A/n: Here's a festive C/7 fic for you! It's a day late I know, but I thought I could get away with it on Boxing Day at least. Thanks so much to Valkara and NikkiB1973, whose cute ideas combined to help me come up with this fic. For the sake of themed fluff, let's say that Christmas fell between the episodes "Natural Law" and "Homestead". Please enjoy! :)

The competing scents of fir trees, mulled wine and cranberry assaulted Seven's nose as she stepped into Astrometrics, so strong that she couldn't contain a load sneeze even as she looked around her assigned domain in amazement. Gold tinsel trimmed every console, firmly secured with barely visible tape and crimson coloured candles were carefully balanced on every flat surface, the fine smoke that wisped up from each little flame obviously the source of the combating fragrances in the room. There was even what was known as a 'Christmas wreath', a woven ring of wood then covered with winter flowers from Earth and plastic representations of fruit, hanging proudly over her viewscreen, presumably because the automation of the door prevented it from being placed where tradition dictated. An exasperated sigh left Seven's lips even as she felt humour tempting her lips upwards. It was her own fault, she had been thoughtless even to give Neelix and Naomi permission to match Astrometrics to the festive décor of the rest of Voyager if they so wished, but she hadn't really expected them to go this far. In fact, to her, admittedly inexperienced, eyes it appeared they had decorated this room with particular exuberance…

She shrugged her shoulders, concluding that it would negatively affect the efficiency of her shift if she spent time removing all of these festive embellishments. Therefore, she limited herself to merely blowing out all the candles, although the stubborn puffs of smoke released as she did so told her that she was probably going to be haunted by the cloying smells for the rest of the day, if not the whole week. She noticed a strange object placed on her console as she moved over to finally start her work. It was a hollow tube of some sort, covered in shiny red and green paper which was tied off by ribbon at either end, effectively closing off the tube and whatever it was which was rattling around inside it. She peered at it in bemusement for a brief second, something about it toying with a long forgotten memory, trying to tease it out, but she hastily set it aside anyway. More Christmas irrelevance no doubt.

She had been working peacefully for almost an hour, only the occasional beeping of an alerted console and the steady rhythm of her own breathing penetrating the silence, when the soft hiss of the door directly behind her made her jump and spin around sharply, suspicious of Neelix's return with more 'necessary' decorations. Embarrassment closed her throat, her cheeks flaming more fiercely than those candles ever had, when she saw that it was Commander Chakotay who'd stepped inside. He was looking directly at her, although she could tell from the slight crease of confusion in his strong brows and the gently surprised smile on his lips that he'd noted the unorthodox state of Voyager's Astrometrics lab. She had to swallow hard to loosen her throat enough to speak, "Is there something I can do for you Commander?" The forced words came out much harsher than she'd intended and she unconsciously grimaced as he gave a start.

"I came for your report on the nebula we skirted around this morning…" Chakotay began seriously before running a sheepish hand through his hair as he was met with her piercing blue eyes, "But really, I have to ask. Why is it like Santa's grotto in here Seven?"

Seven wordlessly handed him the PADD which contained the requested report before shakily answering. "I do not know what a 'Santa's grotto' is exactly Commander, but I presume you are referring to the…unanticipated changes to this room."

Chakotay chuckled to himself softly. He shouldn't have used such an opaque reference with her, he didn't think he could give her a coherent explanation, it sounded incomprehensible now in his own mind let alone to Seven's ears. She'd handled her confusion better than he had though. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean." He agreed.

Seven herself looked around the room uncertainly. "It was like this when I arrived here earlier today Commander. I am…unsure as to how this décor came to pass." She admitted quietly.

Chakotay felt his chest tighten as he watched her gaze dip away from his, abruptly realising that she was ashamed as well as embarrassed and impulsively took hold of her elbow to encourage her to look at him again. "It doesn't matter Seven, not at all, don't worry about it okay?" He felt his breath catch in his throat as he felt her study his face as he said his reassurances. "I'm sure whoever did this didn't intend to upset you…" He added intuitively, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he tread carefully.

