AN: Oh my! I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT. *facepalm* There! I do hope this chapter is finally clear of html stuff...

Okay, before anything else. I would just like to say I AM VERY SORRY. I know I haven't updated in quite a while and by that, I mean five or six months perhaps? Like I said, I'm so sorry. For all those days and weeks and months that Tratie's Kisses didn't have anything new to share with you guys, please by all means, blame college. I'm a freshie in college so I'm still in the process of adjusting. From transportation to my body clock to homework to everything. I'm really enjoying it though. :)

As a matter of fact, our university just celebrated its annual Christmas celebration and it's obviously my first time. There were so many booths and fairs. There were concerts held in campus and of course, fireworks! Ahh...oh! And speaking of Christmas!

I want to wish you guys a Merry Merry Christmas!

Whoever you are that's reading this, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family. :)

You guys have been so amazing and very patient. Your reviews never fail to bring a smile on my face and your favs and follows just make my make my day. I mean, look at this story! It's just a few reviews shy from 200! 200 guys! And it's all because of you and your never ending support. I love you guys! :)

And also, it just warms my heart that you remembered it's anniversary! Okay, given. I wrote it in the details of the story, but to be honest, I really didn't think anyone was still reading my story. So...I just want to hug you all but since I can't because we're probably oceans or even continents away. I'm just gonna send you all virtual hugs and kisses! :))

Okay, I know a lot of you guys are requesting for a make up kiss and I might write one, but maybe not yet today. I'll write it as soon as I have an idea of how that chapter will go. But for now, I would just like to share with you guys this chapter that's been running around in my head for months now. And I do hope you like it.

And because I feel like, no wait. I do owe you guys a few Tratie moments, I made sure this one is special. And you'll see why that is. So please, scroll down till your heart's content!

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Rick Riordan. Legend belongs to Marie Lu.

PS: Sorry I updated a day or two late after the anniversary. :(

Please forgive me...

Jealous Kisses

Travis fixed his hair before stepping out of the car. He was inside the campus where Katie was studying and currently, he was leaning against the hood of the car, arms crossed and the typical mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

It was Katie's last day in school before summer vacation and he, himself, had volunteered, well begged and pleaded really, to fetch her and drive all the way back to camp. So there he was.

He looked down at his watch to check the time.

He was a few minutes early.

As he waited, he opened the car and fished out his small surprise present for his girlfriend. It was a new released YA dystopian trilogy called Legend. He had asked Annabeth of course since she was the one Katie goes to whenever she has some questions about what books to read and Annabeth had told him that Katie has been obsessing with that series ever since she saw the blurb. Of course, before he got that book, he had asked Annabeth to ask Katie if she already have it.

Katie said no. She didn't have time to go buy it and read it.

Travis feels so proud of her. She was really doing her very best in college and he feels the need to help her relax this summer. So he got the boxed set of the series and wrapped in green foil, topped with a silver ribbon.

He was feeling like a Slytherin when he wrapped it.

He was brought back to reality when he heard the shouts of students from inside the building he was in front of. School's finally out. He waited for Katie to come out, dressed in her favorite The Flash hoodie, camp shirt, faded blue jeans and black Converse. Ever since the series The Flash started she's been obsessing with it and the lead actor.

"I'm way more awesome and handsome than that guy, Katie," he had told her while they were watching.

Typical Travis Stoll. He towered over most of the students spilling from the building, but still, he stood on his tiptoes and searched her her chocolate brown hair. And there she was!

Travis settled back on his feet with a scowl on his face. She was hugging her books to her chest, laughing and shaking her head. But that wasn't what got Travis in a sour mood. It was the lanky red head guy laughing beside her. They were talking and joking around and the guy kept touching her arm.


Travis swallowed the anger down but it got stuck in his throat when Katie ruffled the guy's hair. Then as if she felt his anger rippling toward them, she turned and Travis felt all his anger vanish, replaced by the thrill and excitement of seeing her beautiful face light up and smile at him, lighting up his whole world. Almost.

The red head followed her gaze and nodded at him, a small smile in his face.


