Everyone got up and jumped through the center, I lifted from my seat and peered over the edge. Below I could see troops activating their inertia dampeners, the blue shield really giving their position. I leaped through and activated the dampener. The blue shield read a decent reading of 12000 newtons. I smacked down on the floor, the deployment was busy with Bolases dropping the battle ready vehicles. My Comms blepped in, my battle commander was issuing my squads firsts orders.

"Squad 1 is designate alpha, We need squad 3 to designate Charlie. Number one priority is designate Charlie. Squad 4 and 5 provide vehicular support for designate Charlie and Bravo. How copy?"

I held my hand up to my helmet and clicked the on button for UVT, "Solid copy, squad 3 is designate Charlie," I turned off UVT and back to squad, "VD, Provide logistics support for Marcos, I'll be the distraction."

VD unslung her repair tool and nodded. Marcos loaded a fresh clip into the HMG. I opened deployment and ordered a LAV. "I have a car in the queue, Whisper provide sniper support from the far end of Designate Charlie."

"10-4, Corporal." He replied.

The bolas entered and turned off the safe cloaking device, my LAV appeared under a shroud of blue light bending material. It then materialized and dropped onto the floor. I hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Marcos get in," I ordered.

He hopped in the back, pulled the charging handle for the blaster turret on the back. This turret shot plasma encased projectiles. Making it a hybrid weapon both effective against armour and shield equally. VD jumped into the passenger seat and gave me a thumbs up for the go.

This battlefield shared similar characteristics of one that was on luminaire. This designate location was Manus peak. It held three Null stations. They fired high explosive and high velocity rockets. Our mission was to get our MCC docked into the enemy mining facility. Then the real fight will happen.

I floored the gas pedal and headed to the a small trail that seemed to head up into the upper hills of our designated target. I kept the LAV to a steady 12kil/m per hour, making it easy for Marcos to shoot enemy scouts that were in our vicinity. I pulled over to the left to a lookout point. The dirt from under the wheels kicked up as the brakes did their job. I jumped out and turned to the turret compartment. Marcos jumped off the back and pulled his charging handle.

"Corporal, I'm ready," He said.

I opened a compartment in the back and took out four clips for my Dovoulle rifle. "Good," I said, "VD, Marcos follow my lead." I peered over the edge and saw enemy troops preparing for the attack. I kneeled down and slid slowly down the steep hill. The main attack force was now hitting designate alpha. The sound of rifles and HMGs were heard in the distance.

I reached the bottom and shouldered my weapon, the enemy was directing focus to the north side of the field, designate Alpha. I walked up to pillar that supported the objectives Null cannon. It was pretty barren underkneath, just a supply depot. I ran up to it and opened my hacking interface. The Installation wasn't protected by a profitable firewall, making the installation easy to take. Afterwards VD and Marcos slid down undetected.

"Marcos head up the small hill over there, Prep the HMG for continuous fire." I said.

He nodded in understandment and walked up the hill, VD was still following the first orders I gave, Repairing his heavy armour. I walked up to them and kneeled beside them.

"On my go, shoot everyone that is over by that Clone reanimation Unit." I sprinted over to the main null station computer. Marcos unleashed a punishing volley of rounds, the enemy soldiers sitting near the CRU had shields pop and fade. Blood and projectiles spewed out the exit wound. I sprinted over to the Main computer and got into the terminal. It gave me several different viruses. I opened up the hard drive over load. The viruses got into the files and sounded an electrical spark, knocking out the appliances.

I turned around to see an enemy have a pair of nova knives. He raised his hand preparing to strike. I reacted quickly by punching his jaw, my drop suit offered extra capabilities. One capability was super human strength. His helmet dented in and he fell to the floor. I pointed the Dovoulle at his face, ending the current pain he was in. I fired seven rounds.

The main strike force was now at designate Charlie, Reloading and restocking the ammo they had depleted. The last designated objective was Bravo, it was a little more urban than designate Alpha and Charlie. Having alpha being more of a bowl shaped into a series of rocks.

"Marcos! We're heading to the last objective, then were making the last push to the mining facility." I ordered.

