A/N: I haven't been around lately in this site because I lost interest. But then, I kept receiving messages from the others who are asking me to return and to continue my stories (you know yourselves). So, anyways, I wrote this story early morning yesterday while I'm still inspired and such.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Gakuen Alice. If I do, I wouldn't be typing this story. The plot is mine though.

"I get it now… To you, it's a lie but to me, it's a dream come true."

1: Changing Nothing Yet

She really didn't change. After all those three years. Three whole years and he thought she would change from an optimistic girl to a pessimistic one or something but no, she had to stay the same as if time froze for her!

Tch. While the hormones twisted through everyone's minds, it felt like she's immune to it. Though she did have a few tweaks with her appearance…

She no longer wears her wavy, silky brown hair in those stupid pigtails but a ponytail. She's taller than before but he could still lift her feet off of the ground easily. The "polka-dotted" panties are no longer in her possession though she did have a wide collection of "polka-dotted" bras.

But either way, fourteen-year-old Mikan Sakura was still stupid; still careless; still ignorant; still too nice; still clumsy; still loud; still a crybaby; still oblivious.

She was also still known as the "ray of sunshine", here in the Middle School Division and was also one of the most powerful Alice-users and one of the best helpers in the Academy. Applaud sarcastically to the stupid nullifier for causing an impact in everyone's life…

Since she hadn't changed at all, his hatred, his frustration, his anger and his annoyance for her remained as it was when they were ten years old.

"Ne, Natsume! What do you think you're doing!?" Mikan started to screech. Her loud voice was damaging his ears. He almost has the urge to burn her ponytail again…

"Hn. What do you think, Ms. Stupid of the Universe?" He clicked his tongue while his hand rummaged around the plastic bag.

"You're not allowed to drink or eat in the library!" She reminded him as if he didn't know already.

"If I remembered correctly, you're not allowed to talk in the library too." Finally, Natsume got a hold of his Cola can. The irritating brunette shook her head.

"Eating and drinking is worse!"

Natsume ignored her retort as he yanked the pull-tab of his drink. His Cola can wasn't cold but fortunately the content was refreshing enough. It was good that he brought his plastic bag of snacks along or he would be chewing on the books instead. Natsume ran a hand through his black raven hair and eventually stretched his legs on the wooden table to satisfy his relaxation.

Across him, she stared in disbelief.

Mikan sat cross-legged on her chair and had her arms across her chest. She's in a clad of the Middle School uniform code: a black cardigan with blue trimmings, a blue ribbon and plaid mini-skirt, and knee-length boots. She still looked good, no matter what set of clothing she's in and what the hell is Natsume thinking!

"Why are you doing this?" Mikan asked quietly with a pout. Her amber eyes hovered on the gorgeous fire-caster.

"It's your fault. You made me go to the library." He replied after a good, long sip and staring at the girl's puffed cheeks.

"That's because you didn't do your homework and I want to help you finish it!" The popular nullifier said and then sighed warily. "If we get in trouble with the librarian…"

"I'll burn its ass out." He simply said but it made her jaw dropped to the marble floors. Abruptly, she leaned forward and scrunched her nose.

"… You're such a…" She struggled with her words. "A meanie!"

His eyebrow was raised and he swallowed the last drops of his Cola. "You still find it hard to call me a 'bastard'?"

"N-No… It's too vulgar! Besides, you're not that mean." She seemed to be hesitating for a moment while she slumped back to her seat. Natsume rolled his dark, red crimson eyes as he molded the can into a ball.

Damn. How could she fend herself if she was this nice? Pathetic.

"Grow up already." He smirked at this point. "Although… you did grow something on your chest, my darling Yellow Polka Dots…"

Her amber eyes widened, flabbergasted and her pale cheeks hued to scarlet red. She uncontrollably squealed, "Y-Y-You saw my bra! PERVERT!"

She tried to cover herself as if she isn't wearing any clothing.


Natsume scowled. Her idiocy was worsening the headaches his gotten early morning.

"You must be aware of your actions in the first place. Who the hell would lean forward and not think if their shirt was giving way?" He growled.

"Can we please just go and finish your homework?" she groaned, shaking her head. "I don't want to fight with you."

He grunted and shifted his eyes on the books.

The state of their Sunday afternoon is now bright and clear outside the Alice Academy. Some students were left around the library or the dormitory but most were roaming about in the school grounds. Some though were probably at Central Town like Natsume's best friend, Ruka Nogi.

That blond might be scavenging for lost pets again. He was in the middle of asking Natsume to join but that blubbering idiotic Mikan came bursting into the doors of Ruka's dorm.