Surprise flickered quickly over Seven's face, as if she hadn't expected him to consider her feelings. "I was somewhat shocked at first..." She conceded, "…but the suspects I have in mind would only do this for kindly reasons." Chakotay felt her hand move over his, the one which still held her elbow, and then loosen his grip before slowly dropping her arm back to her side. He couldn't be sure whether she intentionally squeezed his fingers as she did so but his heart skipped a beat anyway.

"Who are your suspects?" He asked quickly, stepping back from her reluctantly as he composed himself.

He was glad to see Seven's eyes take on that wry glint which told him she'd relaxed her guard a little. "Perhaps 'suspects' is the wrong word, I believe I inadvertently gave them permission after all." Her head lowered, although this time it was an attempt to hide her shy smile. "When Neelix and Naomi visited in their capacity as the unofficial 'Christmas Celebration Committee', they were very unsettled by the fact that Astrometrics would be incompatible with the arrangements they had made for the rest of the ship. I ultimately agreed that they could decorate this lab as much as they wish…" She glanced around the opulent room again then back at Chakotay, "…within reason."

Chakotay heard a tentative laugh slip past her deadpan tone and started to laugh himself as he assessed the room again, then met her eyes teasingly, "If you really think about it Seven, to Neelix at least all this would be within reason."

Seven responded with her habitual precise nod, though she could feel her smile widening, encouraged by his laughter. "I see your point; obviously I did not fully consider the consequences of my agreement."

"I wouldn't worry about it Seven, Neelix has learned ways to talk all of us into anything and as for Naomi, it's no secret she can wrap whoever she wants around her finger." His voice lowered, taking on a conspiratorial air, "Have you seen the Bridge yet today?"

Seven shook her head, her metallic and blonde brows knitting together in concern at his suddenly serious tone. "No, why?"

"Well, when I was there this morning it was already strung up with fairy lights and I think the consoles will have had the tinsel treatment by now considering I saw Naomi go into the Captain's Ready Room with handfuls of the stuff." Chakotay explained with an amused grin, "So like I told you, don't worry about it. Even the Captain isn't immune."

"Naomi does not get a chance to be properly childish often, and the crew do not often have the opportunity to celebrate traditions either." Seven commented thoughtfully, flushing a little as she caught Chakotay's surprised glance her way. "I cannot resent them for taking advantage of our currently quiet situation, when life on Voyager is often so fraught."

Chakotay tensed as he heard the truth in her words, life in the Delta Quadrant wasn't well suited to a time of 'peace and goodwill', not in this crew's experience anyway… A sigh, more tellingly heavy than he'd intended, left him as he straightened. "I agree…" He muttered, quickly giving her a small but reassuring smile as she peered at him in concern, obviously worried that her words had offended him. That sign of empathy, something he'd been seeing from her with increasing regularity lately and which he hoped he'd been showing her too, spurred him on to brooch what had really brought him here. "Since you've seen the Christmas spirit at work here lately, I'm guessing you know about Tom's new project on the holodeck?"

Seven felt her teeth brush her bottom lip nervously, but resisted the urge to bite down. She wasn't sure why the Commander was lingering with apparently no other reason than to talk with her, it wasn't that she found him unpleasant to talk to, quite the opposite, but it left her feeling…confused nonetheless. "Yes, he's working to perfect an interactive Christmas on the holodecks. It appears to be quite ambitious; he's building it to cover both holodecks. He needed my assistance to help ensure that the size of the programme does not create any problems like when he extended the Fair Haven programme."

"You've seen it then?" Chakotay questioned, a little too eagerly, "What did you think?"

Seven had turned back to her console to reassure herself, but her hands still felt damp even when resting on the familiar cool metal. "It was…intriguing." She answered cautiously, "More so than his other programmes I suppose…" She paused as she heard his footsteps bring him closer to her again, her skin burning with an odd heat as his arm accidently touched hers, "The majority of it was unfamiliar to me, despite the reading the Doctor advised me to do on the subject." She felt herself shiver as she stared down at the console and her left hand resting on it, her Borg past erupting from the pale skin. "I don't recall the Christmases from my early childhood so I do not have personal experience to call from."

