Within the Hokages office sat three individuals, the Hokage himself, the purple haired woman known as Mitarashi Anko and the masked man that led the hunter corps.

Out of all of them it was the hunter nin that was thinking the most. He didn't like the idea of forcing someone to give equipment to his division but at the same time the piece of tech was too perfect for disposal for him to not try and get his hands on it.

So he would do what he had to in order to get the dissolvent, however he had no intention of having the boy simply hand it over, doing it the way the T&I woman had suggested was essentially the same as stealing from someone and he didn't like the idea of stealing from a comrade. However he did have his own ideas of what to try before resorting to such a tactic.

The woman had simply said to give him a choice, lose one piece of tech or lose his chance as a hunter nin… she didn't say that he couldn't try to sweeten the deal for the boy as well.

Suddenly a knock on the door broke the silence before the young blond entered the room, he had been instructed to return once he had finished testing Donataka so he wasn't surprised to see Anko in the room with the Hokage, however the bear masked ANBU caught his attention, he wasn't aware that there would be anyone else in the room with the old man and Anko.

"You told me to come here when I was finished with Donataka Anko-sensei," Naruto stated calmly once he had decided that the ANBU didn't matter.

"Yeah, what're the results?" the purple haired tokubetsu Jōnin responded seriously, if anything she wanted to know if the boy was a hopeless case or if he at least had some sort of potential.

"He passed," hearing this actually made the woman feel less happy than hearing that he had failed would have because now it meant that she would have to work on the boy to try and bring out that potential instead of just let him die on a mission.

"Well that's good to know, guess we'll just have to try and find his niche now won't we," her words might have been nice but no one in the room was fooled… they could tell that she would rather not have to deal with him.

"So you're Uzumaki Naruto huh? I was expecting someone taller," came an unfamiliar voice to the blond, one that he assumed would belong to the bear masked man given the distortion that covered it.

"That's right, is that a problem?" the whiskered child asked, his mind wondering what this man wanted with him.

"Naruto, allow me to introduce you to Kuma, the head of the hunter corps," the Hokage stated, earning pair of wide eyes from the boy before he turned his head to face the ANBU and gave a small bow to the man.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were and meant no disrespect," the boy stated, causing the man to stare at him, the child unable to see the blank look on his face at the boys actions.

"Um… it's not a problem, anyway… I've heard something interesting about you, is it true that you have a liquid that can completely dissolve a corpse?" the hunter nin asked the boy, earning a small nod of confirmation from the child, "are you prepared to sell it to us?"

Suddenly the boy stiffened, it had taken him a long time just to figure out how to make that piece of tech and in the end it was only because of Kyūbi that he had managed to create it… was it really okay to sell it?

"Hey, Kyūbi, what do you think of it? It's your chakra that makes it," the young boy asked the bijū in his head.

"… they want your specialised equipment, if you're going to say yes then milk 'em for as much as you can… why not a new home? Have them pay for a plot of land and building works, make your own pyramid complete with a jungle as a garden haha," he couldn't help but notice the mirth present in the fox's voice as it began to laugh at the idea of these shinobi seeing the plans for such a completely different architectural style.

The adults in the room began to feel a little uneasy as the boy remained silent, lost in his thoughts… in the end he made his decision… he needed to get a bigger place for all his trophies anyway.

"I'll supply you with my dissolvent under a few conditions," the boy stated calmly, causing the adults to listen carefully, they didn't expect him to agree at all but if he had conditions then it would be interesting to see what sort of conditions he wanted, "first of all, I want guaranteed entry into the hunter corps as soon as I reach Chūnin, secondly, I will NOT share anything else with you," the boy started, earning nods of acceptance from the adults, "three, I want training ground 43 and 44 to be signed over to me," now THAT condition made the group splutter a little, the child wanted two training fields, including the one they usually hosted the Chūnin exams in, "I also want building permission for training ground 43 and all materials and building work paid for until it is complete."