I Forwarded the team to move to the last objective, I sprinted as fast as I can to the target. When we reached the halfway point two LAVs appeared on the outskirts of designate Bravo. They unleashed the payload that was carried inside the ammo compartments. My drop suits shields dropped and faded, I made the last bit of stamina I could might count. Then the final strike was a projectile to the chest, my momentum of sprinting kept my body moving. I could feel life drifting from me, then my body hit the floor. I could see a distortion view of the area I was in, blood was covering the inside of my visor. Then my heart started slowing down, life was drifting fom the body. A nearby shadow came close and stuck something into my upper leg. I started having feeling again and felt an icy chill run up into the chest cavity. The humanoid shadow injected me with nanites, they repaired my damaged tissue. Then the real pain set in, I felt where the tissue burned from plasma and my heart feeling like it was being torn open.

I lifted my head, hearing still clouded and ringing. I looked around to see mercenaries shooting swarm launchers onto the nearby LAVs as they exploded into flame. VD crouched beside me and gave out her hand, I grasped it and she pulled me up. As son as I got to my feet bullets were being exchanged from all directions. I could hear the air crackle form the Plasma burning the valuable oxygen that was in the air. The dust from was being kicked up into the air, making it hard to see from our position.

"VD take squad 1 and go for a flank on the left. I'll take squad 2 and make the forward push." She nodded and gestured Marcos to follow her. He kept his barrel pointed at the enemy, shooting rounds into the troops that would fire at them. A squad of soldiers broke from the firing line following the duo. I walked under cover to the squad leader of squad two. He was repairing armour of a nearby soldier.

"Sir! We need to make a push, I have my squad offering a flanking mission to the left," Several rounds chipped his shields, The soldier he was helping fired sixteen rounds to the enemy, "Watch your fire from that direction, and push when squad 1 gives the clear!" I shouted, Gunfire was drowing my voice. Hearing the screams for help as mercenaries were dropping. I lifted my gun and fried an entire clip into the enemy armour. In the distance I could hear shields being chipped and bodies dropping. It was hard to tell where the actual enemy was, the dust being kicked up created a shroud of debris of smoke and dirt. The only reliable way to tell where they are was from the barrel flash. My scanners picked up all movement, making the radar useless with the dust particles. I heard a body fall of a building, "Now! We need to move now!" The enemy fire slowed down, it allowed a small open window to push up to the first building.

I sprinted from the bottom of a canal we were hunkered in. The mercenaries all got up and followed to my position. "VD, what's your sitrep on the flanking manuvuer?" I asked,

Static was all I heared for four seconds then she answered, "We have the main force on us now. Move up to a supply depot, it's just thirty meters from the first building."

I walked over to the edge of the building and peered over the edge. The enemy mercenaries were focusing fire on the back side. I ran over to supply depot. Friendly heavy soldiers fired thrie volleys at the enemy. When I reached the other end the direction of fire was being split between our two strike forces. I activated my UVT and got contact with our GC.

"Sir, we need orbital support on our district. A quick payload would be acceptable." I said.

I activated back Into the ground comes. The assets in my tactical map were giving off notifications for orbital support. I opened the starship map. My current asset was a Pilot named Lizaa, "I have a hybrid bombardment awaiting coordinates. Make it fast it's getting rough up here." I sent in the coordinates fro the main strike to right in the middle of designate bravo.

Blue lights circled around the middle and green lasers dropped form the sky, The barrage dropped its payload very fast making every enemy shield fry and having the laser finish off any armour based people. Any vehicle in the vicinity would have no chance of escaping from the barrage. After the fire stopped the vehicles inside the city were fried.

"Let's move!" I raced to the Null station, accessed the terminal and downloaded the virus to overload the hard drive. The circuit fried, leaving the null station neutralized I could see the MCC flying overhead. The sound of the engines flaring were like a low growl. Friendly dropships came in and set down on top of short buildings. The next fight would be to neutralize the mining facility and slow enemy manufacturing process. The main fighting force of a friendly corporation would be inserted to slow down ground to orbit defenses.

I walked into the dropship and sat down into a seat up against a wall near the cockpit. My squad was set in charge of the ground to orbit insertion. The dropship lifted up , allowing me to see the battlefield ahead.