Chapter 1
Here's the first chapter of my story. I have been thinking about writing my own fanfic for some time, but never felt like I could do a good enough job to entertain people, but I pushed my insecurities aside and started on The Beginning. Please leave a review to help me improve my story. Thank you!
So before I give the summary, I feel like I should explain my type of writing. I LOVE fluff stories, there is nothing better than a fairytale ending, but not everyone feels the same way. Some people want some drama. I'm going to mesh those together. There is going to be a lot of fluff but a little later there is going to be a character to come in to help Carlisle to remember his past. THIS IS A PURE BELLA AND CARLISLE STORY! I am not going to have him cheating on Bella, or breaking up with her for someone else. I honestly don't like stories about how some girl comes in after the characters are madly in love, and then making moves on the guy and having the guy cheat.
Summary: Edward, Esme, and Carlisle have just moved to Cotton Grove, Oregon. Edward and Esme are a couple. Edward changed Carlisle ten years ago, after a fire that almost killed Carlisle. Esme has the same story of how she was changed, abusive husband and she tried jumping off a cliff after her baby died. Bella is already a vampire and lives with Emmett and Rose, who are also vampires. Rose changed Bella (25 years ago), and Emmett (her mate, 26 years ago). Rose and Bella are both nurses at Cotton Grove Hospital, where Edward and Carlisle are soon to be working at. Bella is a girly girl in this story, not a prissy girly girl but a girl who likes to take good care of herself and look nice. Bella is also feisty, she can be quiet at times, and she still loves to read but when it counts she will stand up for herself and for other people. Emmett has the ability of being "fire proof" and therefore works as a fire fighter at Cotton Grove Fire Station. Alice and Jasper come in a little later as nomads. Alice was changed by Jasper 109 years ago. In this story, Jasper was not a part of the civil war, or Maria's newborn army. More of Jasper will be revealed when they come into the story. Jasper and Alice lived a "twilight love story." Alice and Jasper met when he was a vampire still, he courted her and won her heart, they got married and she was then changed on their honeymoon. (She found out he was a vampire while they first started dating).
Disclaimer: All of the twilight characters belong to Stephanie Myers. I just mess with their lives :)
Now on to the story!
Carlisle's POV:
Here we are in a new town, starting all over again: new schools, new people, and new jobs. I guess new scenery isn't too bad, but whenever the family moves there are new people that stare, and let's not forget about the new rumors and gossip that flows around the Cullen name. I'm pretty sure we have heard them all. I'm just thankful I'm not Edward, poor guy, always having to hear the thoughts of others, with no way of turning it off.
I don't even know where to begin with this new town. Edward and Esme are excited though, so I guess I should show them some excitement. Esme especially is excited, all she has been talking about is decorating the house and how we will finally be a real family. I am really great full of Edward and Esme, not only did Edward save my life but they took me in and took care of me.
I was changed ten years ago when my family house was burned down. I was so badly burned and my lungs were filled with so much smoke, that I'm amazed I even made it through the change. Edward was out on a hunt when he first smelt the smoke. He decided to see if he could help. I don't remember much of that night but apparently my father had barely gotten me out of the house when he collapsed and his body gave. Edward saw me and heard my heart sill beating and bit me then and there. Next thing I remember, I woke up with amazing sight, smell, and with the ability of moving extremely fast. I honestly was scared, but Edward and Esme took me under their wing and helped me. They taught me how to control my moving, how to hunt, and everything else.
The thing that they found amazing was the fact that I didn't have uncontrolled thirst. Although Edward was still extra careful with me being a newborn, he did let me go to college and here I am now with a degree in medicine and in a new town, starting my new job as a doctor.
The one thing that seems to be missing from my life right now, is a woman, a mate. All I want is someone to talk to; someone who would be there for me like Esme is there for Edward. I can't lie, I am a man some sex would be nice too. I just want a woman who is beautiful and smart. Edward says it can take years before I find her, but once I do, I'll know it. Hell, Edward was 153 in vampire years before he found Esme. It's only been 5 years since I was changed but its felt like forever. I think it may have to do with the fact that I sit here and watch Edward and Esme interact. They are always sharing those special glances, kisses and they are always cuddling in a chair reading a book.
I wonder how much longer till it's my time.
Bella's POV:
"I'm just lonely Rose, I sit here and watch you and Emmett and it makes me want more in life. I've been alone now for 25 years." I said while finishing the top coat on Rose's toe nails. The one thing that sucks about working as nurses is that you can't wear colored nail polish on your hands; you can't have fake nails, nothing. Rose and I are girly girls, we want some color!
"Trust me hun, it will happen, I promise. But hey if you get really lonely there is always Doctor Riley, who would kill to get into your pants." Rose looked up at me and waggled her eyebrows at.
"Good idea Rose! And while I get with Riley, you can get with the new doctors coming in tomorrow!" I said rolling my eyes at her.
"Okay, Okay bad idea. Want to come with me to drop off blood for Emmett? He texted me earlier and said he took some guys shift because he had a family emergency."
"Sure! I miss Emmett, next time he needs to think of a new job next time. I know he only works for 24 hours a time but it get too quiet around here!" I got up and started walking up stairs to change out of my PJ's.
"You're telling me! He always seems to be gone when I really want some." That's Rose, always thinking with her vagina.
I started laughing at her. Her and Emmett are always going at it. When Em gets off of shifts, the first 24 hour break he gets, they screw. I really am happy for her though. She really deserved Emmett. I really want a relationship like theirs. I want to laugh and talk with a mate, I want to cuddle and I want to screw like bunnies! I may be a virgin but I am by no means a prude. Having to live with Em and Rose has taught me a lot. Rose also got me into these romance books that are like reading porn.
When will it be my turn?
Please leave feedback! I'm new at this writing thing, and I want to get better at it and reviews would be awesome. I will be updating a lot too. Once I get started on something, I can't sit it down and come back to it, I usually work on it 24/7.