Part 2:

Shikamaru's POV

I can't believe she actually said yes to that guy! Shikamaru thought to himself as he looked over at Temari

And by that smile on her face she actually seems happy about it. But then again why should I care? It is her choice in all. Shikamaru thought to himself as he put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky

Uh, how troublesome. This is the reason why women are just a big pain. I mean you never know where you stand with them and then everything just gets so confusing and tiresome. He said looking over at Temari

"Is there something you want to say? You keep looking over at me" Temari said looking at him with a smug look on her face.

"Nothing, just thinking" He said kicking himself for having such a lame excuse

"If my date bothers you that much, you should really just say so" She said still looking over at him. It almost seemed like she wanted to admit something

"What exactly are you getting at?" Shikamaru said looking towards her now noticing her frustrated expression

"You know, forget it. I've got to go run some errands, then get ready. See you later" Temari said to him as she swiftly turned her back on him and walked away.

Oh great! what did I say now? Shikamaru thought to himself as he continued walking until he once again came across the same group of sand ninja walking just ahead of him, talking loudly.

"So dude are you going to score some with Temari tonight!"

"Of course man, You see she will be totally off guard tonight. So I'll just surprise her when she least expects it! Yuki said, his voice filled with venom

Shikamaru after hearing this suddenly found himself filled with a unfamiliar rage.

Those dirty bastards. Shikamaru thought as he could no longer control his sudden anger

"Hey, you three morons" He said his voice filling with anger. Which was something new to him. Usually he hated fighting and if anything would rather avoid it all together. He never realized that hearing guys talk about Temari that way could get him so angry. But it had.

"Hey, Yuki look it's that guy from the forest earlier that Temari knew, do you think that he" Before the guy could even finish Shikamaru cut him off

"Heard what you just said? You couldn't be anymore right." Shikamaru said looking at them, his eyes glaring as the ninja stared and looked at each other.

"Back off this has nothing to do with you." Yuki said walking forward reaching for the kuinai in his back pocket "and why do you even care!?"

Shikamaru then thought to himself and turned to grin at them "But I really do like her"

Yuki and the other sand ninja then smirked "Well pal, thats too bad for you, cause when were done with you-you be able to even whisper"

All of a sudden all of the sand ninja were sent spiraling into the cement wall

"I believe thats what I should be saying to you" Temari said to them suddenly as she stood next to Shakimaru her fan in her hand showing one of the three moons

The sand ninja all looked up from the ground to find a very angry looking Temari and a smug looking Shakimaru looking over them. As Shikamaru backed away, leaving them to Temari. As all you heard where screams of pains and apologizes, leaving the civilians to look in shock out of the scene then quickly walk away.

Temari's POV

What worthless nininja. I can't wait to see what Gaara does to them when I drag them back to the village. Temari thought to herself as she walked beside Shikamaru and smiled

"What are you smiling for?" Shikamaru asked her looking a bit nervous

"I can't help but laugh when I think about what Gaara's going to do them when I return to the village. They really weren't too smart." She said as thought of the ninja and shook her head.

"Uh-Temari, just how long where you following me?" Shikamaru said as he looked her in her eyes before quickly turning away. Temari swearing that he was blushing

"Shikamaru" Temari said making him turn to look at her, as she pulled his face close to hers and kissed him how she had always wanted to. Shikamaru seemed to freeze in shock before he wrapped his arms around Temari's waist tightly and pulled her closer to him. Shikamaru then started kissing on her neck as she then repeated what she had him saying earlier in a mocking tone

"But I really do like her"

Shikamaru then stopped for a moment as he looked up at her, surprising her with a smile "How troublesome you did hear that" Before he then pulled her down to him.