Me: My first Sev/Lily fanfic, Beta by Alethea27. Thanks for your help Alethea. :)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything involving the Harry Potter series.
Claimer: I own my OC's and the plot.
Shadow Lion
Severus 1
It was an August summer day after fifth year of Hogwarts when it changed Severus's life forever. Severus was walking in the streets of London getting away from his father and trying desperately to forget about the incident during his OWLs, especially what happened between him and Lily after he called her that word.
Oh how he regrets speaking that word, it cost him his friendship with Lily. However there was more to it than that. The last time he spoke to her he realized if he had not been into the Dark Arts, maybe things would have been different. But what can he do; if he leaves the Dark Arts and the Death Eaters he would be a target for refusing them and if he stays on the path he is on he would lose Lily forever.
His heart still aches for her; he even kept a picture of her and him in his back pocket before going to back Hogwarts the beginning of his fifth year. She was the only real friend he had in this world. She was always there and now she's gone all because of that insufferable Potter. He let his anger get the better of him because of that toerag. 'But it's your fault as well,' a little voice speaking in his mind said. 'Don't blame it all on one person'. He shook his head. If only he could go to Lily right now and beg for her forgiveness and swear on his magic he would never be involved in the Dark Arts again. If only.
He thought of this while walking aimlessly around London and soon he ends up next to a small alley when he heard some noise.
"Get back here."
"I don't think so."
It's followed by the sounds of punching and kicking he is familiar with because of his father, Tobias Snape.
He looks into the small alley and sees three dark figures targeting one person, a girl by the sounds of it. Death Eaters he assumes. What should he do; help the girl, the Death Eaters, or just go? From the looks of things the girl needs help. 'Lily would want you to help'. The little voice speaks in his mind again. He scoffs at it and runs into the alley.
"Hey, leave her alone." He yells at them with his wand at ready. The three dark figures turns towards him and he realizes they are not Death Eaters.
"Oh what's this, someone trying to be a hero?"
"Leave, this is none of your business or do you want to be beaten up?"
All the three dark figures speak in a foreign accent. He notices they wore the same clothes, black clothes with weapons in their hands. Muggles, they're Muggles he realizes.
"I'll take my chances." He announces in a fighting pose. He won't waste his magic on Muggles.
"You're going to regret this." Then suddenly he feels a sharp pain that pushes him back but he was still standing. The guy's fist comes into contact with his stomach. How did this guy get here so fast? But he had dealt with harder punches than that.
"He's still standing after that, why are you special?" He hears one of them say.
"Oh yeah, how about this?" After the guy says this, he gets kicked in the face. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the girl run away. Great! That's what he gets for trying to help.
"Wait, the girl ran away." The other guy calls, discovering the girl was no longer here.
"What! You're going to pay for that, kid!" He punches him in the face.
This is getting dangerous, he thought as he was about to take out his wand and to cast a stunning spell but it got knock out of his hand and onto the concrete floor. So he protects his face with his hands and is able to grabs the guy's leg whose about to kick him again and he throw the guy into a dumpster. Soon the two other guys join in and start beating him up badly and blood starts to spill as the beating continues. Suddenly he feels the beating stop and then he looses consciousness. The last thing he feels is he's being lifted away.
His vision is blurry, but soon his vision clears up slightly. There are two people looking at him. Where was he? Then he realizes: who is he? What happened to him? He feels like panicking.
"Are you alright?" A gentle voice speaks to him.
"I think so. What happened to me?" He asks softly.
"You tried to help me with those three bastards, don't you remember?"
"No, I don't."
"What's your name?" She asks curiously.
"I don't know." He answers slowly. His mouth feels so dry now and his body feels so weak.
"Aimi, perhaps this young man is suffering from amnesia." An elder voice joins the conversation. Soon his vision completely clears up and sees a teenage girl about his age and an older man, both physically fit, hovering over him. Then he realizes he is laying on the floor, no, on a futon.
The girl is wearing black clothing resembling what a ninja wears and then he realizes it is ninja clothing. She has long, wavy strawberry blonde hair and sea green eyes with a golden hue to them. She's beautiful that is the only word to describe her. She's beautiful without effort.
The old man next to her is wearing a traditional grayish blue yukata. His hair is black, starting to turn gray, and it's in a ponytail. He has a few scars on his face one below his right eye, one across his left cheek and one on his chin. He's guessing he has a few more scars on his body as well.
"Wait, where am I? Ow," He moans in pain after he tries to get up quickly. Then he realizes his face is covered in bandages, especially his nose, and his body too. He must have look like a mummy or something to them.