He tried to set her ponytail in flames when she dragged him to the library. But obviously she nullified it.

She explained that she wanted Natsume to finish his overdue homework before their Science teacher fails him. He would have done it the next day. It's just a two-hundred word essay about the human skeletal and frankly, Natsume was still exhausted from last two nights' mission…

So there he was, sitting in front of her and a pile of books that were tediously boring.

Mikan had hunched forward across their shared table and she propped her chin on her palm. She stopped scanning the "Biology is Fun" and was gazing dreamily at the sunlit French windows of the spacious library.

"Ne, Natsume… where do Fluff Puffs come from?"

Almost too soon, Natsume found himself staring at Mikan's figure. She's very slim and he could see the curves. He never had paid attention to any girl's body except for Mikan's…

Is he really that perverted? Shoot. He disgusted himself.

"Natsume?" Mikan's gorgeous, vibrant amber eyes bore holes on his. His mere glance became a stare. He felt heat overwhelmed his cheeks so he diverted her gaze.

"Natsume…?" She was starting to worry of her unresponsive companion.

"What?" He asked, annoyed and did not create any eye-contact.

"Where do Fluff Puffs come from?" Mikan asked once more without skipping a beat. Natsume grimaced. "At a factory."

"Oh. Who's the manufacturer?"

He quirked his brow. His patience dried. "Why the fuck are you asking me these questions?" Natsume asked bitterly.

"Because Hotaru isn't around-!" Mikan gasped from realization then she almost toppled from her seat. She looked at him as if he skewered a puppy.

"Hey! Did you say the f-word?" The nullifier demanded.

This is what he hates about. She's too good and has this belief that only adults could say such things and not those underage. It was like she woke up at the late century instead of the modern world.

Natsume smirked haughtily and finally focused his eyes on her.

"And what the fuck will you do about it, little girl?" He watched the veins popped out of her head. He liked irritating her.

"Must you say bad words all the time, Natsume?!" Mikan nearly caused a scene in the library. And Natsume nearly smacked her on the head.

Technically, he doesn't say his "colorful" words constantly as before. He stopped after spending time with Polka.

No, he's not confessing that she changed him. Pfft. That moron can't even change the pattern of her undergarments.

"Tch. I'm almost an adult." He grumbled. Stupid Mikan shook her head and couldn't help but sound like a bratty girl next door. "No. You're only fifteen!"

"Still," Natsume insisted. He gave her his malicious smirk once more. "Just a few more years and I'll come back to this crappy Academy as a terrorist."

"You're cruel!" She squeaked. "How can you do that to your own home?"

Home? Home? Does this idiot want her body to turn ashes now? She's so sickening. Why can't she hate this academy or even him?

"I don't want a 'no-star' to tell me what to do." He scoffed.

A smile crept on her angelic face. Mikan tapped on the three stars. Natsume scowled while she ignited a distinctive memory in his head.

"I got three stars now! I'm a triple-star, Natsume!" She tapped those stars in her Elementary uniform as an added measure. "And you said I couldn't make it! Well, you're wrong! Ha!"

"Okay." Natsume said calmly and rather blatantly. He doesn't give a damn, really. But he finally showed some concern when the brunette stuck her tongue at him.

"I'm actually a triple-star, now, Natsume!" She grinned foolishly as she did before. Damn. Of all things this girl likes to remind, it would be that.

She sure knows how to drive someone mad.

He simply inhaled the cool, fresh air and exhale smugly, "Sure you're a triple-star. But to me, you'll always be a no-star."

He almost couldn't believe he's still with her because as a ten-year-old boy before, Natsume thought of Mikan as a handful. And he despised those kinds of people.

She stuck her tongue out like a child. He pulled it out like a bastard he is.

While Mikan whined incoherently, Natsume wasn't sure if it was his figment of imagination or he really did hear a bunch of girly whispers and assortment of gasps behind the bookshelves across them but either way, he was very good at disregarding them.

He always was back at the Elementary Division.


"… you'll always be a no-star."

Oh, Natsume Hyuuga that big meanie! He never did change! After three years, he was still a jerk and a pervert who thinks highly of himself. But at least his attitude is improving. A little.

Mikan isn't really good in arguing so she simply stretched her tongue out like she did when she was a kid. She regretted it afterwards. No hesitation, Natsume grabbed her poor tongue and he could have ripped it from her mouth!

No! Not Ms. Tongue! She thought mortified as he was smirking at her with the same old trademark smirk. She struggled to break free. She squealed but her voice was muffled so it came out like this, "Nnnnsme nent mnho!"