Chakotay felt a lump rise in his throat and for a few seconds couldn't quite swallow it. He'd thought he would've lost his sense of shock when Seven revealed such things, he knew more about the all-consuming nature of the Collective after all and had known her for four years already, but he knew it would be wrong to desensitise himself to the tragedies of Seven's life completely, even as he tried to help her move past it, that wouldn't be human. "You don't remember anything about Christmas?"

"No." Seven replied simply and then stiffened, fearing his pity. "The Doctor has assured me that my parents probably engaged in the Christmas rituals, considering their Northern European heritage…" She trailed off for a moment before shaking her head slightly, "However, the Collective would consider such memories irrelevant, a waste." She tilted her head to give Chakotay a sidelong glance, feeling her throat constrict as she saw not simple pity in his eyes but genuine pain. "What about you Commander?" she asked softly, "I did not think your people practised Christmas, why do you know so much…" She cut herself off as his lips twisted wryly, thinking she'd been impertinent.

"Oh, technically it's not celebrated by my people, but my mother always had a soft spot for it. You see, unlike my father she was raised on Earth rather than our tribe's outpost on Dorvan V, so she was brought up with Christmas along with our ancient traditions. It was eye-opening I came to the Academy and saw Christmas in full swing for the first time, honestly I'm as nostalgic for it as the rest of the crew."

Seven bowed her head, unsure of what to say in reply. "I am sorry that you will spend another year away from your home Commander."

Chakotay reached over and gave her cybernetic hand an affectionate squeeze, fighting the urge to run his fingers over the smooth metal. "I came to terms with that a long time ago Seven. I'm going to go to the holodecks tonight and remember good times that's all." He turned his face more certainly towards hers, "I'd like you to come with me Seven." He asked with soft sincerity.

"I…" Seven started, her mind going numb, "I would like that…" She admitted, feeling her blush intensify as she realised he was still holding her hand, "But I would not know what do to and the crew…the crew might feel uncomfortable with me there…"

"Why would you think that?" Chakotay demanded, though his voice was still low, his breath blowing on her cheek. "Seven, there's no reason why anyone would feel that way, and what others might think shouldn't affect your decision. I'm asking if you want to go for yourself."

Seven gazed up at him uncertainly, "And you want to accompany me?"

Her disbelieving tone made Chakotay's heart hurt. "Yes." He confirmed firmly, "I'd like your company, I always do."

Seven stepped away from the console so that she could hide her shaking hands behind her back. "If that is what you truly wish Commander, then of course I will accompany you."

He beamed at her, "Great! I'll meet you outside Holodeck 2 at 1900 hours."

"It's a date then Commander." Seven murmured, almost choking in mortification when she remembered the connotations behind that particular phrase.

To her relief, and surprise, Chakotay's smile didn't waver, inexplicably widening. There was even a teasing glint in his chocolate eyes when he replied, "Seven, if you're really agreeing then call me Chakotay."

"Okay…Chakotay." Seven agreed, sounding the syllables of his name out tentatively.

Chakotay gave a pleased nod in reply, then remembered something as he turned to leave. "Oh, Tom warned everyone to dress warmly, apparently the programme is set at a realistic winter temperature."

"I will replicate something appropriate." Seven assured him quickly.

"Good, I'll see you at 1900 hours then…" Chakotay told her, pausing as he felt something hanging over the door threshold brush the top of his head.

"What's that?" Seven queried innocently as she saw him freeze.

"It's mistletoe…" Chakotay forced out hoarsely, not sure that this time and place was the right moment to explain that tradition.

Seven saw that his tanned skin had tinged a definite shade of red and tensed. "Does it signify something?"

"Just a…minor tradition. Never mind it right now, we might come across some tonight and I'll explain then." Chakotay rambled nervously, "I'll see you tonight."

"Yes you will." Seven murmured, peering up the mistletoe curiously after he took his leave.

A/n: PLEASE REVIEW! :D I hope this is at least a promising start, I'll finish this before the end of the year even though I'm not sure yet how many chapters it'll end up having. Merry (slightly belated) Christmas everyone! :)