
Beverly gave a weary sigh as she looked at the reports on her desk.

"I'm late," she muttered to her self, but Alyssa Ogawa overheard the comment.

She smiled, wondering just how long Beverly and the captain were going to continue their charade of "meeting for breakfast", when everyone on the ship knew the two had been all but living together for more than six months.

Still, the ruse must be maintained, Alyssa thought. "Then go," she said. "Ensign Jacobson's resting comfortably; I can watch her until Dr. Eggers shows up," she added, knowing that Beverly would protest that Alyssa had gotten as little sleep as she had after the call for the emergency appendectomy just a few hours before.

Beverly started the expected protestation, then glanced at the reports on her desk, turned them off, and rose from her chair. "Thank you, Alyssa," she said then hurried from the office.

Halfway down the hall, she ran into Will Riker.

"You're up early," she remarked with a tired smile.

He grinned back, noting the fatigue on her face - and wondering how much was due to the early morning emergency - and how much was due to her late-night activities. If even half the rumors about Beverly and the captain were true... but if neither of them were going to admit the relationship, he thought, I'm not going to destroy their illusions.

"I just wanted to check on Ensign Jacobson," he explained.

"Alyssa can bring you up to speed," she said.

"But..." he began to protest.

"I'm afraid I'm late, Will," she explained.

He didn't say anything else, simply grinning as she hurried past.

She slowed as she approached his... their... door, stopping for a moment before nearing close enough to trigger the opening mechanism.

Picard turned at the sound of the door opening then closing, the surprise evident on his face then smiled widely. "Beverly," he said in that baritone voice that always turned her legs to pudding. "I didn't expect you back yet. You're early,'" he added, his arms reaching out to embrace her.

She melted into them, savoring his warmth, his touch, her arms reaching around him to return the embrace - then pulled back just enough to see his face.

"Actually, Jean-Luc, I'm not early. I'm late," she said.

He looked at her, confused, glanced at the chronometer to confirm his perception of reality - then slowly sank back as a new reality registered.

She watched as his face changed from shock, to stunned amazement - to sheer, unmitigated joy.

"Late," he echoed.

She nodded slowly.

Jubilant, he broke into a roar of delighted laughter, pulled her back to his embrace - then swept her up into his arms and began to carry her toward their bedroom.

"Jean-Luc, the officer's meeting?" she reminded him.

He looked at her for a moment then tapped his commbadge. "Picard to Riker. Will, reschedule the officer's meeting for ten hundred hours. Dr. Crusher and I are running a little late."