"Robin is my best friend. He doesn't tell me everything, but he doesn't have to. I trust him completely, and I'd do anything for him." BirdFlash.

I was tense. I'll admit that much. I was on a short fuse, and the team had noticed. Two hours of sleep in three days will do that to you, as will repressing an increasing sexual attraction for your best friend. Add that to the fact that it was almost that time of the year, and I was not a very pleasant person to be around. The bickering between Wally and Artemis had come to a head, resulting in a shouting match in the middle of the living room, and I'd about had it.

"Well if you would try using that peanut stuck between your ears-"

"Well if you would change your tampon and have a chocolate bar every once-"

"Well if you would save a chocolate bar for someone else inste-"

"Shut up!" I screamed, jumping to my feet and glaring at the pair. All eyes turned to stare at me, but my gaze didn't waver. "Both of you just shut up! I've had it with you two! You're friends, teammates. You love each other. People who love each other shouldn't fight. You don't know if you'll ever see each other again. Do you want those to be your last words to each other? Any of us could die any minute, and that would be the last thing you ever said to the other." Wally and Artemis gaped, looking back and forth between me and each other.

"Look Rob, we didn't-"

"Robin I never meant-" They both cut off when I stomped out of the room, turning down the hall and leaning against the wall when I was out of view. I sighed, rubbing at my eyes beneath my sunglasses. I was tired and I was emotional. I needed to calm down and get control of myself. I called up some meditation techniques Bruce taught me and closed my eyes, taking deep, steady breaths, focusing on slowing my heart rate. That time of year always turned my thoughts to morbidity and death, making me hyper-sensitive to everyone's mortality. Bruce was always extra careful then, and so was I.

"Wally?" I heard Artemis ask. I pressed myself further into the wall, automatically slipping into stealth mode.

"Hmm?" Wally hummed. I assumed his mouth was full.

"Is Robin alright? He's been kinda...pissy." I gritted my teeth against the word, but stayed silent.

"Shut up," Wally snapped. "Rob doesn't get pissy. Besides, like you're one to talk."

"Hey I'm just sayin', he's been acting all moody, like he's hiding something. You're his best friend, what's going on with him?" I was shocked that Artemis let Wally's comment slide, but didn't have much time to dwell on it before Wally was speaking again.

"I don't know what's going on with him. He asked me to drop it, and I did. Robin is my best friend. He doesn't tell me everything, but he doesn't have to. I trust him completely, and I'd do anything for him."

"I sense a lot of pain from Robin lately," M'gann spoke softly for the first time. "I respect your loyalty, Wally, but perhaps it would be better if Robin actually talked about whatever is bothering him."

"Look, Rob doesn't want to talk about it!" Wally shouted. I could picture him throwing his hands in the air in exasperation, and almost smiled. "I can't make him talk if he doesn't want to! No offense, but I'm probably more concerned about him than all of you combined. He's my best friend. I'm the one that's known him for years. I'm the one that's slowly dying watching whatever this is tear him apart. I'm the one that's been unable to sleep for the last week trying to figure out a way to make him smile. I've tried!" Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I had no idea my behavior was bothering Wally so much. But I couldn't tell him. I couldn't talk to him about this. I couldn't add my problems to his. And I couldn't open up like that, not even to him. I couldn't trust him like that.

"Geez, sorry we're concerned," Artemis muttered. "Robin's our friend too. We're not saying that what you two have isn't special or anything, but he's on this team, so if he's not at the top of his game, we need to know. Even if we didn't care for him as a friend, which we do, for the record, our lives are in his hands. If he's compromised in any way, it's our right to know." As much as I hated to admit it, Artemis had a point. I shouldn't have even been at Mount Justice. I was emotionally compromised, and it could put the whole team in jeopardy. But I would have to admit that something was bothering me, and nothing was. Because at Mount Justice, I was Robin, Boy Wonder, not Dick Grayson, orphan. Dick Grayson was the one mourning his parents' deaths, not Robin. Robin was the one avenging them.

