Author's Notes: Thank you to everyone for keeping up with the story and sending in reviews! I hope that you will like the last chapter of the story!

Chapter 37: Sailing Ahead: Let's Be Happy:

Six months later…

Outside of the Academy, Serah was waiting along with Snow for a ship to arrive. Once she heard news from Lightning that she would arrive back that day, she couldn't help but smile and get anxious for her return. In the distance, they could see some soldiers getting off of the ship and walking passed by them, but there was no sign of either Lightning or Hope. Serah's eyes lowered toward the ground, a little disappointed. What if Lightning got held up for some reason?

Suddenly she felt a hand pressed against her shoulder. She lifted her eyes to Snow who was smiling at her for comfort. "Don't worry! I'm sure they're back already. You just talked to her yesterday."

Serah nodded. "I know. Things have just been quiet you know." When she looked over, coming toward them was Lightning beside Hope carrying some of their bags and speaking with him. They didn't seem to notice Serah and Snow waiting for them. "Lightning! Hope! Over here!"

Lightning and Hope looked over surprised. Lightning didn't expect Serah to be waiting outside for her. Serah jogged over and embraced her older sister. "You're back! Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Lightning replied.

Serah's eyes traveled between Lightning and Hope. "I'm glad that you both made it back safely."

Snow stepped over toward them. "What took you guys so long to get back? You told us a few months."

Hope smiled. "Well building takes a lot more time and there are a lot of people that came from Cocoon." He glanced over at Lightning who noticed. "Light and I just wanted to make sure that it was going in the right direction."

"So how is it going?" Serah asked curiously.

"It's going okay. We were thinking about going back another part of the year to see if things are still going okay." Lightning nodded, still agreeing to Hope's idea. The four of them started heading back toward the Academy building.

Serah looked over toward Lightning and Hope. "Hey! You guys aren't too tired to join us tonight are you?"

Lightning became curious. "What's going on tonight?"

Hope smiled at her. "Remember I told you. There's going to be fireworks tonight kind of like what they did in Bodhum. It's supposed to be a way to help people cheer up with everything that has happened."

Lightning's eyes drifted toward the side. She wasn't really in the mood for going out. "I think I'll just stay in tonight."

After hearing that, Hope grabbed her hand and held it up toward his chest. He let out a moan of disappointment. "But you told me that you would. Just come out with me for a little while. Please?"

Lightning could see how much he wanted her to go. She sighed as he let go of her hand. "I'm not staying out all night."

Later that night, people around Academia were watching as fireworks were going up into the sky. In front of one of the cafes that were on the street, the whole group was gathered together. At one table, it was shared by Fang, Vanille, Sazh, and Dajh. Another was shared by Serah and Snow, another by Noel and Yeul, and the other was shared by Hope's parents. Around the corner, Lightning came to join them dressed out of her military uniform and into something casual. Serah lifted her eyes and noticed her looking around for them. "Hey Lightning!"

Lightning overhear the call and looked over to see Serah waving toward her. Everyone else noticed her walk over and smiled. Lightning stopped in beside Serah. Snow looked up at her and smiled. "Glad you could make it sis."

Fang turned around in her chair with a smirk. "Yeah. Long time no see princess."

Lightning frowned being called that name as she crossed her arms. "Nice to see you too."

Fang began poking at her stomach. "Getting a little pudgy there aren't you?"

Vanille placed her head on her hand as she grinned. "I think that there's a little bit of a glow there. Don't you think Fang?"

"Yeah. She's brighter than some of the fireworks in the sky," Fang agreed.

Lightning rolled her eyes and looked toward them again. "What are you getting at?" Though she asked the question, she already knew the answer.

Fang arched her eyebrow as she gave a sly smirk. "Anything you want to tell us?"


Fang shrugged as she closed her eyes. It seemed their plan for trying to hear any exciting news failed. "Well I tried. I guess there really is nothing going on around here."

Nervously Vanille smiled. "We were kidding Lightning. We didn't mean any of that."

Lightning didn't find it amusing. She sighed as she closed her eyes. "Pull up a chair," Serah told her. Lightning found one and saw between Serah and Snow. Serah became curious. "Where's Hope? I thought that he was coming with you."

Lightning placed her head on her hand. "He told me that there was something that he needed to do before he came."

As the night went on, everyone spent the night talking and watching the fireworks. After a while, Lightning stood up from where she was sitting and stepped away from the others to the edge of the balcony. A part of her wondered what was taking Hope so long to show up. After all, he was the one who wanted her to come when she wanted to spend some time alone and to rest. Quietly she stared up at the fireworks as she thought about what happened with Cocoon, it falling, and what happened the past six months. She wondered if things would truly work out for the better.

Some distance behind her, Hope ran up changed out of his Academy uniform. Once he saw Lightning, a smile formed on his lips. The moment was perfect since she was alone. He sneaked up behind her and then wrapped his hands around her shoulders. "Sorry that I'm late."

