Alright, folks! Here we go! Something new! This is inspired by the writings of Kyoko Kasshu Minamino, who writes terrific Batman Beyond fanfiction, among other writings. Go read her stories when you can, I HIGHLY recommend her stuff. After reading her phenomenal material, this little story happened into my head. To clarify, this takes place before the JLU episode "Epilogue." There is an obvious pairing here that some people love and some people hate. Me? I'm a fan of both pairings but, to me, Terry and Max make a little more sense. But, don't worry, this is going to be fun ride.

So... let us begin our journey... shall we?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to Batman Beyond, though I do have the DVD collection of the series. I wish it would have run longer.

Anyway... onward...

Chapter 1: Path of Difficulty

Gotham City. Even in its Neo era, never the safest place on the planet. And tonight was no different. The Gotham Federal Reserve had always been a particularly hard, and favorite, target for criminals. Several levels of security encryption, highly sensitive cameras, and quadruple steeled door, it was a fortress in the city. High risk, high reward. Though, with the amount of money it held and the level of security, sometimes it wasn't worth it. But sometimes, the proper incentive and motive… and enough equipment and large enough crew… can make even the most difficult task seem easy.

The criminals came packed with a lot of weapons to take on any police, the right tech people to shut down the security, and enough explosives to crack the safe door wide open. It took only a matter of minutes for the Reservoir to be broken into, but, once it was, it brought smiles to the criminals' devious faces. Before them, millions upon millions of credits. It was just a matter, now, of getting it all out of there and all of their villainous dreams were about to come true.

However, their fantasy was about to be shattered by the reality that dwells in the night of the city.

For, while Gotham may not be the safest place… it was far from the most dangerous.

And the reason for that… crashed in through the Reserve skylight, wearing all black with red wings… and the red bat symbol on his chest.

The protector of Neo-Gotham.

The Dark Knight.


The hero landed in the middle of the thugs, instantly retracting his wings. "The bank's closed, gentlemen. You'll have to come back during regular business hours."

Most of the thugs turned their guns on the Gotham knight immediately. Batman activated his jet boots, immediately taking off into the ceiling. He threw multiple batarangs, hitting the guns and causing them to explode. He threw several smoke bombs, disorienting the criminals and causing them to scatter. Batman came down and tackled two of the thugs, easily knocking them out. Another criminal had a pistol but it was knocked from his hand in an instant by another batarang. The criminal looked up just in time to see the Dark Knight's fist coming right at his face.

The rest of the criminals hid among various other areas of the bank. One was hanging around a corner to attack the Dark Knight with his gun but he jumped from the pillar saw nothing but smoke and the unconscious bodies of his comrades. He was struck on the back of the head and rendered unconscious, courtesy of a backhanded chop from Batman. There were at least three more scattered around the bank but this was routine at this point. Batman wasted no time in dismantling them all and left them hanging by his cables from the bank skylight until the police arrived.

As the Gotham Police started taking the criminals away, Batman got on his comlink to report to his mentor. "That's done."

"Good work," Bruce replied. "Before you call it a night, head for the west side. The Three Forests Hotel."


"Double homicide. Something strange about the killings."

"Strange how?"

"From what I've been hearing over the police radio… you have to see it for yourself."

Terry didn't like the sound of that. "On my way."

A few minutes later, Batman was at the Three Forests Hotel, going to the window of a room on the forty-fifth floor. He looked in and saw the dozen or so police standing around the bodies of two deceased males, who both seemed to be in their late thirties. Terry used his listening devices to learn that the cause of death was poison with the time of death being estimated that they were poisoned at dinner, more than likely through their food somehow. The disturbing part of the scene was that someone had come in and moved the bodies, arranging them to lie next to each other with their arms crossed over their chests. Afterward, whoever did this left without a trace.

"Okay… that's more creepy than strange…" Terry remarked.

"Learn anything else?" Bruce asked.

"From just looking?" He scanned the hotel room. It was a hotel suite. The furniture was lavish and the fixtures were expensive. There was an open, expensive bottle of wine on the table. "These guys were loaded."

"Very. They're two members of the Shang family, the two middle brothers."

As little as the McGinnis lad did know, he knew that the Shang family was very wealthy. "Whoa… those guys own half Blüdhaven."

"They did. Up until about six months ago."

"What happened?"

"No one is really sure. They suddenly had to sell off most of their assets a few months ago. The entire family is primarily bankrupt."

