A/N: My first chapter! YAY! And remember: Ozoneshipping ahead! This may include a bit of 'fuzzy' moments, if you get me. But for the most part, it's just an occward situation for Deoxys. So...YA! I said it once and I'll say it again! OZONESHIPPING! Enjoy! :)

Deoxys' P.O.V

It was night. The sky was full of bright stars as usual. Often, I think of how many stars there are, and if there will ever be an exact number to count them by with the hopes of reaching it. Space will always be a mystery to me, as it is for most living on earth. All my life I have pondered these possibilities. From the moment I 'touched down' on this planets large blue surface. Heh... actually, more of a crash-land into a glacier. I remember that day better than any other. The day I fought with 'him' in seek of my brother that crash-landed along with me. When I say 'him', I am referring to that mysterious dragon that lives somewhere in what the humans call the 'ozone layer': The layer just above the stratosphere.

Most of the time, I spend around the city we fought in with that young boy-child I had met on the same day. He seems very interested in where I come from and how me and my brother came to be. I enjoy talking to him. Well... enjoy him speaking with me more-or-less. Even other Pokémon have a hard time communicating with me, since I did originate from another 'planet', if you will. I do enjoy... well... living in the city, yet... every time I fly through the cities atmosphere, I can't help but recall that horrible tragedy. What was his name? Ray... Ray-something. Ah! Rayquaza. That dragon! Every time I see him, I just want to ask "why?!". Why he decided to attack me in the first place. Why he didn't think things through first! Why?! Oh, trust me! I'd ask him if I could, but... I... I just don't have the courage to confront him after what happened. Every time all the legends meet at the Hall of Origin, I avoid him as much as I can. Plus, he says thing to the other legendaries like "she's such a bother." Bother?! What the hell did I ever do to you?! Besides the fight, but I thought we had resolved that?! I thought wrong apparently.

Every encounter we had was at the Hall of Origin. I wouldn't even go as far as an encounter! It was just "oh, don't forget to 'blah-blah-blah'", or "so-wen-so needs our help with this, let's hurry." Other than that, I never see him! WHY AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT HIM?! I shouldn't feel the way I do. My brother tells me all the time, and reminds me whenever he can, to STAY AWAY from Rayquaza. And when he dose tell me, he looks me strait in the eyes and says "stay away from that dangerous dragon. I don't want you getting hurt." So I do. I do! I really really DO stay away from him. I'm even scared of him sometimes. I don't want to threaten him unintentionally again. When I passed by in the comet, I WASN'T EVEN ME YET! I was but a small purple crystal at the center of the comet! I hadn't generated yet, so technically, it wasn't my fault! Oh, why can't he see that?! WHY?! Oh... why? I shouldn't stress myself anymore than I need to about the whole situation. But... Rayquaza! Why?

Rayquazas' P.O.V

Could the Ozone layer be any bigger?! So much space... hmm, space. Every time I think of space, I think of... her. That mystical creature from beyond where my limits exceed. Deoxys... who are you really? What is your purpose here? Did you 'come in peace'? Or... to cause destruction to this world. I still can't tell. Oh, what I'd give to know more about you! You just came to this planet not long ago, and your already meeting with the legendary Pokémon of this world at the Hall of Origin. I... I just don't see how Arceus could accept you so quickly. Ah... what am I saying. Of course, she's welcome, but still... I can't seem to stop thinking about her and her brother... mainly her. I... can't help but feel... attracted to her in some way. NOT LIKE THAT of course, but in a way that involves a great... I suppose 'longing' would be the appropriate term. I long for such a companion to talk with, and discus things that may be troubling one another, but... I'm sure she wouldn't want me as a friend. I hurt her a lot when we battled. I doubt she wants anything to do me. Still...

