Authors Note: So I meant to post this sooner, but school work needed to be done first…and I forgot. But I have to give a huge "thank you" to TrudiRose She is the sweetest and has helped beta read before. I am a horrible writer so she really is a great help!

I have a couple of ideas for a few new fan-fics! So stay tuned for that!

Chapter 5

Mabel went in to her brother's home and quickly put away everything. Then she went into her room and found a well designed box with parchment in it. "I guess Gaston hasn't been using this" she thought to herself.

She picked up a few papers as well as a pen and ink. She sat down at her vanity and began to write:

Dear Lily and Eliza,
I hope you two are doing wonderful. I'm sorry I had to leave so suddenly. I will be back in a few weeks to explain why I left. Till then be good to your aunt, and each other. See you both soon.
With love,

She sat there looking at the letter. She missed these girls. Just then Gaston and Lefou came through the door laughing about something. Mabel's eyes didn't leave the paper.

The men came in and saw her at the table, and stopped laughing.

"Mabel, are you alright?" Gaston said with concern. He always was the one to cheer her up when they were younger.

She didn't realize her eyes were filling up with tears till she looked up. She quickly wiped it away and smiled. "I'm fine." She said in a soft, sweet voice.

With that Gaston's smile returned. "Well, good," he said as he put his hands together "Mabel, I have to attend to at the tavern tonight. You don't mind being alone, do you?" He said walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Actually, about that..." Mabel started "I was thinking that maybe I should go with you, you know, to keep Josette company. And then you don't have to worry about me being alone." She smiled up at him.

"I...I don't know Mabel" Gaston started.

"Please?" Mabel said making her pouty face. She knew her brother would give in.

He stared at her for a moment. "Alright you can come." Mabel was so ecstatic that she hugged him and ran upstairs.

After she was out of sight Lefou went up to Gaston. "Gaston, Pierre is going to be there." Gaston's smile faded, and he turned to the little man.

"This could be a test for him, a way to see if he has changed since he last saw her." Gaston started "If he so much as looks at her funny, he will regret it." Gaston stated clutching his fits. He then stood up and walked to the end of the stairs and called "Mabel, we're leaving."

"Coming" she said rushing down the stairs. "Ready." She said with her smile and followed her brother out the door.

It took them the usual five minute walk to the tavern, and to Gaston's surprise everyone was already there.

Gaston walked in and the men gave a cheer, but they all stopped when they saw Mabel.

It had been a while since everyone had seen her, and her brother's group of buddies didn't recognize her.

She was looking for Josette and found her behind the bar. The girls squealed and embraced like they hadn't seen each other all day.

The men...just watched Mabel, although Gaston was too busy getting cozy in his chair to really notice, he overheard what they were saying

"Who is she?"

"Where do I find a girl like her?"

"The things I would d-"

This last guy was cut short by Gaston clearing his throat. All men turned around very slowly. Josette and Mabel decided to listen in.

"Boys," Gaston started in a very protective tone "the lady I walked in with is my sister. Any of you so much as think about her I will beat you worst than I beat Pierre." The men all stared at him. Pierre just looked down and didn't want to think about it. The lack of response frustrated Gaston "Got it?"

With that the men all sat down at a table nodding their heads. But one couldn't help poking fun "Ey Pierre, you gonna try to get at Mabel again?" This man said tone that was far from polite. All the men laughed.

Pierre felt the need to defend his honor. "Well you just won't let that go will you?" Then his voice got softer and the men leaned in. "But I'm the only man in this town to have done anything with her." With that the men whistled and cat called.

"Alright, enough!" Gaston shouted.

After a long beat of silence, one man asked a question. "Where has she been?"

Gaston rolled his eyes. And was about to answer when a Mabel answered for herself.

"Paris," she started coming from the bar bringing her brother his beer. "I was studying violin, piano and ballet."

"Why did you leave?" Another asked.

"Well my mother passed and we also ran out of money for school, so I decided to come home." She turned to her brother and smiled.

This caused him to relax because now he could keep an eye on her and protect her, and keep his promise to his father.

Josette came from the bar and put her arms around her friend. "You should play for us Mabel, if that's all right with you Gaston?" Josette asked politely.

All the men cheered in excitement.

Pierre made his way to her side and whispered in her ear. "I would love to hear you play." The lovers exchanged a glance and with that she headed to the piano.

She played a drinking song that she learned at the Caberet. And the men joined in, well all except Pierre, Raoul (Josette's husband), Lefou and Gaston. They just sat back and let the inebriated men sing.

After the song was done an unfamiliar man came into the bar.

"Excuse me, but I am looking for the owner of this establishment." The man stated with an almost serious face.

"That would be me." Raoul said as he went up to the man. They exchanged a few words, and as soon as the man, came he left. Leaving a long rolled up paper in Raoul's hand.

One man asked: "What is it?"

Raoul read it and said "It's an invite to a ball from the Prince and Princess. It's a Masquerade and...everyone in the village is invited!"

With that the men toasted and drank some more. And Gaston whispered something into Lefou's ear and both gave a grin that seemed full of sinister ideas.

Hours had passed and the men decided it was time to head home.

Mabel and Josette descended down stairs when they heard most of the men leaving. Raoul smiled when he saw their child in Josette's arms. He came and kissed her. Mabel smiled and walked a few steps to give them some privacy.

When they parted Gaston called over Raoul, Pierre and Lefou, who just so happened to be the only men left, to discuss something he didn't want the drunken heard to hear.

When the men parted Gaston stopped Pierre to talk to him alone. "Pierre, I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. But if I, or someone else, sees you touch her in a way that is unfriend like, I will not stop. Agreed?"

Pierre looked at him and was hesitant but finally said "Agreed." With his hands behind his back hiding the note he had left for Mabel.

Mabel saw them talking and walked over.

Pierre looked at Mabel then to Gaston and back at Mabel again. "Goodnight Mabel." He said extending his arm out to shake her hand. Mabel took his hand and once their hands parted, she quickly hid the note.

After Mabel said good-bye to Josette, they headed back home. All she could think about was how hard it will be to convince Gaston to let her marry Pierre.