Lightning looked back behind her, surprised at first that she didn't notice him. "About time."

Nearby, the others saw him and greeted him. Hope did the same before he let go of Lightning and leaned on the rail beside her. Lightning looked over beside her. "What took you so long?"

"Just some business that needed to be taken care of." Behind his words, he couldn't help but smile with what was on his mind.

Lightning turned her attention back to the sky. Things grew quiet between the two of them. Hope watched her, waiting to say what was on his mind. He just needed the right moment. "Hope?"

Hope snapped out of his thoughts before he looked curious. He thought that she was going to call him on his long stare at her. "Yes?"

Lightning turned to him. She looked a little concerned. "You think that…?" Her eyes drifted down, thinking it was silly to say what was on her mind. She turned her head away and looked back toward the sky.

Hope wasn't ready to let it go yet. "Do I think what Light?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing."

Hope sighed. "Don't do that to me." He held her hand to his chest as he smiled. "If there's something on your mind, then tell me. I want to know."

Lightning stared into his eyes, wondering if she should. Without telling him, somehow he knew what she had been going through the past six months. She felt better about it thanks to him, but there were still times she wondered. "It's just…I wonder if Cocoon falling was the best way for things to end."

Hope closed eyes as he smiled gently. He placed his hand on her shoulder. When Lightning looked over, she saw that Hope was gazing up at the sky. "I look at it like this. No longer are Cocoon and Pulse separated. We're now just one world and maybe it is better this way. We wouldn't have to worry about two places being at war and you and I wouldn't have to keep traveling around or living separately for a while. We can make this world better than the last. I can see a better future. Can't you?"

Lightning's eyes lowered still somewhat unsure. "I guess so."

Hope stared at her. "Light there's no one to blame for what happened. We all took part and we all did what needed to be done. No one's upset with how things turned out. If anything, we saved everything. There's no use looking back on the past. Look forward to the future."

A few seconds after listening, Lightning closed her eyes as her lips curved into a smile. She nudged Hope with her elbow. His words did make her feel better. "Fine. You're right. Pulse will be anew and we won't have to worry so much anymore about wars or something trying to take over."

Hope nodded. Afterwards he stepped out of her sight. Lightning stared up at the sky for a few more seconds before she wondered where Hope went. "Hope? What-?" When she turned around, she reacted with surprise. In front of her, Hope was kneeling down on one knee as he was smiling. In his hands, he held a box. The surprised expression she had was swiped away and replaced with that of an unimpressed emotion. She crossed her arms. "What are you doing?"

The others noticed what was going on and stared over with interest. Nervously, Hope rubbed the back of his head as he smiled. "Okay. Just an idea. The last time that this happened, it was really rushed because we thought we could change the fate of Cocoon and Pulse and it was a part of a contract, but now none of that matter."

Lightning arched her eyebrow. "Isn't getting married once enough? We sure act like it."

Hope smiled, hoping that she wouldn't write off his idea. "But it wasn't made official on Pulse or Cocoon."

"You mean legally?"

Hope nodded. "Exactly. So I thought if we have to go through that then why not have a nice ceremony at the same time?"

Lightning leaned back against the rail, considering it. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed that their friends were waiting for her to answer as well. They were smiling or looking anxious, but all their looks said the same. She closed her eyes as she sighed. "Fine…"

"That's not a yes. You have to say it right," Hope quoted her from years ago from when they were children.

Lightning held out her hand. "Yes then."

Hope stood up as he smiled. He took off the band she had on her finger and replaced that with one of an engagement ring. He pulled a golden chain out of his pocket and placed the band on there. Afterwards he placed the necklace around her neck. Lightning looked at the new ring she just got. "It's actually not bad."

Hope was glad that she liked it. "Thanks." As he leaned in toward her, she realized what he was doing and let his lips meet with hers. Afterwards she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. Her eyes met with his. "Just know that next time you ask, I'm saying no."

Hope smiled at her. How could she say no after this? "But I've never asked before this."

The others took time to congratulate them before they returned back to the firework show. Lightning and Hope leaned on the rail of the balcony as they watched it together alone. Her head leaned against his shoulder. "You do know that we were married before this when we were kids right."

"Oh! So you do still count that?" It seemed that finally after years of wondering, his question had finally been answered without him having to ask.

"I guess."

Hope's eyes lowered a little. "I was just thinking back to then. That was another reason I wanted to do this. You said you wanted a day to be happy even if it was just us together and I still want to give you that. The last wedding was something I don't think either one of us wants to remember."

Lightning closed her eyes. She didn't want to think back to what happened and knew neither did he. "At least it's not in front of the whole world again or people trying to kill us."

Hope's lips curved into a gentle smile. "No. It'll just be you, our families, and the rest of our friends."

