AN: Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews on my holiday fic! As promised, here is the first chapter of a new story. This chapter picks up a month after the Christmas one ends. This story will be chapters upon chapters of fluff, as we follow the lives of the Basses. I already have over 25 chapters planned out, so brace yourself :) But for now, enjoy the beginning because you only get one.

The gender of her first born was no surprise to Blair Waldorf Bass. "Basses make boys," her husband and uncle-in-law would tell her, and she repeated the mantra throughout her entire pregnancy. The gender reveal appointment was more a formality than anything else the first time around. 4 months into her second pregnancy, though, Blair wasn't so sure. Half of her gut told her it was a girl, while the other half just kept saying "Basses make boys."

All of this was racing through her mind as she walked through her front door to pick up Henry on the way to the gender reveal appointment. Henry insisted he'd be there. Blair and Chuck made him sit down with Aunt Serena to really talk about what having a sibling was about. Henry wasn't too sure before then, but after the chat, he was more protective of his unborn sibling than he was of Monkey or his Death Star Lego set (after 3 excruciating weeks for Chuck, Henry would be proud to tell you that the father-son Star Wars project was complete).

"Henry?" Blair called as she placed her Celine bag on a table in the home's entrance.

"Mommy!" Henry came running out of the kitchen where he'd been eating lunch with Dorota. "Dorota made me peas and bowtie pasta for lunch! Do you think the baby will like peas and bowties? Daddy would be sad if the baby didn't like bowties. Daddy really likes bowties."

"Good afternoon to you too, Hen." Blair looked passed him. "Is he ready to go, Dorota?"

"Mr. Henry needs not to forget his scarf. Manhattan in January unforgiving." She replied, handing Henry his plaid Burberry.

"Wow, mommy. The baby is getting so big." Henry said, leaning his head on Blair's small but protruding stomach.

Blair rolled her eyes. "I guess it's nicer than calling me fat." She said to Dorota.

The mother and son arrived at the OB/GYN a short hour later. Henry had insisted they stop for ice cream. Despite it being January, who was a pregnant Blair to object? They spotted Chuck at the far of the the waiting room reading a parenting magazine. They made their way over to him.

"Who would have ever thought there would be a day Chuck Bass would read a parenting magazine?" Blair said, sitting down next to him. Chuck just smirked and put the magazine down, so he could pull his son onto his lap.

"I was bound to knock you up sometime, kitten. God knows what the required reading would be." Chuck playfully retorted.

"No required reading. You're a perfect father." She smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

"Not while I'm here!" Henry yelled as his parents moved into inappropriate territory for a kiss at an OB/GYN office. His parents broke it off, smiling at him. "And if you do that in front of my baby, they'll be scarred for life!"

"Where'd you hear that one, Hen?" Chuck inquired.

"Uncle Dan asked me if I was scarred for life because of you guys kissing. I'm not, thank goodness, but I can't let it happen to my baby."

"When did this baby become 'yours'?" Blair smiled at him.

Henry leaned over to his mother to pat her stomach. "My baby..." he soothed.

Blair rolled her eyes as a nurse called out "Blair Bass?"

The family walked into the exam room, followed by a the nurse. "Do you have any questions or concerns before the doctor gets here?" She asked politely.

"No, I think we're okay. We've done thi-"

"I have some questions!" Henry interjected. Blair rolled her eyes, as Chuck tried not to laugh. Henry got up off his father's lap to stand right in front of the nurse. He planted his feet and crossed his arms, just like Chuck had taught him. "How soon until my baby will be able to play with me?" He scowled. "And why does mommy have to get fat for me to have my baby. Mommy hates being fat."

"Alright, Henry. That's enough." Chuck stood up and scooped up his son. The nurse's laugh was quieted by Henry's protests as Chuck sat him back down.

After 5 straight minutes of Henry glaring at his mother for not asking questions (Blair was on her iPhone during this time, while Chuck was just smiling at his son), Dr. Marshall walked in.

"Ah, Mrs. Waldorf Bass! I trust you're doing well? You look fabulous." She addressed Blair.

"I feel fabulous! I definitely have more... energy this time around." She glanced at Chuck who just smirked.

"And this must be Henry!" The doctor changed the subject.

"Henry, this is Dr. Marshall. She's known you since you were born." Chuck told him.

"So, you'll be taking care of my baby?" Henry eyed her.

"I will take very good care of your baby. I promise." The doctor smiled at him.

"Well, Mrs. Bass, let's get you started." Blair pulled up her shirt as Dr. Marshall fired up the ultrasound. Chuck took his wife's hand in his, as she held her breath.

The family silently walked out of the building.

"Jack is actually going to kill me."

"Oh my god."

"He's going to be pissed."

"I have to tell Serena."

"I ruined it."

"I have to tell my mother!"

"I have to tell Jack..."

"Oh, good lord, Chuck your sperm had nothing to do with it!"

"My sperm had everything to do with it!"

"What is sperm, mommy?"

"Nothing, Henry."


"What, Henry?"


"Not now, Henry."

"We're going to have a little girl! I can't believe it! You can't tell me you're not happy at this news, Bass..."

"I'm overjoyed! Just a little shocked. Basses make boys."

"Not this time!" She giggled and grabbed picked up her son. She started dancing with him right there on the sidewalk.

"Mommy!" Henry laughed, "I'm too big for this! I have to get ready to take care of my baby!" His giggles and and expression made him hard to take seriously, and he kept smiling as Chuck opened the door of the limo for them.

He sat down beside his wife. "We're going to have a little girl, Chuck." Her smile was contagious. Pure and simple, they were happy.

AN: Well... What do you think? I know absolutely nothing about OB/GYN appointments, so I just left that out.. heh. I already have a name for the Bass baby girl, and it's a secret :) I'm going to work out the first chapter of my dark and angsty CB fic before New Year's, I hope. A new chapter of this will come after. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!xoxo

P.S. yes, I did mean to knock the Dair shippers with that last line. Sorry not sorry...