Why Natsu?

Chapter 1

"Sigh "said Lucy as she watched the whole guild party for Lisanna's return. She watched Juvia and Gajeel party with them. Everyone in fairy tail had been partying for 2 years already. Seriously! 2 years! Lucy couldn't even believe that they could party for that long. Of course they didn't fun out of money because they just recently won the GMG.

All was left was her and Wendy. Only Wendy and her still continued on going on missions and not always celebrating. Even the people that didn't know her partied. It wouldn't be a big surprise if they lose in the next GMG. The other guilds were training.

As she watched those them party tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly brushed them away. She didn't want to look weak in front of everyone. Lucy already felt that they thought that she was weak. If she cried, then she would seriously be marked weak.

While Lucy was thinking about weakness, a bird flew over Lucy and went onto the table. Lucy jumped in surprise. There was a message on its leg. Lucy carefully removed the message from the bird's let. She opened it. It said:

Dear Lucy,

We are taking you off Team Natsu so Lisanna can come and join our team. Solo missions can make you stronger! You were a replacement for Lisanna and besides you were always complaining on how weak you are so Solo Missions can make you stronger! You will actually be thankful for this one day! That's what I hear! Good Luck! