Chapter 50: Get to know your Goddess

Thank you all for wanting the story to get all the way to chapter 50! This chapter is going to cover a lot of new characters so it might get kind of confusing. But they will be awesome additions to the story. And no they are not ninja. There won't be any new ninja until at least the second story when I cover the next season. So there won't be any new ninja! Or will there? (Dramatic stare) music: dun, dun, dun! No, I'm just pulling your leg! Or am I! Music: dun, dun, dun! Well, for certain there are no new golden weapons. Four for each gender is enough. But what would you say about, something even more powerful!? Dun, dun, dun!

(Mag's POV)

Morning time, I hate it! I felt like lying back down in bed and just rubbing my stomach. I'm certain the kids would rather sleep as well. But unfortunately I have to get up and face the world. Crap! I sighed and sat up in bed. I saw I was last to get up. The room was empty except for me. I sat up and looked out the window. The sun filled the room with golden rays of light. Today was going to be nice. I looked over to the pictures on the desk. It reminded me of all the things we have done on warm sunny days like this one. And for some reason, I wondered what the serpentine will do on a sunny day like this.

(NO POV- Ouroboros)

Magenta smiled at Acidicus. He had been starring at her for nearly ten minutes straight. The venomari general turned away and blushed at his protector. "Are you alright Acidicus? Your face is turning red?" Magenta asked him. His face only got redder from her noticing. "Oh- oh ha! I'm fine Magenta! Just a little- cooped up is all! Ha!" he rubbed the back of his head with his claw. Why was he laughing so much? And why did he stutter? "If you need some fresh air, perhaps you could give me a tour of the city. Get outside and take a walk possibly?" Magenta suggested. "T-that sounds lovely Magenta!" he responded. The innocent girl smiled and flapped her wings back as she stood from her seat. Acidicus finally stopped blushing as he led her out of his chamber and into a hall. She walked next to him as he slithered through the hall. All the while pointing out where they eat, train, fight, store weapons, and sleep. Finally he led her outside to the Slither Pit arena and the sun was shining and the air smelt better than usual. "It is such a nice day," Magenta said while smiling. "It most certainly is," Acidicus said "normally it is very humid or the air smells rancid." 'But everything became prettier when you came here,' the last part was all in the general's mind. He wished he could say that, but it was improper to say such a thing to his guardian. But he did admit to himself that Magenta was very kind, and caring, and sweet, and beautiful, and how her wings made her look as if she were a real angel on earth… stop it! He needs to focus! No matter how beautiful, sweet, lovely, graceful, angelic, warm, kind, smart, loving, delicate… "Oh! Is that the statue of the Great Devourer!?" Magenta's excited voice snapped him out of his fluffy love trans. "Yes, it was put in the slither pit because," "it was believed he would watch over the battles and the winner would gain his favor and prosper with their next battle." Acidicus turned to look at Magenta who blushed after realizing she finished his sentence. "I… know a lot about tradition," she simply said and rubbed the back of her neck while smiling. Acidicus smiled and let out a short laugh that got the demi-goddess's attention. "I know everything about the old ways as well," he said while smiling. Magenta started to laugh as well and they ended up both just laughing together in the arena. "Thank you very much Acidicus," the venomari general stopped and looked at Magenta "I enjoyed this tour. You are very good company." He started to blush and saw Magenta lean in. He froze in place. Was she going to kiss him? Really? That's both great and very very very bad! He held his breathe when he felt something on his cheek. Magenta's face pulled away. She kissed his cheek. She kissed his cheek! "I suppose I should go wash up now before dinner. Lady Destructia says she is going to have a special meal to welcome us. Goodbye General Acidicus." And with her goodbye out of the way, Magenta flapped her wings and walked away. When she was out of sight, Acidicus fist pumped the air and mentally screamed 'Yeeeeeeessssssssss!'

Skales watched Scarlet while she brushed her gray hair out. "You do not have to wait for me if you do not want to General Skales," Scarlet told him "I have been told that I take a while to get ready." "It is no trouble Scarlet," Skales said "after all, if you are to watch me 24/7 we should enjoy each other's company." Scarlet giggled and returned to brushing her hair. When she was done she placed the brush down and turned to face Skales. "Where should I… wash up?" she asked. Skales blushed after realizing she meant she needed to… clean herself. "I have my own private washroom you can use," he said while rubbing the back of his head. "Thank you." He showed her his private washroom with a large stone carved bath for her to use. "I will wait outside if you wish," Skales said. "I don't want to be trouble sir," Scarlet told him. "It is no trouble at all," he said. She smiled and closed the stone door by sliding the rock into place. Skales waited outside the door when he heard a splash and a yelp all of the sudden from the washroom. "Scarlet!" he yelled and knocked on the door "Scarlet!" "Skales!?" he sighed after hearing her voice. "What happened?" he yelled. "I slipped and I think I hurt my ankle! I can't get out of the bath!" "Alright I'm coming in!" "NO!" "Why?!" "I'm… not decent! I don't want you to see me… unclothed!" Skales's face flushed red. How was he going to help her if he can't go in without seeing her… exposed? "Alright, I won't look! But I'm coming in!" Skales slid the door open with his eyes closed. He slowly moved along the wall and held onto different items to find his way to the bath. "I'm not looking." "Skales, your almost there." He heard her voice, guiding him to the bath. "Alright, give me your hand," he blindly held out his arm for her to grab. He felt a wet grip on his hand and knew she had his hand. "Alright… I'll just… help you out." He reached and felt nothing but air with his free hand. Then something smooth and wet touched his hand. "Uh, Skales… that's my… um," he realized he did not have her hand. This was to round and high up to be a hand. He yelped and pulled his hand back. The room was quite while they found each other's hands and Skales pulled Scarlet out of the bath and grabbed a towel. All the while was difficult since Skales still had his eyes closed. "Alright, I have the towel on," Scarlet said. Skales peeked out of his right eye and saw Scarlet lying on the floor with her right leg extended and she was indeed covered by a towel. Her right leg must be the one with the hurt ankle. Now certain she was decent enough to look, Skales looked with both eyes and helped Scarlet to her feet. She laid one arm around his neck while he helped her walk/ hop to his room where she lied down on his bed. "Thank you Skales. I know that that must not have been an easy thing for you to do," Scarlet thanked him. Skales turned slightly pink in his blue face, "It is alright Scarlet. I'm just happy you are ok." Scarlet smiled and Skales really noticed how sweet and kind her smile was. As if she saw the good in every creature she looked at. She swung her hand out and signed for him to lean in. He did so with a blush spread across his face. When his face was an inch from her face he felt a warm peck on his cheek. She kissed his cheek. "Thank you General Skales," she said. "Y-you are v-very welcome, Scarlet." She giggled very softly at his stutter and waved goodbye while he left to get ice and let her get dressed, hopefully.