I had a bad night and for anyone who reads what I write, that means I will take it out on Piers. One of these days I'll get around to writing a fic where Piers doesn't get brutalized, but this is not that day. Happy Holidays all!

God, Chris knew how to dish out when he was pissed off. The man had a special talent for taking all his anger and balling it up into this compact swell of undeniable hurt that for whatever reason he enjoyed bestowing on Piers' body. 'Grit your teeth and take it soldier, he'll take care of you later.' He always did. If Chris was mad enough he'd make him wait, take out all his pent-up aggression on him and once he'd had his fill of testing the limits of his control, he'd give the sniper what he deserved. That was of course unless Piers was the source of his frustration. Those were the kinds of nights where sleep would never come and rest was farther from his mind than anything else in the world. Those were the kinds of nights where Chris would make his flesh burn with fire under his skin and touch alone sent pain lancing down his spine and quelled silently in the pit of his stomach. It felt so good to be alive. It felt so good that even through the stinging, agonizing pain, his body arched with every touch and inaudible whimpers would earn him bruising passion. Chris' anger would turn into rage, and he'd use it to torture his partner's sculpted body until he was begging for him to have the release Chris would never give him.

On night's like these it wouldn't matter how close his captain got him, one look from those chestnut colored eyes would silence him into submission, knowing he'd earned every inch of the pounding he received. Chris wouldn't give him release even if he begged him for it, or cried out in searing pain from the exhaustion of keeping silent as Chris took him again for the second time that night, demanding his partner's obedience. His throat was raw from the make shift leash the larger man had strapped together from thick fabric of the rigging that Piers used to hold his mags on his thighs, gnawing into the skin for almost an hour now while Chris stood silently outside his view blowing the smoke of his last cigarette into the room.

It was always like this with Chris. Piers wouldn't have it any other way. He was his captain's partner, the only one who knew his darkest thoughts. It's what drove Piers to him. The things Chris did to him made his skin jump and body burn but it brought the two of them closer, but until after the hate, the rage, and the memories were beaten back. They talked about their fears, their nightmares. This was just another part of what a man who'd seen everything needed. Those horrors had nothing on how Chris wanted to make the world feel, but Piers could take it, all of it. Of course tonight wasn't like that. Tonight, Chris was livid and wanted to strip away all Piers pretty boy attitude and calming demeanor and leave him sore and open to the world for the petulant little boy he was. He deserved to do that much after what Piers had said concerning his captain's botched mission with S.T.A.R.S..

"Do you know what its like?" Chris' voice was rasping deep in his lungs, dragging out of him with frustration that sent a tingle from the tip of Piers' spine to the base, the traces of cigarette smoke lingering there in his voice. "Being out there alone? Not knowing if the man who fought beside you is going to come back to life and tear your flesh off your bones? Sink it's teeth... into your perfect shoulder," Chris' hand was there on his bicep, trailing slowly, and teasingly up the rope of muscle that worked each time fingers clutched at the sheets beneath him like a lifeline. They danced along his bare skin waiting to dig into the bare muscle that flexed beneath him. "What its like, when their need to survive takes over and they finally break," a voice hitched at last, nailed perfectly trimmed digits gripping into taut skin and dragging along from shoulder to bicep, scrapping away flesh and leaving deep lines of red as Piers set his jaw against speaking, fighting back the wince of pain and yelp of shock from having the ever pressing urge to lash out against his attacker. "Perhaps I should leave you out there, begging and pleading for your life from brainless monsters that want to tear these puppy dog eyes from your skull!" SLAP! "Or these pouty lips from your face?"

Heat surged through his face, tingling fire as welts rose in the shape of a hand, Chris' nails biting harder into flesh, pain muffled by brutish lips catching his own and biting into them. Iron mingled in a bruising kiss that forced a moan to escape between the suckling he did to Piers' beads of blood, forcing a tongue to delve into his mouth to tasting the sweat and salt, hints of liquor that distracted from the twisting his hands were doing to the flesh under them, creating foul patterns in scathed blood down to his naval, dipping inside it with a calloused pad. "You'd ask for death before they could get that far. You'd ask me to kill you if you so you wouldn't have to feel the pain of their disgusting flesh tearing away your pretty little façade. You'd beg." Lips again, fighting the clash of teeth and scratch of taste buds against each other as Piers' arched his back off the cotton-covered mattress hoping to feel more than the murderous clutches drifting along the musculature of his abdomen. "You think it was all some game Nivans? Like I went out there because of some false threat? I lost men in those fights, in all of them, you want me to lose you too?"

He wanted to answer. He wanted to answer Chris so badly, but he knew the rules. Don't speak, don't fight back, don't beg, and most importantly don't touch. Chris liked things the way he liked them and in this mood there would be more ramifications to him than just a few scratches if he decided to break them. Do what the captain orders and in the end he'd give you want you needed. He'd been at this all night, his muscles sheen with sweat from resisting the urge to do anything more than lay there and take it. Chris wouldn't give him satisfaction this way. He'd fucked him twice and left him there at the edge knowing that if he touched himself or any other part of Chris this would be the least of his worries. An order was an order. He let him come down from the euphoric high of needing that release every time Chris found it, taking time between to smoke a cigarette or enjoy a glass of malt to sooth his throat from the all the drags on the poison he was smoking. He was back at him though, savoring in just taking everything he could from this soldier and giving him nothing in return.

