Okay, just to make everything clear, this story was written awhile ago and I ended up taking off this site however I've decided to repost it and many others that I've discontinued or are awaiting a rewrite.

ALL of my active stories are posted on the profile for Fenris187 and none of the fics here will be updated.

Also, I own no IP at all right now and make no money off this free access fanfiction.

It was cold, wet and he was hungry, he knew that much but nothing else.

Then again, in the mind of a four year old child, those were all that really mattered.

He remembered being taken to the park by the old man. He met a couple of other kids around his age and was playing hide and seek with them… until he fell. He didn't know why, but when he went to hide in a bush, he simply fell.

What he didn't know was that the bush was growing over a small shaft that led to an underground cave that remained undisturbed to that day.

Opening his eyes, the young boy looked around as he tried to grow accustomed to the darkness he was now thrust into.

Ignoring his aching bones, he started crawling as he desperately searched for a way out of this hellhole.

After what seemed like days, the young child finally gave up. Unable to find his way out, unable to even see, he couldn't help but break down and cry as the hopelessness of the situation sank in.

It was then that a small glimmer of hope made itself known, as something jerked to life when the sobbing kid leaned on it. It growled loudly, almost deafening the small child, before one by one, spots of light illuminated the cave.

Covering his eyes from the blinding light, it took the child several minutes for his eyes to grow accustomed to the comforting light.

The child had spiky blond hair, bright blue eyes, a set of whisker like birthmarks on his cheeks and was underweight for his age.

Looking around, the child looked to see what he leaned against, only to blink in confusion as he faced a large… thing made out of metal. Looking at the rest of the cave, he was surprised to see wires suspended between countless poles and large, crumbling buildings made of metal and glass.

Getting to his feet, the young blond began to search the streets for anything, even going into the odd building here and there.

However, there was one building that caught his attention. It had a blue sign with yellow letters that read 'Blockbuster'.

Entering the building, the child was surprised to see countless strange boxes with strange titles, while another strange box showed a moving pattern of white, grey and black.

Opening one of the boxes, he pulled out a strange disc, that he noticed, would fit in a slot on the side of the moving picture box… so he did the first thing that came to mind… put the disc in the slot.

As soon as he did this, the image changed and the young blond watched as it showed him things he never thought possible.


"What do you mean you can't find Naruto?" an old man wearing a red and white hat with the Kanji for fire written on it, asked the masked man that was kneeling in front of him.

"Please understand Hokage-sama… but both the Inuzuka's and Pakkun keep saying that he never even left the park… whoever did this is obviously an expert on abduction to be capable of doing this," the masked ninja said as he continued to kneel before the village leader.

"Dammit… continue to search for him, I want him found!" the old man barked out, receiving a 'hai Hokage-sama' as the masked man disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Dammit Naruto… please be safe."


Uzumaki Naruto was scared… things like THAT existed!

After watching that film, he was truly terrified… that thing could be standing right behind him and he would never know... until it ripped his skull out that is.

Sobbing as he thought of what the monster would do if it found him, he soon cried himself to sleep.


The Sandaime Hokage was having a very bad day… no matter who he sent to search for the young blond, everyone came back empty handed, with every last one of them saying he never left the park.

So right now he decided to spend some time searching himself… he knew he was a fool to search in the dark, but he didn't care… he just wanted to find the young blond and save him from whatever cruel fate was in store for him.

The aged leader felt himself grow more tired with every passing minute and was beginning to wish he'd never taken his eye off the blond.

It was then that he noticed something he never thought he'd see… a glowing bush.

"Well that certainly is unusual," he muttered to himself as he walked over to the offending object, careful of any traps that may have been installed.

However, everything became clear when he saw where the light was coming from… a single hole, to deep for him to see the bottom of, it was too small for an adult to fit through… however for a child of Naruto's age, it was more than easy enough to fall down.

"Naruto… please be alright," the aged leader muttered as he left to prepare a rescue team for the blond.


Waking up from his sobbing induced coma, Naruto immediately remembered the monster he had seen on that film… so doing what came naturally, he decided to see if there was anything else about it in the room… so he searched and searched and searched, finding four other boxes that seemed to have the monster on the cover.

So he watched them, trying to figure out how to survive if he ever came face to face with one of them.


"Alright team… I believe Naruto might of fallen down this hole! Now, I don't want anyone using doton jutsu… we don't know how that will affect the structural integrity of whatever's down there and I don't want to risk losing an innocent child, now get to work!" the old man ordered the assembled group of ninja.

"Hai Hokage-sama!" they chorused as they began to excavate the area.

"Hang on Naruto… we'll be there soon."


He had finished watching them… these monsters were hunters… they hunted people for sport, they also hunted those 'serpents' for the same reason.

However they were honourable… they didn't kill anything that couldn't protect itself… of course, if Naruto wanted to become a ninja, he had to be capable of protecting himself… which made him a viable target for those monsters.

However, there was one other way to defeat them… by being a better hunter than them… so that is what he would be, he would become the greatest hunter in the universe, then he wouldn't have to worry about those monsters.

He would study their technology and figure out how to make it himself… then they would know what it felt like to be hunted like dogs… or his name wasn't Uzumaki Naruto.


Several hours later, the cavern began to shake, several of the buildings that had stood strong when he had arrived, crumbled under the movement, as Naruto did his best to avoid them all.

On his back was a rucksack filled with the screen and the films that had terrified him so much… he knew he had to get out, but he NEEDED that footage if he wanted to survive against those things.. so he did what came naturally, he decided to take the objects.

Just as a falling slab of debris was about to hit him, he felt something grasp his arm and pull him to safety, before carrying him away, jumping to a large hole in the ceiling and running UP the shaft before emerging at the top, as the park suddenly collapsed, leaving just a crater where it used to be.

"I've got him Hokage-sama!" looking at the man that saved him, Naruto noticed two things about him… the dog mask he was wearing and the gravity defying silver hair that sat on top of his head.

"Naruto!" the old man shouted as he embraced the young child, "I was so worried… don't ever do that again."

"What did I do?" the blond asked, misunderstanding what the old man was saying.

"You fell down a hole… please be more careful next time."

"Hai Ji-ji."


After being checked over, at the hospital, the blond was allowed to go home. When the old man had asked him what was in the bag, he told him the truth, 'just some stuff I picked up.'

He didn't see the need to tell the old man about these monsters… after all, he knew everything, there was no way he wouldn't know about those monsters… right?

So, after setting up the TV and putting the DVD's to the side, the blond proceeded to get washed and collapse on his bed, comfortable at last… until he remembered the hunters and serpents… he would have to make sure he was strong enough to protect everyone from those beasts.

As he said before, he would become the greatest hunter… or his name wasn't Uzumaki Naruto.