The noonday breeze swept her hair off her neck as she scattered Dean and Sam's ashes into the still and silent lake. "What happens now?" Michael's presence manifests at her side.

"Life goes on. We've cured the populations of Lucifer's virus. They'll all live normal lives." He answers in a ghostly whisper. "Thanks to you."

She takes the compliment with a heavy heart as the last of the ashes sink into the water. "And what happens to me?"

"Considering the Apocalypse never happened? The gates of hell haven't been closed. And there are still those who threaten evil on our father's children."

"The world still needs hunters." She nodded to herself. "Well, I never was cut out for a peaceful life anyway." Michael doesn't respond and she stays quiet for a long moment."Can I ask something of you, my lord?" Her voice trembles slightly. There are tears threatening to fall.

"Sam died as Lucifer's vessel, you freed his soul but his body was entangled with the devil's essence to the end. To resurrect Sam bares the threat of bringing Lucifer back." He answered after a moment. "And as for Dean…Dean doesn't want to come back, you know this. He has Sam now. He won't risk losing him again." Tears began to streak down her face at Michael's words. "I am sorry, prophetess." He muttered quietly. "But perhaps there is something I can give you to ease your emptiness." Michael snaps his fingers and thunder rumbles. White light fills the air, conversing towards Jamie and settling at her stomach. When it clears, both her hands fly to her abdomen and she gasps as the feeling of life fills her being. Her blue eyes fly up to meet Michael's form, but he has already disappeared.

Four years later…

At the bank of a small lake a dark clothed figure moves blonde hair away from her face. Jamie pulls her leather jacket tighter around her torso as she stares into the rippling water. A few feet away a child squeals, and she looks over. A young boy with dark hair is playing with a blonde puppy in the grass. He looks up and stares at Jamie with piercing green eyes. "Dean Samuel Winchester, come over here." She coaxes softly. The little boy gets up and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her leg. "Cassie, come here, girl." She says to the puppy, pulling slightly on the bright red leash wrapped around her hand. She ruffles her son's hair and bends down to pick him up.

"Mommy?" The boy asks. He looks at her and then at the water. He points to the water as he stares at his mother. She smiles and gently runs her fingers over the brass amulet around his neck. "Where's Daddy?" He asks suddenly. He connects the amulet to his absent father. He knows it once belonged to him. For the entirety of his short life he has heard only stories and seen only pictures. Now he begins to wonder where the man his mother calls his father is, and why he's never seen him in person.

Jamie stares at the water for a moment and then moves the amulet aside as she puts her finger against her son's chest. "He's in here." She tells him. "Right here in your heart." Her son looks down and then puts his pale hand against her chest, his emerald eyes holding a question. "Yes, he's in mine too." She confirms with a nod. "And he'll always be with us, forever." The boy wraps his arms around Jamie's neck and she holds him close to her chest. She stares out into the water with murky blue eyes, watching as the image of Dean and Sam is reflected in the morning mist. Her heart aches for Dean's strong arms and Sam's broad chest. Though she would not trade for the feeling of her son's small hands around her neck, and the puppy nuzzling at her leg, she still wishes for their physical presence. It takes a moment, but the familiar feeling of their spirits around her manifests itself again. She knows they're both here beside her, guarding her son with quiet strength. Almost as quickly as it forms, the mists disperse and disappear. A single tear runs down her cheek as she turns and walks away.