"Maybe you were just a kid, or maybe you are just fucking stupid. I don't ever know which it is Nivans." There was full weight on his hips that made Piers' hazel eyes jump open, finding the muscled taut captain of the B.S.A.A. mounted just over his waist, weighing like a boulder on his diaphragm and forcing air from his lungs. "Is this what you want soldier? What, you do all this for, so you can lay here under me time and time again and take it like a good boy? This is what you want?" Biting anger and frustration, Chris flicked away the butt of his cigarette and reached the so far dismissive hand behind him, sliding it along Piers without caring or kindness before reaching between propped up legs and cramming his thick forefinger inside him, watching vehemently while lips pursed and the heavy heave of the body beneath him went still as his partner forced to stifle groans of pain. There was no time to brace for his middle finger that soon joined it, forcing the air from his lungs and hands gripping white knuckled to the sheets, the strength jarring his entire body. "You think this hurts? Boy I haven't shown you pain yet." Sure he'd already had him, but Chris was ruthless with his touches, his fingers were there to inflict agony, to make Piers leave behind his sanity and beg Chris for everything he wanted. There was pressure and rasping pain behind Piers' eyelids as he squeezed them shut, his muscles twitching as Chris stretched the ring of muscle in his body that he could completely unmake in just a few short seconds. He was stretching him, searching and pressing to find that spot that would make him fall apart, force him break the rules. Chris loved to make him break and Piers loved the challenge. How long could he go without needing to cry out? A rough pad delved deeper inside him, knuckles deep inside his partner's body until it finally found what he was seeking, an already teased and raw place inside him that caused his rigor set body to jump beneath dense weight on his chest. Over and over again until Piers' was biting into his own lip to force back moans that yearned to tumble from his lips, to beg Chris to take away those two thick fingers and replace them with his undeniably better cock, to let him cum when the heat in his stomach spread over him like a blanket.

"Go ahead boy. Beg me. Tell me how bad you want it." Piers lips parted only to have Chris wrench free of him, taking the advantage to lean forward on his knees, the mattress bowing beneath his weight to shove his half hard cock into pouty abused lips. Chris relished in the warm cavern of his mouth, pushing forward until it was almost impossible for the younger soldier to breath. That was the point, take Piers to the edge and then bring him back down time and time again. The vein on the underside of Chris' dick pulsed when Piers' tongue slid along the underside, sucking at his head as long as Chris would allow until he gripped the singular tuft of hair on that well-kept head and crammed everything into his throat, and passed, causing a choke of noise to escape just before no more air could sneak into constricted lungs. Facefucking Piers was a favorite. The color quickly rushed to his face as Chris threw back his head, holding him there against his stiffening cock as it pushed passed his gag reflex, hardening in his mouth. "Fuck." Chris' fingers raked at the base of Piers' neck, sliding so that rough thumbs pressed violently into the flesh of his partner's throat, rocking against him. He knew the affect it would have, the pain and concentration it took not to gag on him and fighting the urge that threatened to envelope him to like bile creep up in his throat passed the swelling flesh that choke him. Piers felt himself flag at the forced air from his lungs and stain of his shoulders against the springs digging into his bare back.

A body can only go so long without air, eyes fluttering shut as he fought against the overwhelming panic to throw Chris off him, or bite down. Chris was trying to suffocate him into submission. It was working as tears began to form in the corners of his eyes, leaking down the side of reddening cheeks, his body jerking from the lack of oxygen to his muscles. Hazel orbs locked on Chris' malicious mahogany one's judging how much further his captain would force him to take this before he'd let him breath again. It was in the way his lip twisted in a vicious smile, relishing in the heat that Piers' mouth supplied and rubbing his thumbs against the flesh of his neck, feeling the pressure on his own flesh within. He didn't need to say anything to know Chris wasn't going to move.

Piers winced feeling Chris' flesh throbbing in his mouth, relenting as his muscles in his arms tightened and gripped into firm hip muscles, wrenching Chris backward off him and grasping the clasp of the rigging at his throat and tearing it open. Choked breaths rasping into his lungs and filled them to capacity over and over. Rolling himself to a sitting position and grasping with his own calloused fingers at the bruised and tarnished sinew. Coughing he kept his eyes carefully trained on the other man who was now standing across the room with narrowed eyes like a jungle cat deciding if its prey would go down without a fight, watching his inferior scrapping for air and letting himself shake until the oxygen deprivation wore off. "Can't even follow orders can you boy?" Low guttural snarls escaped Chris' thinner lips, his barrel chest rising and falling with every breath he took. "Pathetic soldier."