Silence reigned in the room as the adults processed the child's conditions. All in all it wasn't as much as it sounded, since they already owned both of the training grounds it meant that they wouldn't be spending any money on them, plus getting the materials for buildings was cheap and easy and building work wouldn't be particularly expensive either.

The problem was that he wanted training ground 44 in particular. It was a dangerous place, the trees were massive and the animals were fierce, that was why it was perfect as the second stage of the Chūnin exams when they were held in Konoha. The aged leader decided to ask the child exactly why he wanted THAT training field in particular.

"May I ask why you want training ground 44 in particular?"

"It has the most trees," the simple explanation caused the adults to look at him blankly, their minds trying to figure out exactly why the boy wanted a training ground with lots of trees.

"May I ask exactly why you want a training ground with lots of trees?" the aged leader asked the child, wondering exactly what was going through the boys head.

"Well it's the best sort of training ground to learn how to hunt," the blue eyed child stated simply, causing confusion to spread through the room… the child hunted ANBU… why did he want a training field to learn how to hunt?

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun… but why do you want to learn how to hunt when you've been doing it for so long already?" it just didn't make sense in the Hokage's eyes, the boy was already the most dangerous predator in Konoha, why would he need to learn something he was already a master of?

"I don't… but if I'm going to start a clan I need somewhere to teach any kids I have," suddenly the adults started choking, since when had the child wanted to start a clan? He had never mentioned anything like that before.

"The hell's brought on this idea gaki?" Anko couldn't help but ask in surprise as she began to wonder what was going on with her student, he seemed like a solitary predator, a lone wolf, not a pack animal like the clans tended to be.

"What's wrong with wanting to start a clan? I have all this special gear so wouldn't it be better to pass it along whatever family I get instead of just die and leave it unworkable?" the last part of that sentence surprised the adults in the room, why would his gear be unworkable after he died?

"What do you mean by 'unworkable'?" the hunter commander asked, how would the child's weapons not work for someone else?

"Well it has a chakra recognition seal linked up to a nature absorption and a Katon conversion seal… so if someone that isn't me channels their chakra into anything of mine… well it'll sorta blow up… big time," the blond explained, causing the adults eyes to take on an annoyed expression at the fact the boy had done something like that to his gear when no-one else could.

"So you are essentially asking for a couple of training grounds to build a clan compound on while having a private training ground as well, am I correct in this assumption?" Sarutobi finally asked, it wasn't something he had ever expected to hear from the boy as the group continued to stare at the child.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" the adults couldn't bring themselves to say what was on their minds but it was something along the lines of 'one of you is enough, why the hell would we want more?'

Silence reigned as the group tried to think of a way to keep the conversation civil while also letting the child know that they didn't like the idea of there being an entire clan of skull stealing psychopaths with unrivalled technology running around Konoha.

"I think they don't like the idea of there being an entire clan like you running around, can't really blame them, as far as humans are concerned just having one of you is good enough to act as a… deterrent for other villages, any more could be considered a possible danger to the village… especially if one of your family defects," the kitsune explained to the boy who couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comment, earning confused glances off the adults in the room.

"Is something wrong Naruto-kun?" the aged kage asked, it did two things, made the child realise that he cared about him… and changed the subject.

"No… Kyūbi just explained what your problem is with me," immediately the room was put on edge, they didn't know the child had been in contact with the fox and the fact that it seemed to be talking to him now was not what they would consider a good situation.

"Naruto-kun… please tell me you don't listen to what the fox says," Hiruzen asked, he didn't know what the bijū told the boy, however he was certain that whatever it was doing would be an attempt to trick the child.

"I don't listen to what the fox says," Naruto stated blankly, causing the adults to look at him with twitching eyes.

"You know if you're going to lie at least try and be convincing," Anko stated earning a blank look off the child.

"I just told him what he told me to tell him," the child stated bluntly, causing the group to get the urge to strangle the kid, though they managed to hold themselves back.