"If Robin thought that he was putting you in danger, do you think he'd be here?" Wally snapped. "We're his friends just like he's ours. He wouldn't risk our lives like that. I trust him. You should too." I heard a soft whoosh, followed by footsteps, and then silence. My throat was tight and my eyes were stinging as I slid down the wall into a sitting position, knees bent with my forehead resting on my knees. I pounded a fist on the floor.

What the hell am I doing here? I thought bitterly. They're right. All this thinking about how they could all die any minute, and I didn't even consider that it could be my fault. They're trusting me with their lives out there. If my heart's not in it, if my head's not in it, it could kill them. I'm so stupid! I punched the ground again, gritting my teeth against threatening tears.

"Robin?" I snapped my head up to see Wally standing above me, shuffling his feet and looking anywhere but at me. "Can we talk?" I didn't answer, not trusting my voice. Instead I stood and walked down the hall, Wally following close behind until we reached my room. I unlocked the door and walked inside, but he waited uncertainly at the threshold. I jerked my head and he stepped tentatively into the room, the door sliding shut behind him. As soon as it was closed, he began to speak, words almost blurring together as he rushed to get them out.

"Look Rob, I know something's up and I know you don't wanna talk about it but I just want you to know that everyone's really worried about you and we all wanna make sure you're okay and-"

"Wally," I cut off his rambling and he looked up at me with wide, worried eyes. I gulped and fought back tears again. I was doing far too much of that. "I wanna talk about it." His eyebrows shot up and his mouth opened and closed several times.

"O-okay," he whispered, sitting on the corner of my bed and patting the spot next to him. I sat. It was quiet for a long minute, Wally shifting nervously beside me, as I thought. Finally I just reached up and pulled off the damn sunglasses. Robin wasn't the one that needed to talk here. Wally squeaked and threw his arms up to cover his eyes. "Rob what're you doi-" I pulled his hands away, turning his head so he had to see my unhidden face.

"Not Rob," I whispered, holding his chin so he was forced to look me in my newly exposed eyes. "Richard John Grayson, born March 21st, and orphaned June 27th, 8 years later." I watched Wally gulp, his Adam's Apple bobbing in his throat.

"Today is June 26th," he whispered, raising a hand to cup my cheek. "I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm sure you've heard that before, and it probably wouldn't help." I closed my eyes, leaning my cheek into his touch as I felt a tear leak free. I should have told Wally before. I should have trusted him like he trusted me.

"It doesn't help," I whispered back, my voice cracking. "But it helps to have someone. Batman isn't exactly known for his comforting hugs and soothing presence." My weak attempt at a joke didn't even earn me a smile.

Wally raised his free hand to my other cheek, holding my face so I couldn't turn my head as he said, "Richard John Grayson, you're my best friend in the world. You've always been there for me when I needed you, so I swear I will be there for you. You're sleeping over at my house tonight. No excuses. We're going to watch movies and play video games, and I will be there for you when the clock strikes midnight. You will not be alone. I swear it." I felt thumbs brush across my cheeks, and that's when I realized I was crying. I swallowed a lump in my throat and leaned into Wally, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and burrowing my face in his neck. "Shh," Wally whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and rubbing soothing circles on my lower back. "I'm here for you, I promise. I'll always be here for you. Shh." I choked back sobs until the tears finally stopped, leaving me sniffling weakly into his shirt. Wally pulled back and put a finger under my chin, tilting it up until I was staring into his loving emerald orbs.

"Even all red and puffy, you have the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, Richard."

"Call me Dick," I muttered, trying not to blush.

"Mmm, it doesn't exactly fit. You're the nicest person I know. But if you say so, Dick it is." Wally smiled widely and I couldn't help myself. I was so completely whelmed in that moment that I kissed him. I just leaned up and kissed him. By the time I realized what I'd done, Wally was kissing me back and it was the most perfect moment I'd ever experienced. His chapped lips were moving slowly against mine in a soft, sweet kiss that took my breath away. I broke off, gulping in air and cursing the necessity of oxygen, and Wally chuckled breathlessly as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"This sleepover should be interesting."

I am leaving this story as "In-Progress" for right now, because I am unsure if I will leave it as is or possibly add another chapter. Please review with your thoughts.