They never teach you everything that happens in war. Sure the basics, but the screaming, constant drowning of gunfire from all directions. It doesn't even come close to the real thing. I've served in several battles, mostly corporation contracted. My corp. has been contracted in almost three planetary battles. Two, unfortunately, ended up in failure. My corporation failed to defend section A. This resulted in our army being pulled from the battle. The potential client was not very pleased in our performance. We were rewarded with as little as 25k ISK A piece. Our corporation is now in the war room, We're dropping into battle in roughly two to three minutes. My squad consists of up to four soldiers. I have; Supernet, probably the best squad anyone could ask for. Our sniper REMNANCY, he's a good shot at times. And Moloko Boots, our heavy speacialist. My role in my squad was assault medic. I have a GEK-38 assualt rifle. My drop consists of the assault variant, carrying shield extenders. With the nanite injector, allowing to inject a fluid that revives fallen comrades.

My squad was encircled around the tactical map in the middle of the room.

"We have fall back positions here and here," Supernet pointed to two different spots. He marked them as rally points for the drop, "Afterwards Axton and I will call in a HAV. Moloko and REM, I'll have a LAV in order for you two as you guys run around capturing objectives 'A' and 'B'." He closed the map and walked over to the drop bay. There our MCC or mobile command center had us waiting. I walked over to a seat and waited next to two other soldiers. I didn't know them very well. But one's name was BLACKACE. I fought with him before, but he never really took anything serious.

It was sort of ok, but our team does have clone reserves on a battle. The moment we die we transfer consciousness into another body. Then we get dropped into battle again. I haven't died in battle, only in old age of my current clone. I unfortunately have to live with some of the horrors war brings me.

The MCC jerked and I felt the ground below me move. Just in front of me is a drop hole. I got up from my seat, behind me was a locker holding my default drop suit. I picked up the GEK and cocked the charging handle. These rifles shot cartridges that only reached a a certain distances.

"Fifteen seconds until deployment." A calming voice said on the comm.

Sound of enemy flak was cracking on the outside of MCC. The explosion would be visible through the drop bay. The shrapnel flew into the shield protecting the soldiers. I looked at my squad, they were peering over the edge.

"Axton! Get over here," Supernet called out.

I walked over to the edge and made sure my inertia dampener was fully functioning. It gave a reading that seemed to be workable. About 130000 newtons, just about a five hundred foot jump with the weight of my armor.

"Go! Go! Go!" Supernet leaped through the shield and free fell, Moloko followed. I readied and fell through the shield. The ground was coming close to me, I activated my inertia dampener and smashed against the floor. Moloko was requesting a missile stationary gun. REMNANCY soon smacked down on the floor behind me, his inertia dampener dissipated. It was a blue shield that absorbs all amounts of inertia, if working properly.

"Axton, I have a HAV in bound." Supernet told me.

Other soldiers soon followed after REMNANCY they were calling for their squads. The enemy off in the distance was calling Drop ships, "Supernet, we have very short time. REM, moloko, go take over objective B and any CRU's in the vicinity." I said.

They nodded and sprinted towards the direction. The HAV that Supernet called in soon dropped in. I walked up to the tank and got into the top side turret. Supernet got into the driver's seat.

"I'm setting up an attack order on objective E," Super called out. He hit the gas and traveled to the objective. Bullets soon were being fired at us. Super aimed the main cannon at some of the enemy soldiers. The enemy fire drained our shields to about a quarter. He fired six missiles at them. Their bodies flew into different direction . "target down, Axton look up on the building to our left."

I aimed the turret at the area, friendly soldiers soon flooded from behind us. Just capturing A, they went to capture a nearby CRU. "Supernet, stay here for a bit protect our team until they capture the area." I called out.

Three enemy soldiers walked over the edge of the hill. I opened fire on them. My turret chipped away their shields about halfway. Supernet fired three more missiles to finish them off. The explosion ripped the limbs apart, flying against the building on the left. Supernet traveled towards the other end of the battlefield. I climbed out and started hacking objective E.

"Axton watch out, heavy support converging on your position." REMNANCY called out in the comm.

I finished hacking the installation and turned around. I went up against a wall on the null station. The heavy soldier walked from behind a pillar. I fired seven short round bursts, it chipped his shields all the way down. I fired most of my clip into him, taking out about half of the armor. He lifted his gun and unleashed a punishing volley of rounds from the heav machine gun. He took out all of my shields, I finished reloading the clip and finished the soldier off.

"Medic! I need a medic over here!" Some one shouted.

I looked behind me and saw several teammates running to help me on the null station. "wheres the downed soldier?" I asked one of them.

They pointed behind them, "he's back In that direction. There's a LAV next to him."

I Sprinted to the estimated position. His body was nearly all messed up. The rounds ripped through his armor leaving gapping holes. My nanite injector went into his body and the holes filled up. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled himself up.

"thanks." He told me.

"Go to objective D, get in a HAV. You'll have armor repairs in the general area." I told him.

Several rounds flew by my head. Puncturing my almost replenished armor. It chipped it at about 15%. I got into the back turret of the LAV nearby and fired on where the surpressing rounds were fired from. I returned fire onto the enemy depleting my ammunition for the turret. I quickly jumped out and sprinted towards a container. Several missiles fired on the LAV, Exploding the vehicle on impact.

Several enemies ran past me not noticing my return fire of the assault rifle. I turned to them and sprinted on them. When they stopped to shoot at some friendlies I hit them gun on the back of their suit. The logistics triage fell down. I finished him off with a bullet to the head.

The other two truned around, not focusing on the first targets. They got their heads scorched from a friendly with a laser rifle.

"Thanks for assist, Squad 3." I called out

"Anytime Axton, we have an orbital strike inbound. Just guve us the coordinates for impact."

Supernet answered quickly giving the coordinates, The coordinates were just about two clicks from my position. I love watching these things happen. So beautiful, the help from our contractors is always appreciated. I looked up in the sky to see a bombardment raining down on objective C.

"Arcanum, We have successfully taken out the enemy armor at 'C', you are now clear for our last push." Our contractor told us.

I peered over the edge of a hill and saw the debris of once was several tanks and LAVs. Bodies littered the floor. i sprinted towards objective C, Supernet came crawling over to the objective. He fired at several more clones coming up on me. Their bodies flying as the six missiles impacted next to them. Our team captured the objective, then the dreaded sound came. The sound of an orbital strike coming from above.

"Miss fire! Miss fire! Get out there now!" The contractor said.

It was too late for some, the strike ripped thorugh our armor and blew the null station into pieces. I Looked in front of me and saw the sonic blast wave coming towards me. I blacked out.