"Then how'd they afford this place?"

"Rumor has it that they have a lot of money hidden away."

Terry looked at the bodies. "Maybe they should've hid with it."

"They are eight other members of the family that are prominent, having control of most of the family estate." He paused as the computer brought up more information. "Scratch that. Five."

"What happened?"

"Three others have been murdered over the past two months."

"Whoa." The young hero zoomed in on an item that didn't seem to belong in the room. Maybe the killer had left one trace, after all. "Was there a small back tiger figurine found at the scene of the other killings?"

Bruce was surprised. "How'd you know?"

"'Cause I'm looking at one right now." Situated on a bookshelf, a small black tiger statue was sitting up straight with its front legs pushing it upward and its mouth open as though it were mid-roar. "I suppose you agree that the murders and their sudden money troubles are no coincidence."

"Of course. We don't believe in coincidence."

Terry scoffed. Lesson one when becoming Batman. "So… they're being targeted by the same person."

"The question is… with a family this powerful… who would target them… and so easily get away with it?"

It was going to be a question that needed an answer. And soon. That much was clear. "Looks like I'll be busy for a while."

"Looks like it."

The following morning came with more sleep than Terry planned, though this was normally the case. He had gotten so used to falling asleep in class that he was actually starting to hear more subconsciously than before. He was even starting to pass a few classes, surprisingly. How that was possible was anybody's guess.

At lunch, he collapsed at the table, folding his arms underneath his head to rest his eyes some more, not even bothering to get anything to eat. Most of the time he wasn't that hungry, anyway; a lot of training taught him how to move with only the bare nutrients of food. Just one more way Bruce proved to be a cruel taskmaster… but absolutely, always right at the same time.

Those moments annoyed Terry to no end.

While he rested, his best friend, closest confidant, and the openly admitted reason he stayed sane most of the time, Maxine Gibson, approached, setting her lunch tray down next to him.

"Rough night?" the pink haired girl asked, knowing he could hear her. It wasn't the first time she found him like this.

"Just long, actually," Terry admitted. He never raised his head and even kept his eyes closed. Another common practice at this point. "I'm getting better, though." He held up two fingers, "I made it all the way through the first two classes before zoning out." He lowered his hand.

"That's a record for you."

He ignored her joke.

"One would think you'd have more stamina, by now."

"One would think you'd be nicer to a hero."

Max was about to speak on the subject on Terry needing help in the actual fighting crime department.

But he preempted her, quickly raising a finger up. "Please, no 'I should be out there with you' speech. I really just can't argue about it right now." He put his finger down.

She was impressed. "Am I getting that predictable?"

"Only during days of the week ending with the word 'day.'"

She scoffed but smiled anyway.

They spent the rest of lunch in relative silence, Max eating while Terry rested. She understood the nights were rough and the mornings were worse so she usually just let him catch up on whatever sleep he could. Unless she wanted to annoy him or give him some good news. Today happened to be an occasion for the latter.

After finishing her meal, Max patted him on the shoulder. "Did I tell you Harvey Industries called me?" she asked.

"You did the first time." Terry still never lifted his head. "Then the second. And third. I was fighting off a group of T's the last time." He paused and pointed at her, still not lifting his head, "You talked from the when the first punch landed until the police got there to arrest them all." He put his hand down again.

Max giggled. She remembered that. He complained for the next three days. "Well, they called again. They want me to come in for an internship. It's a big opportunity, ya know."

"I know. You earned it. Good job."

"They're having a gala in a few days and want me to be there. Kinda mingle with the bosses and higher ups. Get to know everybody."


She lightly elbowed him, "Wanna come with?"

He took a deep breath and exhaled, "Would love to. But you-know-who would have a problem with it."

Max rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. If the boss calls, you gotta leave. I know the drill." If anyone did, she did.

"Wasn't talking about Bruce."

It dawned on Max that he meant Dana. "Oh, right. All this 'you hanging out with me' stuff again?"


"She mad at me?"

"You? Never. Me? All the time."

Max held her smirk but quickly lost it when she saw Dana approach. "Uh-oh. Speaking of which… Dana, 10 o'clock. And she looks… mad. Real mad."

Terry's eyes grew wide. He sat up in a straight shot. "Oh… slag…"

She could see the look in his eyes. He screwed up big time. "Forget a date?"