End of P.O.V'S

Deoxys and her brother were flying through the stratosphere trying to find La Rouge city. Arceus has told her the precise directions to every region on earth, 'but finding a city shouldn't be too hard if I could find one single region on the whole planet!' she thought before she took off from the Hall of Origin. Wrong. They must have flew around the world! She and her brother just weren't having any luck. "We could ask you know who." Her brother remarked and looked up at the Ozone layer above them. "You're kidding... right?" She replied with a sarcastic tone with a dash of fear. "Look, I hate the idea as much as you do, but... we are lost, and like it or not... we need help." He admitted. Deoxys did hate the idea, but it was their last chance of finding La Rouge city. "Plus..." Her brother began. "It's getting late. Your friend Tori might worry about you and wonder off himself if we don't hurry." She nodded in response. "O-ok..." Her expression turned sad instead of showing fear. Her brother noticed this. "Hey." He lightly took a hold of his sisters hand. She looked at him, concerned. "Would you like me to?" He asked the question in a soothing tone, trying to calm her nerves. "Uh..." she was about to say 'sure, thanks', but this time, she felt the need to confront Rayquaza herself. "Uh, n-no... I'll... go" She said, floating upwards, still a bit nervous. "You sure?" Her sibling remarked from below her. She looked down at him, as if to give a smile of approval. "Yes." She nodded. "I - It'll only take a second." And with that, she flew up. Up, and up and up. At a fast pace too. It wasn't like the stratosphere and Ozone layer were neighbors. As soon as she thought she was high enough, she signaled her brother, who was waiting below, to follow. "I'll wait here. Don't be afraid to call if you need me." He assured. Deoxys flew a few feet away, then looked back. "I will." She replied, then flew off... in speed form. She could travel much faster if it were in speed form.

Zooming across the Ozone layer, she didn't have any luck... until...


She ran into something. "Now what the hell was-" she looked up in horror to find herself only inches away from the green sky dragon. He was clutching his head and gave a slight moan of pain. Deoxys widened her eyes, and freaked out.

"Oh my gosh! I'M SO SORRY!" She covered her face with her red and blue tentacle-like arms.

She flew over to him to make sure he was alright.

"You're not hurt are you?! OH god forbid! I-" She was about to continue, when the some-what injured sky dragon cut her off.

"Easy, easy. You'll give me even more of a head ache." He looked at her.

"I - I - I -" she stuttered. "I was... hoping you... you could... uh... well, you see... uh..."

"Holy crap, you've got it bad."

"I... um... what?"

"Heh... quit stuttering and tell me what you want." His voice deepened, which made her cower.

"I..." She looked away and slightly wrapped her tentacle-like arms around herself, and drew her knees up a bit. This made the dragon ponder why she was acting shy all of the sudden, though Rayquaza had to admit to himself that she did look cute, all curled up like that. Like a small child afraid of telling the truth about a broken vase. He smiled a bit. "Y-you see, me and my brother... we were searching... for La Rouge City, but k-kind'a got lost..and..." She tried to look him in the eye, but couldn't. She began twirling her tentacles around one another in a double helix shape (still in speed form) and lowered her head down. "And... since you're almost always up here... I - I was hoping you could..." there was a paused to gather the courage to look at him. "Show us the way there?" she finally asked him. Rayquaza flew a bit closer to her. This made Deoxys turn away even more. Perhaps it even made a faint blush appear on her face, because of the occward moment they were in. Not only that, but the way that the dragons gaze fell upon her. It made her feel like she was being watched by a billion humans, which never felt good for any legendary Pokémon. Deoxys began to feel a weird tingling sensation below her chest. Like thousands of butterfree were fluttering around inside her trying to break free. "Ahhh... Rayquaza?" this managed to snap him out of the trance. "Would you help me...find the way back?" She managed to ask with her head still down, knees up, and her tentacle-like arms twisted, tighter than before. She could feel she was blushing a bit more, but managed to hid it from the dragon. Rayquaza looked at her, amazed how she could face him like this. He had heard from Groundon before about her fear towards himself, so this must be a big step for her.

Deoxys was floating about 2 feet away from Rayquaza. 'What am I feeling?' she thought to herself, as she wrapped her tentacle-like arms all the way around herself this time. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sky dragon gently placing one of his claws on her shoulder. Of course, she flinched back, but at least she was not longer in that shy position anymore, which indicated to him that she was more comfortable with the situation now. She still had her tentacles wrapped around her, though. Deoxys slightly looked at him with a concerned, yet gentle expression as if to say 'don't touch me, but I still want your answer'. The dragon took a deep breath, and sighed as a way to calm his nerves. The genetic Pokémon waited. He had to recall the question "Would you help me find the way back?". Then, came his answer: "Of course" Deoxys head shot up. "W-wait... really?" She asked to ensure that was his true answer.