Travis was already planning on how to beat the guy when Katie took the red head's arm and dragged him to his car.

"Travis! Finally you could meet Sam." Katie let go the guy's arm and smiled up at Travis. "Travis, Sam. Sam, Travis." She gestured between the two boys, unconscious of the murder in Travis' mind.

Sam smiled and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm her very best boy best friend."

Travis didn't smile. He smirked and shook his hand. "And I'm her very best boyfriend." And as if to prove his point, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, capturing her lips in a short yet passionate kiss. And even that wasn't enough, when he pulled away, he kissed her jaw and whispered in her ear, loud enough for the red head to hear him. "I missed you, babe."

Katie glared up at him because of the nickname but he ignored her and faced the red head. What he didn't expect was the Silena-like love-awed look he was giving them.

"Aw, you two are so adorable. If only my baby and I were that sweet."

Katie laughed, "Uh you are, Sammy. Trust me."

Sammy? Oh so they're in nickname calling now?

Sam smiled and said, "Well, you guys best be on your way now. Long drive ahead. Nice meeting you Travis. I'll see you soon, Katiebells." And right in front of Travis, he hugged her.

The nerve! The nerve of the stickman.

Katie hugged him back and waved at him as he walked away. But when she turned back to her boyfriend, she glared and crossed her arms. "What was that?"

Travis scowled and crossed his arms as well. "What was that?"

"He was being nice to you. Why did you have to kiss me in front of him like that?"

"Oh so you don't want your little friend to see us kiss? You're embarrassed of us, is that it? And why does he keep touching you?"

"No! It's not that. He's my best friend an-"

"And 'Katiebells'? 'Sammy'? You're on nickname terms now? What the hell, Katie?"

"Like I said, he's my best friend."

"Uh huh. Fine. Whatever. Let's just go." And he dropped his arms and turned around.

"Hold on. I think I know now why you're being like this." He didn't turn around but he could feel her as he approached him, only stopping a good inch away from him. He could already feel the warmth coming form her. "You're jealous."

And he turned at that. "Jealous? Of him? Please. One look at him and I knew there really was no competition."

"Uh huh." Katie reach up and softly trailed her fingers on his shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath stiffen. "So you you wouldn't mind me hanging out with him every Friday night, then?"

Travis gulped and smirked rather shakily. "Course not."

"You know, we always go out and eat together. Just the two of us. And he's really a hugger." Katie smooth her hands down his arms, leaving goosebumps.

Travis kept quiet and tried to smirk down at her, placing his shaking hands on her waist.

"Oh and also, did I mention he's also my room mate?" Katie whispered, smiling sweetly up at him.

And that broke his self-control. With a loud almost animalistic growl, he crashed his lips to hers and pulled her tight and securely to him, fitting her soft body against his hard one. He could feel Katie's lips pull up in a winning smile but he ignored it and just moved his arms up her body, one resting on the small of her back and the other holding her head in place as he kissed her deeper. He pushed her against the side of the car, kissing her fiercely and it only got him crazier when her arms traveled up his body and wrapped around his neck, fingers pulling teasingly at his hair. With a groan, he nibbled on her bottom lip and pulled away, only to trail down kisses down her neck.

"I don't like him. I don't like him, at all." His voice was low and husky and he was out of breath. He nibbled on her earlobe and whispered seductively in her ear. "I don't want him near you. I don't like him touching you. And I don't want him calling you sweet little nicknames. I can do all those things too. I can do them way better than he can. I'll do them every single day. Just to show everyone that you're mine." And to prove his point yet again, he gripped her hips and pressed their bodies closer.

Suddenly he felt Katie's hands pulling on his hair and when he leaned back up, she rose on her tiptoes and pressed a sweet little kiss on his lips. "I also forgot to mention, he's a hundred percent gay."


"WHAT?" Travis pulled away but not moving away.

Katie chuckled and nodded. "He's gay and trust me, he's relationship with his boyfriend isn't something you can just fake just to look like a gay. He's a hundred percent. And we always go out alone because he loves shopping."