"Worse…" He stood up just as Dana was close. He turned to her, "Dana, I…"

She slapped with enough force and authority to make even Max wince in pain, though she was far more shocked by the fact that Dana even slapped Terry in the first place.

"I could stab you," Dana threatened, scaring Max but Terry was far from surprised.

"Dana, I'm sorry," Terry rubbed his cheek.

"You're sorry! YOU'RE SORRY! How many times do I have to hear that from you?!"

He was still rubbing his cheek. She wasn't done so he dared not speak. Plus… that was one heck of a slap.

"I TOLD YOU! OVER AND OVER AGAIN, I TOLD YOU!" She looked at the pink haired teen sitting next to him, "BUT AS ALWAYS YOU HAVE TIME FOR EVERYONE ELSE BUT ME!" She slapped him with the other hand.

She walked off, fury almost burning the floor with every step.

"Oh, my God…" Max breathed out.

Terry rubbed both cheeks and just sat back down.

She looked at his bright red skin. "She really tagged you… Are you alright?"

He just watched as Dana walked off. "No. But… not much I can do about it right now. I need to let her cool off first."

"What happened?"

He was about to answer when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

He sighed, "Tell ya later. We got class."

Max watched him walk off and could see it in his body language. This was a cause for concern. With that much drama attached, she wanted to know the whole story as this seemed more than the typical Terry-Dana fight. They had arguments, broken up, and gotten back together so many times before that it started to seem common place. Most people had started to set their watches by it. Today was sure different, though. Dana had never hit Terry before.

The rest of the day was filled with so much tension for Terry that, at the end of the day when his phone rang, he was grateful Bruce was on the other end… for once.

"Terry," the old man spoke after his student answered.

"Please tell me you need me somewhere," Terry tried to not sound pleading but he couldn't help it.

Bruce became perplexed. "In fact I do… but… why do you sound so eager?"

"Long story. And you won't wanna hear it."

Wayne didn't argue. He was curious if whatever was bothering his protégé would affect his performance on the job but he figured it must just be a teenage/high school problem and decided to leave it be for now. Terry could work through it just like he always had. "Fine. It's another murder. This one is slightly more gruesome and involved."


"Get to the Gotham Water Treatment. You'll see what I mean."

"On my way." Terry hung the phone up and started for his motorcycle.

Just as he got to his vehicle, he heard Max call out, "Hey, Ter!"

"Can't talk now, Max." He hopped on his bike and started it up.

"The old man calling?" she asked, walking closer to him.

"Yeah. Something weird's goin' on."

"This about those murders that happened at Three Forests?"

"You heard about that?"

"All over the Net."

"Yeah… it might be connected to it. I'm gonna be busy for a while."

She smirked. "What else is new?"

He scoffed, "Got me there."

She knew he had to go but she still wanted answers to another matter. "Alright. But short version of you and Dana. Go."

He grabbed his helmet, "Her Mom came back in town… and there was party to celebrate that and her mom's birthday…" He paused for a few seconds. "I didn't make it."

They both stopped for a second. That… would cause a problem.

Max rubbed her forehead. "Ah, slag…"

Terry sighed. He paused for a second, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Yeah."

His concern was all over his face, Max could easily see it. More than anything, McGinnis hated letting anyone down, especially with him putting his criminal past so far behind him. She put her hand on his arm, hoping to console him. "Terry…"

She was trying to help, just like always. And he appreciated it. It always meant a lot. But he didn't have time to dwell on it. There were other far more important matters at hand. "Hey, Max, look…"

Remembering he had other issues to deal with, she moved her hand away. "Oh, yeah, sorry. No, go. Go ahead."

"We'll talk about it later. See ya." He put his helmet on.

"See ya…"

Terry sped off while Max just watched him disappear down the street. She turned around to see Dana staring at her with a particular intensity on her face. Max opened her mouth to say something but Dana turned and walked off.

It was only after she was gone that Max realized… Dana wasn't staring daggers at Terry… she was staring them at her.

So, how's that for a beginning? You like it? Did you hate it? You know... there's a way to tell me about that. It's called... REVIEWS! I LOVE THOSE! Please, tell me what you guys think! Good, bad, indifferent, just let me know! Thanks in advance!

Next Chapter: Path of Discovery

Batman continues to look into these mysterious killings. Meanwhile, Terry's relationship with Dana is continuing its downward spiral.

Until next time...