Disclaimer: I don't own Emily Owens, I am sad to say.

Author's Note: Sorry this update took so long. I got so caught up in where the season was going that this story got left behind.

"Thanks for coming," Emily closed to door behind the last guest and collapsed against it exhausted. She smiled at the small group left. Will and Cassandra were collapsed on the couch and Tyra in the armchair. Micah, the only one other than her still relatively sober, was picking up empty bottles and glasses.

"Well that was a success," Will cheered.

Emily shushed him quickly, "a little quieter Will. I've got neighbours."

He jumped up and grabbed her, "come on, it's a party." He spun her around the living room, but tripped over the leg of the table. He let go of Emily as he fell, sending her in the opposite direction.

Too shocked to save herself, Emily closed her eyes and braced for the hard hit to the ground. Instead, of the ground though, all she felt was the warm embrace of someone's arms around her. Opening her eyes and looking up, she saw Micah.

"Are you alright?" he asked concerned as he helped her right her feet, keeping a hold of her.

"I'm okay." Emily turned to look at him. "Thank you for saving me." He smiled and brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes. She froze but didn't break eye contact or move away, until she heard a crash behind her.

Will, in all his drunken gracefulness, had knocked her bookshelf over. Thankfully it only held books, but it was still quite a mess. Now on his feet, he looked a little embarrassed, "sorry Emily."

She just shook her head as Tyra was falling off the chair from laughing. "I better call you guys a cab."

"One for me too Em," Tyra managed to get out.

"Are you sure you don't just want to stay here?" Emily asked dialing the phone. Micah was chanting in his head no no no, hoping for a chance to speak with Emily after the others had left.

"No I need some stuff from home before work tomorrow. Thanks though." Inside Micah was doing a little happy dance.

"Please text me when you get home so I know you're alive." Emily helped Tyra out to the cab. Will and Cassandra had left about five minutes earlier and Micah was now trying to organize the book mess.

"I will Mom. Have fun with Dr. Barnes," she grinned suggestively.

Emily glared at her, "he's my superior Tyra. Nothing can happen."

"There is no rule about a resident dating their intern." Emily looked at her surprised. "What….I know things. Come on, you can't say you've never thought about it. Micah is hot and a much nicer guy than Will."

Emily jumped to the defense of her friend, though she was distracted by everything else Tyra had said, "Will is a good guy."

"Maybe," Tyra shrugged, "but I don't think that he is the guy for you. Micah, on the other hand, is totally into you and a really good guy." Emily was ready to contradict her, "hey I may be drunk, but I saw that little staring contest after he caught you. If Will hadn't knocked the shelf, I have no doubt that Micah would have kissed you."

"He is dating Kelly," Emily countered weakly.

"Sure," Tyra patted her hand like she was a pathetic dog, "you keep thinking that. Anyways I have to go."

"Night," she whispered distractedly, heading back to her apartment, thinking about what Tyra had said. There was a moment, I know I felt it, but did he. Maybe his mom wasn't so off base. Do I want to put myself out there with my boss though? The hospital really is a rumour mill and people might think that I am only with him to advance my career. Or people will think that I am getting special treatment for being with him. Opening her door, she saw Micah picking up the books off the floor. He smiled at her and continued. It might be worth it though, no matter what people say. It doesn't matter though. He hasn't said anything, so who know how he really feels.

"You don't have to do that Micah. You already cleaned up everything else." Emily knelt beside putting the books back in their original order.

He shrugged and passed her a stack, "I don't mind. I wanted to talk to you anyways."


"What my mom said this afternoon." Emily blushed, but let him continue. "I am sorry if she embarrassed you."

Emily laughed awkwardly, "well she was high, do I didn't take you too seriously."

Micah rubbed the back of his neck, nervously, "ya, she was pretty stoned. It's really something that a son doesn't want to see."

Emily giggled, "I imagine it was a weird twist."

Micah acted affronted, "Dr. Owens, are you implying that I have ever been under the influence of weed. How can you think such a thing?" Emily burst out laughing, shoving his arm lightly. "No seriously though, I never did drugs. I think my mom would have killed me."

"She told me."

Pulling her into an impulsive hug, he murmured, "thank you for everything you have done for her." Emily hugged him back, enjoying the feel of his arms again.

"It has been my pleasure."

He leaned back and rubbed his neck again. He must do that when he is nervous, Emily thought. "She wasn't completely wrong though."

"About what?" She could see him swallow nervously, but she had no idea what he was referring to.

"About….um," Micah threw caution to the wind and leaned in to kiss her. Micah could feel her shock, but after a few seconds she responded, pulling him closer. He grinned against her lips and tried to pour all of his feelings into their kiss. Separating, he smiled at the dazed look on her face, her eyes still closed. "About how I feel about you," he whispered.