Travis looked down at her, horrified. "Gods of Olympus, Katie. You really are the death of me."

Katie laughed and jumped up at him, hugging him tightly. "I know. I missed you so much too."

Travis chuckled and held her close. "By the way...remember that book series you've been saving up for?..."

Katie grumbled and pulled at the straps of the green dress.

"I'm gonna murder this dress."

Miranda laughed and patted her shoulder.

"Hey sis. I'm pretty sure Travis will love that dress."

Katie turned and glared at her. "Look at it! No matter what I do, the neckline isn't coming any higher. Just a few movements and I swear, my boobs will be saying hello to camp."

"Well, mine isn't any better."

Katie sighed and sat down on her bed. "I can't believe Silena took all our dresses and replaced them with these...these things!"

"I can't believe she convinced Chiron to throw this party. I'm happy for the little ones but for us. Gods, you know where this would lead to."

They both sighed and just decided to wear a things cardigan before coming out into the crazy night.

It was a cold Summer evening and everyone at camp was buzzing with excitement because of the party. It wasn't anything crazy, just a few punch and finger food and songs. Everything was set up in the dining pavilion and in big platform was Grover and Leo, handling the music.

There were both wearing black headsets and Grover was doing a crazy action that was supposed to look like a DJ dance. Every now and then, he's scream "Let me see your hands up in the air!"

And Leo would answer, "Yeah ah! Woo hoo!"

All the little campers were running around, playing and munching on the food while the older ones stood by a drink in hand. Even the Romans were there.

Katie frowned and pulled the cardigan closer to her body before walking over to the pavilion, searching for a certain son of Hermes. She walked over to Percy and Jason who were standing awkwardly beside their girlfriends who dressed just like Katie, minus the cardigans.

"Hey, guys. Have you seen Travis?"

"Oh yeah! He was by the punch table a few second ago. He's waiting for you." Percy gave her a lopsided grin.

"Oh, okay. Thank you Percy!"

So she made her way over to where her boyfriend was supposed to be. She sighed again, shivering whenever the wind kisses her exposed skin. Even if she just stepped out of her cabin, her feet were already starting to throb because of the heels Silena had demanded her to wear.

She was almost to the punch table and she could already see Travis standing there, a drink in hand, looking around. Somehow, despite the type of clothing she was in, just seeing him gave her a sense of security and happiness. Smiling to herself, she slowly made her way over to him, only to be stopped short when a tall and slim blonde girl beat her to it.

Katie watched horrified as the girl approaches him, tipping slightly, obviously drunk and talks to him in way that makes Katie want to rip her hair one blonde strand at a time. Katie had no idea who the girl was. Maybe a Roman girl. The girl leaned so close she was almost kissing him, but Travis leaned away, a frown on his face. That slight movement made Katie relax a little.

But the girl was persistent.

She says something and Travis pushes her gently off him.

Katie walks over slowly and quietly and when Travis answered the girl. Katie felt herself smirking. And just like that. She feels braver even though she haven't had any to drink.

Shrugging off her cardigan, she made her way over to them.

"Hey there, Peanut."

The minute Travis turned to her, his mouth fell open as he looked at her.

Miranda was right. He loved it.

"K-Ka-Katie? You," Travis whispered breathlessly.

Katie took that as a good thing and she stepped closer to him, hearing his soft gasp as he felt the soft material of her dress.

"Thank Silena for the dress," she whispered to him before turning to the Roman girl.

"Welcome back to Camp Half-Blood."

The girl blinks at her and then nodded before turning away. That was fast.

Katie crossed her arms and asked. "What did she want?"

There was a slight pause and a breathless, "Dunno"

Katie frowned. "Uh huh. Right."

Small leaves crunched under Travis' feet as he shuffled closer. "She was pretty drunk. I think she was holding a glass of Kool-Aid. Maybe Dakota gave her that."

Katie, still frowning, turned back to him. "What did she tell you? She was really close."

Travis looked down at her, his blue eyes a shade darker than usual. "She asked if I wanted to dance."

She raised an eyebrow and asked. "And your answer was..?"

