Don't Call Me Prince

Don't Call Me Prince

By Dark_One Shadowphyre

(A/N: Okay, this last, as you probably surmised, is Jake's POV. Sort of a tirade on being thrown into a leadership role with so much responsibility in it. Having to make life and death choices every day. Very dark. Respectfully submitted, Dark_One Shadowphyre.)

-- --*-- --

Why am I the leader?

I'm just a regular kid!

At least...

I used to be.

Now, of course, I'm far from regular.

I'm a commander.

The leader of our small army.

And army of six.

Rachel: My cousin

Psycho? Or valiant warrior?

Tobias: My cousin's love

Hawk? Or Human? Or Andalite?

Marco: My best bud

Comedian? Or Ruthless?

Cassie: My love

A killer with a conscience...

Ax: an Andalite

Ax...Please don't call me "Prince"

And then, there's me.

Shoved from fair B-ball player

To military commander

In one night.

In only a few minutes,

I went from the too serious

Younger brother of an awesome

Basketball star,

To the cool,

Deliberate tactitian

In a force against the yeerks.

Against my own brother.

Why me?!

I'm too young to have to deal with this!

But I do deal with it.

We all do.

We have to deal.

We can't give up.

If we give up, Earth is lost.

We can't let that happen.

So, I am in command.

I take responsibility.

I lead the fight against the yeerks.

I kill.

But, still...



Don't call me "Prince".

I may be your leader,

But I'm still a regular guy....

Aren't I?