Katie P.O.V

Me and Mom walked into the apartment and mom set her bag on the kitchen counter.

"See I told you the braces wasn't bad"

"Katie got braces?" Four loud voices said

I nodded my head. I didn't want my brothers to see my braces! I look like a twat! Now the bullying will do on more at school. Yes I'm a victim. It's been happening for over 6 months. No one can know or it will turn worst.

"I've got homework to do, I'll be in my room" I whispered

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and locked the door.

"Ugghh! Now I look even uglier than before! I've even put on some more weight! Why can't I be pretty?" I screamed, starring at my mirror.

My phone started to go off. It was a text, probably but Jessie or one of the other bullies.

Hey fat bitch – you missed school today so you missed your punishment.

Meet me in palm woods park in 5 minutes or else!

I guess I've got to meet her. I don't want anything else to happen.

"Hey baby sis, where are you going?" My big bro ask

"Just going to Jessie house… to urmm… do our History project." I said with a fake smile

"Ok bring your phone with you as it going to get dark soon"

And with that I walked out of the door, to the park, waiting for my torture to happened

Kendall's P.O.V

Why would Katie want to go and meet this girl called Jessie at the park at 5 in the evening? Hmm... I never heard of this Jessie girl as well. Katie ever really talks about her friends. Wait she Never talked about her friends...
then it hit me!

"CARLOS!" I Shouted

"hmm... what?" he said

"Katie gone out with this girl called Jessie to do a project. She left around 5 minutes ago. Can you check where is has gone because i think she isn't going to her house."

"Sure I'll text you"

Katie's P.O.V

"Guys look who it is. The fat ugly katie." Jessie said

"It looks like she ate a cow by the looks of it... look at that stomach!" Jodie pinched my tummy

"Hey , let me help you" Riley said, slapping my face really hard

I just want to die! i thought to myself

"Riley! Jodie! Grab her arms! Let me finish her off" Jessie evil smiled

Then everything went black...