Chris could manhandle B.O.W.s, so it came as no surprise he could do the same to Piers when he really wanted to. For as large as he was, Chris was fast, yanking Piers' up off the bed and throwing him up against foot board of the bed before the man could even react, shoving into him with his huge girth that tore beyond defenses and caused a stream of incoherent obscenities to come broken from Piers' lips. "Hurts doesn't it boy?" Damn right it did. It hurt in all the right ways, and Piers' knew Chris enjoyed leaning him over and taking whatever he wanted. Free from the rules and order, Piers hand wrapped around his own erection, finding Chris' bruising pace easily enough. He'd wanted this all night, but it was bittersweet when a grunt of disapproval greeted his ear, huskily biting in the meat of his shoulder as he pulled Piers hands away from his aching flesh and behind his back, clasping both wrists together. "You don't get pleasure for breaking regs soldier. We can do this all night until you fucking get the point."

Apologize you complete idiot. That's what was going through Piers mind, or had been until he started to lose all ability to think at all as Chris used his wrists and hip as leverage to thrust into that place inside him, making his eyes roll closed and moans burn deep in the pits of his chest and down into his stomach. He was so close from everything that night and Chris had already had what he wanted time and time again, but he knew he deserved it for letting himself fight back. Apologize for being a weak son of a bitch and beg him to let you come undone. Course digging fingers released his hips as Piers body arched, pressing his palm into his lower back, and stilling him there, breathing heavy hot breaths against the sweat on his back, the night air cooling his skin instantly. Lord, Chris had patience. Piers could never have stopped so close. He could feel Chris' cock throb inside him and shifted his body back, hoping for friction and the pulse of bliss that surged through him to just brush against that place inside him one more time. Chris wouldn't let him though, his position allowed him no such contentment and the solid thick palms holding him against the foot board kept him from jerking backward and pleasuring himself on Chris' solid shaft.

"Please Chris."

That was submission. To anyone else just the simple act of saying please wouldn't have meant anything more than to explain what they wanted, but it tightened the knot in Chris' stomach, a thrust achingly slow into Piers as he spoke. It was hearing his name trembled of those wanton lips that said how much this was killing the young sniper. When they were like this is was captain and subordinate, never Chris and Piers. That was too personal for what he needed to do to him. If he saw Piers for anything but a soldier he would have faltered, he couldn't do that until he was willing to give in. Willing to set aside his anger and actually hold the man under him like a person not just a manner of getting out personal motivation. It didn't matter though, Chris wanted to draw this out of him, languish in every moan and gasp he could pull from Piers until there was nothing left in him.

"I'm sorr... Chris... please," he was having trouble forming coherent thought with the way Chris was moving, running his hand from the base of his spine up between his shoulder blades and pressing him forward slowly to examine his body, the drag of their bodies together sending ripples of pleasure through his muscles. "I never-

"Never what? Meant to imply that what happened in Raccoon was somehow my fault? Tell me how that works soldier. Is it my fault the chain of command belonged to a man I trusted? That turned out to be a psychopath? Tell me Nivans, do you trust me?" His words were bitten off, caught in his chest while he sliced his nails into skin, getting flesh and sweat caught under his nails before burying himself with one thrust to the hilt in Piers' ass, grunting from the fire that surged to pool in his gut like a snake. "Having trouble even thinking aren't you. You can't even catch your breath like this, you'll say anything you can to get me to let you cum." Accented thrusts from tip to base shot through Piers, forcing back a shout of pain as his erection wept for it while Chris made certain that each thrust timed with his words, rolling his shoulders to tip his head back and relish in Piers' pain. "You moan like such a fucking whore you know that? Shut up and take it soldier."

Chris chuckled reaching his hand around straining muscled hips to fist Piers' cock, running his thumb over the slit to force a whimper from his subordinate to prove his point of Piers' inability to keep quiet, tracing the head of his cock carefully, the pleasure causing muscles to constrict around Chris' cock, gently rocking into him, almost kindly while Piers gasped, beads of sweat running over his temples and down his jaw. He was on the verge of letting him tumble over the edge, tightening his grip on Piers' member just before releasing him entirely and pulling out of him, dropping his partner to the ground like a rag doll as empty air teased his burning skin. He'd been held up with Chris as support and his knees skinned on the cheap carpet with the inability to brace the fall. Unrelenting hands gripped hold of the back of Piers' head, twisting him before shoving himself into his mouth again. It was all he needed, Chris was close and he wasn't going to give Piers what he had wanted. Chris growled deep in his throat as Piers' tongue drew up over his pulsating cock and sucked along the hot flesh, choking as Chris thrust into his mouth and held him there when he felt himself blinded by white behind his heavy lids. Spilling hot seed with a gravelly grunt of pleasure, Piers swallowed it down, muscles flexing and rippling, clutching the edge of the board for leverage, white knuckled. Shoving away, Chris let Piers catch himself on his palms, a string of cum running down his lip as he looked up begging eyes to his captain.

"Not yet boy. Not fucking yet..."