"No of course." Travis leaned down and whispered to her. "I said I was waiting for my hot girlfriend to come."

Hot huh? Katie smirked a little. She closed the gap between them and whispered to him. "You look not too bad yourself, Stoll."

He smirked and placed his hands on her waist.

"All for you, babe."

For once, she didn't mind the nickname. After seeing another girl hit on him, she was glad for it. And was she feeling brave living up to it.

Leaning up and whispering in his ear, so close that her lips almost touches his earlobe.

"How about a little dance, Peanut."

She felt him shiver as she leaned away and pulled him to the dance floor. They danced for a few minutes, his arms never leaving her. The only thing it did was hold her closer. So close that their chests were touching and his face was buried in her hair. From the corner of her eye, she could see the tall blonde talking to another boy, but for a few seconds her eyes drifted over to them and Katie took it as a challenge.

Aphrodite would have been proud of her but her mom would probably turn her into a cactus so that no one would dare go near her. Either way, she did what she did and she knew she regret nothing.

Still looking at the girl, she ran her hands down Travis' arms, causing him to stiffen. And when she pulled slightly at the hem of his shirt, he leaned back and stared down at her. His face was contorted in confusion but his eyes told her otherwise. There was the usual mischief, turning then a shade darker, but there was something else.

Smiling sweetly up at him, she buried her fingers in his curls and pulled his face down to hers. She kissed him softly on the lips, causing him to moan a tightened her arms around him as he did the same to her. They pressed so close together that they would appear as one among the crowd. The sudden surge of courage drives her and the girl who had cause it vanished as she felt Travis' hand travel up her back, settling on the bare space between her shoulders. His hand was warm and feeling it pressed against her skin made her feel light. She softly nibbles his bottom lip and the groan he let out vibrated through her, causing her to shiver. They kissed for a few minutes, oblivious to the campers around them.

She was the one to pull away first, only to place a sweet little kiss just under his jaw, causing Travis to bury his face in her hair again.

"Looks like I need to show some campers around here that you're taken," she whispered and softly pecks his earlobe.

Travis sighed, breathlessly. "Gods of Olympus, Katie. You drive me crazy." It his turn now to lean down and kiss her under the jaw.

Katie laughed a little before shivering, not because of what had just took place, but because a cold breeze suddenly flew across the pavilion. Travis smiled against her skin and pulled away, taking the forgotten cardigan from the table. "Despite what a view it was to see you in that dress. I prefer you wear this. There are so many roaming eyes tonight and I like to keep what's mine mine. I don't like sharing."

Shrugging it back on, Katie smiled at him and pecked his lips. "I don't like it either."

He intertwined their fingers as the walked back to their friends. On their way, he pulled her close and whispered huskily in her ear, "That dress fits you perfectly. Maybe I should request to Silena to give you a dozen more for you to wear whenever we're alone together. I promise I'd have something very special for you in return."

Katie's eyes widened and she glared at him, pushing him. He only laughed and kissed her temple.

Back in Olympus...

Demeter looked at the screen with a horrified expression.

"My little Katie..."

Hermes smirked at the screen and said.

"That's my boy."

While off in the distance, Aphrodite squealed, startling her husband, Ares.

"Oh honey, those two are so cute. They sure are quite the jealous type."

The End

AN: Am I forgiven now? :)))

Yes...kisses. Not just 'kiss'. I've been MIA for some time so, though maybe that will satisfy your Tratie needs hehe. Anyway, I really hope you like it. And thank you yet again, for everything! You guys are awesome!

Just got a package of bitesize Twix.

I'm sending a few of them to you!

Virtually of course. *winks*

I've been walking around with no Twix for months now. So I better recharge!


Anyway, be updating soon. (I hope:))

Thank you and advance Happy New Year!

PS: Have you guys read BoO? Of course you have! :) Now come and join me as I drown myself in myself and cry because it is over! *cries* But fear not my, my friends! Percy and the gand will always be with us. Always. Forever. Thank you so much Rick Riordan! *salutes*

~ Angelica :))