Either he understood her words and was gracious enough or he got bored and grossed by her saliva- he permitted her tongue to slip from his clutches.

Mikan sniffled and mumbled, "You didn't even wash your hands…" She could taste his fingertips. It's just so icky! She didn't like the feeling! Her tongue is sort of warm…

"Hn. I did. It's just you should have brushed your teeth five times a day." He went over to the books mounded on the table. Mikan sighed but a smile resurfaced.

"In a few years, you would realize how bad the darkness is, Polka." His twelve-year-old voice chased her. "You'd regret sticking up to me. You'd stop following me."

Mikan merely smiled. "We'll see."

She was so glad that Natsume, her partner is still by her side. Just like her many friends: Hotaru and Ruka-pyon and Anna and Nonoko and Koko and Mr. Bear and You-chan and Permy and- oh, it would probably take her five nights to finish her list!

As time goes on in the library, she was flashing a smile at everyone who passes by them. Smiling is her favorite thing to do! Well, one in her list!

During their Elementary years, the nullifier was often called as the "ray of sunshine". Natsume thinks it's very lousy but to Mikan it's very flattering to know that she makes people happy.

Speaking of which!

"… Natsume… why were you staring a while ago?" Mikan asked after a few minutes. If any girl was in her shoes, it would take time for them to recall what they were supposed to ask.

Anyone would melt in the presence of Natsume Hyuuga (either literally or figuratively). His face was just so perfectly chiseled. His dark red crimson eyes sharpened with superiority and arrogance. His middle school uniform was unkempt.

He loosened his blue tie and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, not to impress anyone but probably because the library is hot. Mikan felt the high temperature too or maybe it's because of Natsume's alice…

The sarcastic fire caster did not look up from the borrowed biology book and he still rested his legs on the table.

He must be mad at her for forcing him to do his overdue homework but he already shouted at her along the way to the library. So, it couldn't be it.

"I thought I saw a pimple." Natsume finally answered.

Mikan pouted. "What? A dimple?"

"A pimple, baka!" He snapped his head towards her. It's like he was so going to burn her there but it won't matter. Mikan is very good in manipulating her alice.

"That's even worse!" She frowned.

In return, Natsume smirked and fortunately have no other insults to put. Mikan bent forward again, slipping her chin on the palm of her hand.

The library was rather peaceful today. Although, she could hear giggling of "fan girls" or groans of boys somewhere but Mikan was glad it wasn't ghosts or she'd be frightened to death!

Sigh. She would have been with Hotaru Imai, the smartest, most brilliant inventor and one of Mikan's best-est friends down at the Central Town taking photos of the Academy's "celebrities".

But Hotaru shared the fact that Natsume hasn't passed his essay in Science. He would totally flunk the subject! Mikan didn't want his seatmate-slash-partner to have a fate like that!

"… Why didn't you do your homework?" she asked as soon as her curiosity piqued. The essay was to be given after three days. Natsume had lots of time for it. His bloodshot eyes were still mulling all over the words of a certain book.

She thought it would be laziness because that's his everyday excuse. But he breathed one word, one name: "Persona."

Mikan bit her lower lip and her eyebrows knitted together. Missions. She didn't like it when Natsume goes to missions… It makes her worried and Mikan always hated that pesky emotion. It ruins the fun!

"I told you to quit i-it at least millions of times already!" The quavering in her voice was hard to miss. Mikan needed to clamp her hands together to stop it from shaking. The missions are violating every student's right! But sadly, Mikan's protests were unheard…

Natsume peered over the book for once. "I told you I can't at least billions of times already." He hissed.

Mikan stared at him skeptically. This boy doesn't value his life! Why? Doesn't he have the most wonderful one already? Okay. So, maybe he does have a terrible past but it's all over now!

"But Natsume…" Pain and grief filled in her amber eyes. "When?"

"Tch. When what?"

"When did you go to your mission?" Mikan didn't remember leaving his side during the last few days. He even attended classes and was present. How could she not know about this?

"Last two nights ago."

"Eh?! You didn't even tell me!"

"Why the hell would I tell you?" Natsume glared at her. But Mikan was used to it. She shook her head disapprovingly. "So I could wait for you!"

"Hn…" He finally brought his feet down and his eyes tore away from her. Mikan pouted and sighed in defeat. Natsume was just too stubborn. If he hated the missions so much, why won't he just quit?

Mikan absentmindedly reached for his hand across her. He didn't move or comment when she brushed her fingers on the back of his hand.

