Eponine began climbing the barricade to see Marius. Tired from her long run, she began climbing slowly. She suddenly heard a shot fire. Not thinking anything of it, she walked. She heard another one. She began walking faster. Suddenly, she heard a man's voice screaming 'Hey boy!' Since she thought they meant her, considering how she was dressed in fact like a boy at that moment, she turned around thinking it was somebody from Les Amis ABC. Before she could even realize it wasn't, the man shot her in the chest, and she fell to the ground. She lay still for a few, slowly got up, and started walking to do what she came to do. She had finally found Monsieur Marius, way behind the barricade, leaning against a brick wall. She saw him, and with a shake to her voice, said 'Monsieur'
Marius jumped up in a panic, took a comfortingly look at Eponine, the looked concerned, then asked frighteningly, " 'Ponine, what's that?" Pointing to the blood that had seeped through her white blouse onto her brown long jacket.
"It's nothing Monsieur. Leave it alone." she said trying not to sound like she was in pain.
" 'Ponine, who shot you? Give me a gun! I'll shoot the bastard!" Marius angrily said.
"It was a man at the other barricade. Monsieur, please no." she said dropping to her knees. "Leave it alone"
Marius, concerned, gatherer Eponine in his arms. He took her hands in his. "Alright."
"Marius, I don't want to die. Not here, not like this, not now. I only wanted to help." Eponine said very shakily.
"My dear, you won't die. By Gods name you won't die. Not now. Not at this barricade." Marius looked at her while saying.
"Monseuir you can't get me to a doctor without risking your life. It's not worth it."
"Eponine, your life is worth much more than my own. I'd rather die knowing you'd be safe." Marius said trying not to cry.
"Just in case I do sleep tonight, I must tell you something." Eponine cried in pain.
"God Almighty Eponine, you won't die! You aren't going to die. I'll do everything in my power. Now, what do you need to tell me?"
Eponine, very weakly, looked up at Marius, shedding a tear, told him: "Monseuir, all this time, I do believe I was a little in love with you. But, it doesn't matter now. With you loving Cosette, and me dying. Oh Cosette. I was so awful to her as a child. She didn't deserve it. Oh goodness, I'm so sorry!"
Marius, now with tears down his face, looked at Eponine, and hiding the shakiness in his own voice, told her: "Eponine, how could I have not known? Oh how blind I've been. Oh God! Yes it does matter. Because you aren't going to die. This is what you're going to do. Listen well. You will have a short slumber to rid of the pain. Or at least help rid. I'll be holding you when you open your eyes. I'm not letting you go. Never. Rest your eyes my darling." and Eponine did.
Eponine, just lay there in Monseuir Marius's arms. He never let her go. He just held her and cried and prayed. Once Eponine opened her eyes, she not only saw Marius, but his other friends and fellow student revolutionaries; the handsome and witty Enjolras, and the very smart yet often drunk Grantiare. Eponine opened her mouth, but didn't say a word. However, with Enjolras and Grantire's help, Marius had a plan.
" 'Ponine, listen. Enjolras is going to carry you to the doctor just a few down the way." Marius started pointing at Enjolras. Rain had just fallen which made Eponine cry in pain. Marius continued "Right now, Grantiare is going to take some whiskey here and put it in your wound. It's going to sting for a few, but will ease the pain. Try not to scream. After Grantiare does, Enjolras is going to take you to the hospital and stay with you until we're done fighting. The moment I'm free, I'll come and visit you."
"Wait Monsieur! Wouldn't you want to see your Cosette? I mean, I'm of no importance." Eponine sighed.
"You're of more importance. 'Ponine, I love you. Grantiare now!" Marius said.
Eponine smiled, and as she was about to say something, she lost consciousness from the pain of the wound. Marius, crying, kissed her forehead, put Eponine in Enjolras's arms and grabbed his gun and followed Enjolras out of the barricade. Enjolras ran with the dying Eponine in his arms, out of sight.