"First, my name is Itsuki Takahashi, you're in our home in Japan so my daughter and I could treat your injuries. Your nose was seriously broken and needed surgery, your skull needed to be mended, and some of your ribs were broken. The reason you got injured was you tried to help this young lady here." The old man explains.
"Thank you." She bows her head. "Because of you I was able to attack the other ninjas from behind, I'm grateful."
"Thanks... I think." He says unsure. What's going on? "How long was I out?"
"About a week," she replies. "I'm sorry you have to find out like this."
"What am I going to do now?"
"Well we don't know who you are, but that's beside the point."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll take over from here Aimi, you go and bring this young man something to eat and ready his clothes."
"Yes father." Then she got up and went out of the room.
"Am I missing something? Besides my memory, I mean." He asks, looking confused.
The old man chuckles a bit. "You see young man, the people you fought to help Aimi are part of a dangerous group. The person you threw in the dumpster got away before she could capture him and will targeting you assuming you're one of us," he explains cautiously.
What is he talking about? "Wait a minute," he interrupts and tries getting up again but no such luck. "What do you mean 'one of us'? Who are you people?"
"Try not to overreact, have the right to know, understand?" Then he nods his head slightly.
"I'll try to explain clearly. You see, where you're staying is a place to train ninjas."
What? Ninjas?
"This place has raised and trained ninjas for centuries; this place is called 'The Forest's Shadow' since shadows are the way of the ninja. We train in secret and use what we learn to do some good in the world however, there were others who wanted to use what we learned for greedy purposes. They were discovered and were cast off to and formed a group used by the criminal underground called 'The Devil's Light'. Are you getting this?" He asks after that lengthy explanation.
"I think so, but what does it have to do with me?" This is too much for him to take in, but he wants to know why is he is here now.
"The person who you threw into the dumpster is likely to identify you as one of our own and for your own safety you should learn our ninja ways."
What this can't be happening? He thought. What about his old life? Shouldn't he try to go back to it? His friends and his family? But for some reason he got a strange feeling when he thought of his family and friends. It was feeling of...hate? Dread? Does it mean he shouldn't try to go back? For some reason, he shouldn't as if going back would make him feel...miserable.
"Why though? Why me? Can't I go back to my old life?"
"Trust me; it's better if you learn how to protect yourself first," he answers seriously. "The way Aimi described what happened you barely took out one person out of three and they are not going to fight fair the next time around. It still impresses me that you even defeated one of them alone, but they are fierce; they will target your friends and family to get to you if they see you again. Do you want that to happen? No? Then join us."
When the old man finishes saying this, he thought about his friends and family. The same ill feeling came back to him; does he have friends and family to go back to? If he does, why does he have this ill feeling about it as if going back will lead to something horrible for him?
"Alright, I'll join you but... I don't...I don't think my friends and are an issue," he answers slowly, sure of himself.
"Oh?" The old man raises his eyebrow. "Why is that?"
"I don't know. It's just a feeling...that I shouldn't go back home. Do you know what it means?"
The old man scratches his chin. "I'm not sure per say, but it's a sign that you'll get your memory back... in time, but for now call me Itsuki."
Aimi comes back holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of milk. "Here you go; I hope you build an appetite."
"Are you kidding? I haven't eaten anything for a week; I'm so hungry I could eat ten horses and a dragon." He jokes while the people in front of him stifle a laugh. "Thank you," he said before asking. "I need to ask, you said I'm in Japan right?" The old man nodded. "Then do you know where I am from? Because you're speaking perfect English and I don't speak Japanese."
"To answer your question, we don't know exactly where you're from but we assume you're from somewhere in London since that is where the incident took place plus you have the accent for it." Itsuki answers him honestly and he took his word for it.
London. That's where he has to avoid going back; he doesn't know why, but he feels he shouldn't go back for a while. "There is one more thing I want to ask."
"What is it?" Itsuki asks.
"What should my name be from now on since I don't know my real name?" He asks.
"How about 'Shun', Shun Hyou?" Aimi asks.
"I like that name."
"Skilled panther? That sounds good but you need a ninja name too." Itsuki says.
"You need ninja names?" He asks.
"Yes, you do, it sort of like a stage name when you go on missions and during training." Itsuki explains.
"Shadow Lion should be his ninja name; it fits him after what he did for me." Aimi says this softly with admiration in her voice.
"Then it's settled, for now on you're Shun Hyou: Shadow Lion." Itsuki announces.
His name is now Shun Hyou the Shadow Lion.
Me: I don't know about any of you reading this but I can totally picture Severus as a ninja. I'm even thinking of opening a Deviantart account to draw out Severus' new look. I'm still deciding. I hope you like it.