A year later…

As a kiss was shared between the now married couple, so came the closing of their ceremony. The crowd stood nearby them, watching in Bodhum where the ceremony took place. They smiled and clapped as the two were still stuck in an embrace.

Ignoring the world around them, Lightning fingers slipped into the strands of Hope's silver hair as his hand that was wrapped around her waist pulled her in closer toward his body. The passionate kiss shared by the couple long after the cheers were over was starting to make the group of friends wonder when it would be over.

"Go get a room!" a familiar voice shouted.

Lightning parted from Hope still keeping her arms wrapped around her neck. She frowned over at Fang with a dull stare. "Seriously?"

Sazh smiled as he was holding Dajh. "Hey! Some of us brought kids here."

Hope smiled. "Fine."

Hope and Lightning stepped off of the wooden pier onto white cover that was over the sand to where the others were. Lightning stood in front of Serah and Snow as Hope talked with the others. Serah smiled as she hugged Lightning tightly for a few seconds. "Looks like things are finally working out. Hopefully things won't get too busy for you."

"Who knows? At least everything on Pulse is starting to come together," Snow pointed out.

"That's good." Lightning was unsure about the things the future would hold. The power that Hope carried was now split between the both of them. He still held his title of Director of the Academy commanding the scientists while she became General of the now combined army of the Guardian Corp and PSICOM. They both worked closely together.

Nervously Snow rubbed the back of his head as he had the same thought on his mind as Serah. He glanced over at Serah before he looked at Lightning. "So? Serah and I were wondering about something."

Lightning became curious. "What?"

The two smiled nervously. "We were wondering if you were okay with me marrying Serah."

Serah held her hands together in front of her. "We really want your blessing."

Lightning's eyes traveled between both of them. "Well…You won't stop calling me "sis" so…" Lightning placed her hand on her side. "I guess you can still keep calling me that."

Snow and Serah looked surprised as they smiled. "Really?"

Lightning shrugged as she gave a smile. "Sure." Soon after, Snow and Serah stepped over to her and embraced her. Lightning was caught by surprise, but somewhat relaxed against them. "Just remember if you do anything to hurt Serah I will come after you."

Serah and Snow stepped away from her where there were smiles still clear on them. "Don't worry. I won't," Snow assured her.

A few seconds later, Lightning looked over to notice Hope smiling at her. She returned the smile and headed over toward him. He was standing alone with his parents. His mother smiled at Lightning. "I'm happy for the two of you. I just wished that your parents could be here to see this day."

Lightning nodded. "I know."

"But you're still a part of our family. You always have been." Both of his parents embraced her before she and Hope left to greet the others.

After some time, Lightning stepped away for herself back onto the dock near the ocean. A few minutes later, Hope noticed that she was standing alone and walked over to her. "Everything okay?"

Lightning looked over to see his curious stare. She nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just stepped away for a minute."

"Okay." Hope turned, figuring that she might have wanted some time alone. He was about to walk away, but Lightning turned part way and spoke, "You don't have to go if you don't want to." Hope smiled and stood over beside her. She leaned over toward him as he placed his hand on her shoulder as he stood behind her. "Besides, it might look weird just standing here by myself." She pressed the back of her head against the side of his chest. The two stood in silence until they heard footsteps approach behind them.

Curiously, they looked back to see Yeul walking toward them. "I hope that I am not interrupting anything."

They turned completely toward her. "Not really," Lightning replied, wondering what she wanted.

"I wanted to thank you for what you two did. Now when I see the future, I can see that it is going to be a happy one. As for the two of you, I wanted to say that there may be tough times ahead of you, but no matter what, you should not give up on making sure to work things out between you. It is then I can see years of happiness with you two together."

Hope nodded along with Lightning and smiled. "Thank you."

Soon Yeul turned and walked off to where the others were at tables sitting. Lightning looked over toward Hope. "Think she's right?"

Hope smiled. "It couldn't hurt to listen to her, but other than that, I believe it."

A smile came to Lightning's face. At that moment, she was happy. Not just for today, but how everything worked out for the better. Feeling the warmth of his arm around her, she leaned her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. "Lightning? Was today... okay?"

"Yeah. It was a good day."Lightning kept her eyes closed as she kept her smile on, relaxing against him. "I was thinking..."

"Yeah?" he asked curiously.

"Maybe it would be all right if you sometimes… called me Claire again."

After hearing that, Hope let out a smile. He closed his eyes and relaxed with her as the two stood in the sunset on the dock. "All right... Claire," he whispered.

That's it for the story! Thank you to everyone for sending in all the reviews, and adding this to your favorites and alerts through out the story! I really appreciate all of it! It was a lot of drama and a long way to an happy ending, but I hope that it was okay. I'll explain more about the story if I decide to do an Author's Final Note on my blog. As always let me know what you think and again thanks for reading!

On a side note: I will be coming out with my new story "Paradox" next week so come by and check it out. I can't wait to post it! For a short summary of the story check out my profile page.