"Yes. I'm sure you'd do the same if I got lost. Wouldn't you, Deoxys?"

That rung the area around her. Did she hear him right? 'Wouldn't you, Deoxys?'...'Deoxys'. 'Ah! Did he say my name?!' she thought. She never heard him say her name aloud before. With a "omg" expression, she gazed at him.

"You - you said my name..." She spoke calmly, and flew closer to him.

"Y-yeah... I guess I did. What of it?" He asked with much curiosity in his tone.

She blushed, creating the same shy position (still in speed form) she had before, but this time, she brought one knee over the other, and as for her tentacle-like arms, they wrapped in a helix behind her back, and her eyelids were slightly drooped. Her head still pointed down, but she tilted it enough to still see Rayquaza, which means he could see her blushing.

"I've never heard you...say my name before...Rayquaza." Her gaze was soft now with her eyelids slightly drooped, but non-the-less, she stared directly in the sky dragons golden eyes.

"Uhh...well...I never really had enough opportunities to...ad-dress...y-you...b-by y-your...n-a-m-e..."

At this point, Deoxys flew in extremely close, which caused Rayquaza to speak slowly. 'What is she up to?' he thought to himself. 'Whatever it is, she's serious..."

"Ah... Deoxys...?"

"Rayquaza, I-" she moved in even closer if that was possible. Their faces only inches apart from one another's. She couldn't stop staring into those fascinating golden eyes of his. They were like live bait, waiting for her grasp them. She couldn't take it any longer.

"Ahh...Rayquaza..." she moaned lightly, and slid her tentacle arms around the dragons neck like a genetic serpent, and pulled him as close as she could without letting their faces come in contact. She'd squeeze her legs together to try and stop the butterfree feeling. However, the only thing she did was make it grow much larger than before, and that was driving her insane. Even more so to get closer to the mystical sky dragon.

"D-Deox-ys..." Rayquaza whispered/spoke, and managed to lightly place both of his claws around her. Now they were just staring at each other with wanting looks.

At this moment, Deoxys was ready to let everything go. All the questions of why the he attacked her, and all the pondering she did about the fight they had. At this moment, only one thing crossed her mind.

"R-Ray...Rayquaza?..." She managed to just whisper softly.

"Hm?" He questioned back.

"I... I... I think I-"

"Uhh...am I interrupting?" came a voice from behind the two.

Deoxys froze. It was her brother. She seem to have completely forgot about him! Her arms slipped away from the gentle grip they had around the sky dragons neck. She spun around to see her sibling floating behind her with a 'what the hell are you doing' look on his face.

"B - BROTHER?! I... um... I was just... uhh..." She was twirling and twisting her tentacles like crazy, trying to find some explanation. For all she knew, he could have been standing there the WHOLE FREAKING TIME!

He didn't say anything, despite the fact that it was what it looked like. Deoxys face was as red as ripe apple in late spring/early summer. She spoke so fast, that even she herself had a hard time understanding the explanation: "Weweretalkingandonethingledt oanotherthenIlostmybalencean dfellso..." she had to breath in between sentences: "SothenIwasn'tsurewhattodobecauseIfellonR ayquazabutthenheapologisedto meandthereyouwere!"

Deoxys was gasping for air afterwards.


As Deoxys was explaining, she didn't notice that neither of the males were paying any attention. Rayquaza was looking at her brother with a look that said 'it's nothing to worry about'. However, her sibling death glared the silent dragon as if to say 'this had better not be what it looks like, or your dead'.

Soon after the silence, Deoxys sibling took it upon himself to ask the strait forward question: Excuse me, but we lost our way, and it is getting dark. Do you mind showing us the way to La Rouge city?

Deoxys' P.O.V

The whole time we were flying, I had thought about what just happened. We soon arrived, and my dear friend Tori greeted us, and we all waved good-bye to Rayquaza.

Later in the evening, my brother took me aside to talk about the whole thing. The look in his eyes told me... I was in for it.

A/N: So first one! How'd I do? PLZ R + R! Also, suggestions and requests are welcome! :)