For the second time

Sorry for any mistakes or if the plot is similar to yours at the start.
Also because I'm English I will spell words the English way so sorry for any confusion that may cause you.

I hope you like it x this is my first fic so please don't be too harsh with comments, but please review so I know how to improve x

Disclaimer: I do not own glee


Kurt still in love with his first love, his first everything: Wes. In Kurt's mind no-one would ever be the same as Wes. Wes was his one and only love. One day they were in love, the next he was gone, and Kurt was alone with on-one to turn to.
They were driven apart by Wes' homophobic father, who refused his son was gay. When be found out Wes and Kurt were more than friends he decided to stop them from being together.

Two years ago:

One day when Wes got home from school there was a moving van outside his house. He ran in to find out what was happening, but was soon stopped by his father.
"What's happening?" He asked straight away.
"We're moving to Westerville." His father stated.

The only thing Wes could think in that moment was 'what about Kurt?!'

When he asked his father that, hr got the response "who cares about him? Write him a letter saying you can't be with him or talk to him again. Then I want you to have no more contact with him."

Therefore, Wes wrote Kurt a letter saying his father is forcing him to move, but he doesn't know where to, and will be attending a boarding school, but doesn't know which.

Present day

Kurt treasures that letter and has it locked away in a box in his room, along with other things that remind him of Wes. It has now been 2 years. 2 years since he has seen Wes' smile, 2 years since he has kissed Wes, 2 years since he has seen Wes. And he still misses him every day.

Wes was always there for Kurt, and would comfort him when he was sad, more so, when the bullying was bad.

No-one knew about then, except from their failures and Santana and Brittany, as they had grown close during Kurt's time on the Cheerios, although nobody knew this. the girls where Kurt's support system when Wes left. However, when the bullying became worse, no-one tried to so anything to stop it, and most were oblivious to it happening, or too scared about their reputation to do anything.

Then Kurt met Blaine. Blaine was sweet and kind, but he wasn't Wes. Blaine helped him, even though Karofsky only got worse. kurt felt he had a good friend in Blaine and was glad for that.

With Karofsky becoming more vicious, Kurt fled to Dalton.

A/n: that's the beginning down. I hope you like it and that I didn't ramble on too much x

Please review and tell me what you think x

much love xoxo