"Would you please tell me why you are prepared to listen to the beast that attacked our village when you were born?" the question was simple and despite everything, the blond couldn't really see what their problem was, Konoha had attacked its fair share of villages so why act so hostile towards a being made of chakra that attacked the village?

"Because it hasn't given me anything to doubt it yet… plus we have an arrangement that suits both of us," the blond stated calmly, causing the older individuals in the room to widen their eyes at that bit of information, it seemed almost completely insane that the boy would make an arrangement with the Kyūbi full stop, let alone one that benefited the fox.

"And what exactly does this arrangement involve?" Kuma asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice, the simple fact that they were still alive indicated that this arrangement currently caused no harm to them, which made him wonder exactly how it benefited the bijū.

"In exchange for its chakra on demand, I make its stay in the seal more comfortable," the adults began to wonder exactly what the boy wanted the demons chakra for, from what they had seen the child was more than capable of killing entire teams of ANBU without it, so what was the point in having access to it?

"Naruto… do you even use the Kyūbi's chakra?" the aged leader asked, from what Anko's report had said, she had not felt any malicious intent that would have been felt if the Kyūbi's seal had started to weaken, so that meant the boy hadn't used it to kill those bandits.

"Yes, it is the main ingredient of my dissolvent," suddenly the more experienced ninja froze, the boy had essentially just said that he was the only person in Hi no Kuni that could make his dissolvent and even more importantly, that it was possible the only use he had for the beasts chakra was to dispose of corpses.

"Would you look at that, it seems like they never even considered that your little toy was made using my chakra, they seem pretty foolish to me," the kitsune said from behind its cage, greatly enjoying the expressions on the two visible faces.

The hunter nin however was beginning to wonder exactly how the child made the dissolvent. He was aware that the foxes chakra was corrosive, but it was closer to being a gas and wasn't as corrosive as Anko made it out to be, so how did it work? It was a question that was beginning to grate on him.

"So how does your little liquid work?" he decided that he couldn't hold in the question any longer, causing the child to look at him blankly before making his statement.

"I'm prepared to sell it to you, I'm not prepared to tell you anything more than what I've already said," the ANBU gave a nod of confirmation, he had simply been interested and although the way the child prepared the vials would bug him, he would just live with it, it wasn't like he had lost an arm or anything.

"So do you accept my conditions?" the blue eyed child asked, the conversation might have changed topic but he wasn't stupid enough to completely forget what they had been discussing.

"I'm afraid that we can't give you training ground 44, however we can give you training ground 42 instead and if you want trees then that can be arranged," the aged leader stated, making the child tilt his head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean it can be arranged? A forest like that doesn't just grow in a few days," the spiky haired child enquired, he was actually beginning to wonder what the old man knew that he didn't.

"You'll see, just wait a week and come back, we'll fulfil our end of the bargain, so you had better ensure you fulfil your end," the old man stated seriously, earning a nod from the child, "you are dismissed."

"Hai Hokage-sama," came the calm reply from the child before he left the room via the front door.

"You didn't use my idea," Anko muttered with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she looked at Kuma.

"Well it worked out fine without resorting to threats… besides an entire clan of hunter nins sounds like it could be fun," came the reply from the ANBU before he vanished via shunshin, leaving the other adults with twitching eyes, the man hadn't even bothered to make sure they didn't have anything else to say.

"Are you sure it's worth it to give him what he wants?" the question was directed towards the aged leader this time, causing him to let out a sigh of defeat.

"Well if he makes a name for himself other villages will be reluctant to attack us… especially if they believe there is an entire clan like him in here," the aged leader said, earning a reluctant nod from the purple haired woman as she accepted that she wouldn't want to fight one person like Naruto, let alone an entire clan like him, "besides, it's cheaper this way than it would be paying him for each vial."


Now as I said before this story will not be updated, it may be rewritten at some point however that is dependent largely on a poll I set up on my proper profile.