Aww Shpanks for clicking on this story :3 :3 That makes me happy. But yeah... I haven't written here in a while.

SO READ ON. I really hope you enjoy this ;)

I hate long lines at Starbucks. Just standing there, waiting to order while you can smell the different scents of the drinks. There were about 7 people in front of me. I wasn't truly surprised, it was winter, just a week or so before Christmas. And everyone seemed to be having the same exact idea as me...

I huffed. I wasn't normally this impatient. But I didn't feel like being late for my date that night. We were going to a really nice Greek restaurant. Not only was the food supposed to be good, but the architecture was fantastic. I'd be lying if i said I wasn't excited.

I ordered my drink. (a gingerbread latte) and took the seat near a window. I shook the drink up a bit, trying to mix in the flavor better. I turned around surveying the room, watching everyone else drink their coffee with their eyes glued to their laptops.

"That couldn't be.." I murmured out loud to myself. A wore a completely shocked expression on my face. I looked at him, taking in every detail. He still had the same longish dark hair and sea green eyes. (which were by no surprise glued to a screen like every other person in the store)

He looked up from his laptop and he caught me staring at him. Would he recognize me as well? Hopefully I didn't look that bad. I hadn't exactly planned on meeting anyone today. I was dressed in an old, puffy red coat and gray sweat pants. Not exactly my best look.

He mouthed my name. Yep. He definitely recognized me. Joy.

I nodded as if to say, 'Congratulations you guessed my identity correctly.' And a smile formed on his lips. I smiled back. Were we just going to stand there like dumbstruck idiots or actually go over and talk to each other. He made the first move and pulled a chair out and sat down across from me.

"Wow," He said grinning, "Long time no see." I fingered my latte and smiled back not exactly sure what to say except for agreeing with him, "Gosh, I know right? How have you been?" I asked as normal as I could. We had a sort of... rough breakup years ago. We were 17 I think. He'd been my first boyfriend. You don't really forget about him easily.

"I've been great actually. Not loving this weather though." He was gesturing to the freezing cold weather and the stupid rain we'd been getting. I know it sounds absolutely childish, But. Why. Couldn't. It. Just. Fricken. Snow. Already?

"Gotta love this Manhattan weather," I said sarcastically. Oh gods... We had become that awkward ex couple that talks about stupid things like weather... I felt like slapping my face.

He chuckled. I'm pretty sure he didn't actually find that funny. He was just making small talk, "And you? I'm hoping you've been good too? Did you ever accomplish that life long dream of becoming the world's greatest architect?" He took a long sip of his drink.

"Oh yeah, it's amazing. Doing what I love all day you know? I couldn't be more happier with my job right now." Lie. Lie. Lie. Yeah, no. I wasn't exactly an architect. But what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right? It's not like I was going to say that I was actually the janitor at an architect's office. sigh.

"Wow, Annabeth! That's great!" He really did sound thrilled. "I wish I could be doing something I loved." I didn't ask what he did considering his face turned firetruck red. Ok, maybe more cherry tomato red. A cheesy ringtone sounded. My phone started ringing. i searched frantically through my purse trying to find it. "Sorry." I said and continued searching. I finally found it, but it had gone to voicemail.

It had been a message from Josh. my heart fluttered a bit. I put the phone to my ear. He had been asking if I was still going to our date and I smiled. It felt good to know that there was someone out there that really cared about me.

Soz it was short :P I'm gonna be gone for a while so I wasn't going to have any time to write so I wanted to put it up.

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