walk into my apartment building with a hollow pit in my stomach that I realize is complete and utter disappointment. I'm not exactly sure what my next step is and me being Annabeth Chase, that doesn't really sit well.

I open the door to see Thalia, Percy, and Luke sitting on the couch watching the news on TV. Takeout boxes are scattered on the coffee table.

Percy being here makes my spirits lift slightly. And the smile he sends me when his eyes meet mine make my spirits raise even higher.

I say a general hello to everyone and then motion for Percy to come into the kitchen. Once we're sitting across from each other on stools, I tell him about my weird day.

After I'm finished with my story, I expect him to be surprised. But on the contrary, he actually looks pleased with himself.

It's from his self-righteous expression that everything clicks into place. My eyes widen at the realization and I land a solid smack on Percy's arm.

"You did this!" I'm so surprised that for a few seconds all I can do is shut my eyes and rub my temples. "Percy, I can't believe you! I told you I didn't want you to intervene when it comes to my job."

He has the good grace to look somewhat guilty. "I know, and I'm sorry. I just knew he wasn't a good guy. I hired him a while back and he did a shitty job with everything. Hit on every girl in the office. I already knew he was bad news. I didn't like you working for him. And I knew he was into some sketchy shit. I've heard that from a bunch of different people. They just never had the nerve to call the police on him. So I did what no one else wanted to do." He shrugs his shoulders, like everything he's just said isn't that big of a deal. Like he didn't just send my career into a tailspin.

"That doesn't make it any better. I asked you to let me do this on my own. You had no business getting involved with it."

"If you're so upset about it, just think of me finally doing the right thing in calling the police on him. Not that I was a concerned boyfriend."

I don't know how to process this information or how to react. I decide against yelling and walk away from him into the living room. I engage Thalia and Luke in conversation and eat some of the leftover Chinese food, trying to forget about my long day.

Percy eventually takes a seat next to me. I forget momentarily that I'm supposed to be mad at him. He just smells really good and his chest seems too comfortable for my head to lay on. I let out a huff and give into temptation.

"I'm still made at you." I tell him, as I wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle deeper into his side.

I can feel his smile against my forehead as he kisses it. "I don't care if you're mad at me. As long as you're safe, I'll take all the Annabeth Chase anger that comes my way."

That excuse is cute in only a way Percy can make it. I kiss him on his cheek to show my understanding, because if Matt's whole cancer ordeal has taught me anything, it's to let things go and be in the moment. Love your loved ones and keep it at that.

And in a way, I'm sort of thankful for Percy's interference. Robert was getting unbearable to work for.

"Yay, they're back in the honeymoon phase!" Thalia's voice breaks through our bubble like usual. I laugh and throw an egg roll at her. I can't wait for the moment I walk in on her and Luke in a compromising position so that I can finally have some dirt on her.

We spend the rest of the night watching a movie. It's relaxing to just be for once. To have no worries and to live in the moment. I mean sure I may very well not have a job anymore but I'll worry about that tomorrow. Percy reassured me earlier that architectural companies would be scrambling to hire me with how good I was at my job. I took his compliment in good grace. I know he's extremely biased but I believe him. I trust him.

Tired from the emotional day, I practically plop into my bed later on after Percy has left. Sleep is just about to greet me when I hear my phone ring on the bedside table. I answer it with annoyance.

"Hello?" My voice is slightly groggy when I greet this mystery person, as I don't recognize the number.

I'm taken briefly back to a point in my life when getting a call at eleven o'clock at night from an unknown number would have had me scrambling for my clothes and purse, as it was probably about Matthew. Seeing as he's be out of the hospital and safely tucked away in his own bed right now, I decide that it's most definitely not about him. That simple fact has me smiling giddily into the darkness of my room.

"Hi, is this Annabeth Chase?"

"Yes, this is her. May I ask who's speaking?"

"My name is Chris Baron. I'm Robert Mason's stepfather. It's extremely unprofessional to call this late at night, and I am so sorry to be bothering you. But, as you very well know, it's been a day for the history books and I'm scrambling trying to figure it all out."

"Oh, yes I completely understand. If you'd like to talk about what I know and everything that went down, I'd be happy to call you tomorrow morning and fill you in."

"Well that's not exactly what I'm calling about. I'm actually looking over your spreadsheets and blueprints as we speak. They're all very good, Annabeth. I'm extremely impressed."

My cheeks blush. "Well, thank you very much, sir."

"The reason I'm calling is because I am officially in possession of the firm now that Robert is in prison and I'm looking for a new stand-in CEO. I'm very impressed with the work you've accomplished the past month at my son's company, well now ex-company. Is being the temporary stand-in something you'd be interested in?"

I have to physically remind myself to breathe because this is just too surreal to believe. "I…oh my gods, of course I'd be interested in that! I'd love the opportunity. Thank you so much for considering me. I don't even know what to say."

"Say that you'll be able to come into the office on Monday at your usual time so that I can show you the ropes of your new job."

I laugh out of excitement and gratefulness. "Yes, I will be there, no doubt about it!"

"That's great news to hear, Annabeth. You're taking a load off my shoulders right now, I can't thank you enough. And who knows, maybe if you do well with this stand-in position it could lead to more… permanent arrangements."

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Percy! Open the door!" I haven't stopped smiling the entire car ride over here and up all the floors in the elevator.

Percy finally opens the door in nothing but his cute boxer shorts. His hair is completely messed up and he looks like he's still half asleep. None of that matters to me as I tackle him in a hug.

That definitely wakes him up. I start to tell him about the conversation Chris and I just had. I'm speaking so quickly, I doubt he'll be able to make out what I'm saying but that doesn't stop me.

Percy watches me closely the entire time with a beautiful smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes that shows how proud he is of me. I can barely contain myself with glee and he very well knows it.

I lean forward and kiss him. I'm in too good of a mood. The kiss quickly turns demanding and hungry. It's not long before he's picking me up off my feet. I wrap my legs around his waist and let him carry me into his room. He lays me gently on my back and breaks away from the kiss to stare into my eyes.

Sea-green to gray, as it always should be.

I've never seen him look at me the way he does right then and there. It's not lust in his eyes, it's amazement, it's awe, it's…

"I love you." He whispers it, almost too quietly for me to hear if I hadn't been looking at his face and his perfect lips.

I don't hesitate, not for a second, when I respond, "I love you, too."

A/N: Wow so much happened in this chapter! I could have probably split it into two but whatever you guys deserved a treat for putting up with my shitty updating schedule.

I am so sad to see this story finish. I have tears in my eyes writing this. This story has been my distraction and savior from all the stress of my life the past however long ago I started this. So I appreciate FanFiction and how much it's helped me. I'm not sure yet if I'll write another story. If I do decide to write on this site again, it would probably be a one-shot but I'm not even sure if I'll have time to do that.

I can not thank all of my dedicated readers enough, for sticking with me and this crazy updating schedule. Thanks to you guys I have the confidence to start writing an official book. I promise if I make it big, I'll be sure to reference this story and all of you who gave me the self-assurance to take the steps to write my first novel. I love each and every one of you who reviewed/favorited/followed. I hope this story kept reality away for you guys long enough to realize that maybe not all of your problems are life-ending. If I could think of a better way to say thank you, that's how I would end my very last A/N. But, since thank you is all I can come up with, I'll just keep it to that. I wish you all the best in your lives, stay strong and make writing/reading your outlet. That's what I do, and it's worked pretty well so far. XO -Melissa.