It was very warm. He must be trying to call his power. "Natsume… if you really hate the missions so much, why won't you-?" She faltered because something caught her attention.

"Natsume! Is that a wound?!" She was just asking but it turned out to be a piercing shriek. He looked down and rolled his sleeve until he could see the visible fresh, large wound on his forearm.

"It's just a cut, idiot. Stop making a big deal out of it." Natsume said heatedly. He pulled his arm away but Mikan stood suddenly and jerked his arm closer.

"Oh, oh, oh!" She was practically hopping one foot from another. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GO AND TREAT IT RIGHT AWAY?! If I waited for you then I would bring you to the infirmary immediately!"

That was her next plan. Mikan is so going to drag him to the clinic whether he kills her as long as he isn't hurt! She hated to see someone hurt and not do anything about it!

Natsume's face was oozing with frustration and annoyance. "God, just let me be, you idiot! You're making me do my homework and now you're making me go to the infirmary?!"

Mikan shook her head and turned her back to him. She didn't want to hear him sneering at her, telling her that she's such a crybaby.

"What's wrong with you? After three years and you still haven't changed!? Don't you ever value your l-life?! Don't you care what others think if y-you're…?" She couldn't bear to even say it!

Mikan struggled to keep her big, fat tears at bay. The librarian would probably come around and get mad at them and then she'd cause another burden for Natsume. "I'm sorry," she sniffled. "I'm being stupid as always…"

She waited for him to say something mean again. A minute or two sank deep and Mikan wondered if he actually ran away while he had the chance. Oh, that big perverted meanie!

Mikan turned around and opened her mouth to rant but unexpectedly, she was caged in his strong, muscled arms. Her round amber eyes softened. The tears were long gone. She embraced him too and laid her head on his chest.

Silly Natsume! He could at least tell her he's about to do something like: "Oi, Polka, Imma give you my special limited hugs". But Mikan liked surprises and she liked to get hugs from her friends!

He was about to say something. Mikan can feel it. She hoisted her head so she could read his expression clearly (even if she's terrible at reading someone's mood).

"Mikan." Her name escaped his lips. He rarely used her name!

"Yes?" She grinned. It would have gone fine. It would have gone great to Natsume if they didn't hear a click. And saw a flash.

They both at the same time look at the photographer. It. Was…

"Hotaru!" Mikan began screaming like a fan girl. She easily went out of Natsume's arms and she tried to wrap her own on the black raven haired girl.

Hotaru was meters away from them and she actually came to take pictures of them! That's very nice of her! Perhaps, it's for a photo album? Mikan was excited. She continued squealing, "HOTARU!"

Her best friend's amethyst eyes were covered with coldness and bitterness though. Baka! Baka! Baka! Mikan absorbed three shots on the face from Hotaru's upgraded weapon. She rubbed the pain away. Her face was a little swollen.

"Hotaru! That was painful and mean!" She whimpered. But Hotaru was busy holding her gaze at Natsume. It made Mikan wonder why…

Natsume looked like he was going to incinerate the camera Hotaru was carrying. But Hotaru plainly spoke, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hyuuga. Unless you want to ruin your chance…"

Mikan watched Natsume hesitate but put up a questioning expression.

Hotaru smirked at his interest. An odd robotic mouse thingy fetched something in her panda-shaped rucksack. It came out to give her a... Oh, it was the school's paper!

"See, here." Hotaru flipped through the pages for a while and then she laid it on the table for the two to see.

Mikan craned her neck to see the article. It has red hearts as borders and cursive writings. It was cute. She could make out a picture of- oh! Tsubasa-senpai and Misaki-sempai! They're so cute together!

"Oh, what's that Hotaru?" Mikan asked.

Hotaru's malevolent smile was still plastered on her face. "Why, you and Hyuuga," she began, "are the hottest 'couple' in the academy according to the Daily Amuse."

"Oh… that's nice! Wait… WHAT?!"

Hottest couple…?

How did they become the hottest "couple"?!

First of, Natsume is very cruel to her! Boyfriends were supposed to be sweet! Second, they were always fighting! Couples do not fight! Third, are they even a "couple" to begin with?! Last she checked, they were best friends!

She searched for Natsume's anger, thinking he would spat something nasty. But no. He was smiling. He's actually smiling.

Why is he smiling?

A/N: That's it for me and well, let's just see if I would still have interest of this site in the next following days...

So, yeah, thank you for reading and may you type your violent reaction in that box below. Please? It looks so empty... and lonely... and okay, I'll stop bothering you...

But really, think of the box and the children. (Especially the box.)