Legs crisscrossed and hands resting comfortably, Raven remained silent as she watched Beast Boy try to figure out what movie they were planning on watching. It was something they did at least once a week. However, unlike usual, it was just the two of them. Starfire and Robin were enjoying their date and Cyborg was visiting his own lover. She wondered Why they didn't just reschedule this movie but Beast Boy insisted on watching it tonight.

"What should we watch?" Beast Boy pondered as he browsed through the rather large collection of movies they had. "Please don't say romance." He added as he skipped over that section.

"Something action-y." Raven said. Honestly, she felt like going to bed, but she didn't want to let Beast Boy down. This was a weekly thing, and they were the only two in the tower at the moment, so she had to do it for his sake.

"Zombie movie?" Beast Boy asked.

"Sure." Raven nodded.

Beast Boy smiled and picked one of his favorite zombie horrors and put it in. Making his way over to the couch, he plopped down next to her. "I love this movie..."

Raven watched as the title screen popped up, she rolled her eyes. "I think you need to get a new movie. I think I can recite this movie line by line." She would admit though, this was a good movie. Her legs unfolded as she relaxed on the couch. Minutes through, she looked over at the other.

"Oh crap, I forgot the snacks!" Beast Boy said, jumping up and heading to the kitchen area. "Want some popcorn?"

"And some tea please." Raven called back, her eyes still glued to the movie screen. Before she knew it, Beast Boy was already back with her tea and a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. "Thanks." Raven said, and sipped her tea gently.

Beast Boy shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Minutes passed of complete silence. He cleared his throat, "You know... I'm kind of glad the others are gone."

Raven rose a brow, "And why is that exactly?"

The changeling shrugged, "It's just nice I guess..."

"Yeah, it is kind of nice." Raven agreed. "I'm just glad Starfire's not here asking a million questions about the movie."

Beast Boy laughed, "She is pretty annoying."

"And Cyborg isn't here to pass gas."

The two laughed, the movie now being ignored. Beast Boy grinned, "We should do this more often." He suggested, "You seem like you are enjoying yourself.'

Raven looked at him in surprise, she actually was enjoying herself. "Right... " She mumbled to herself softly.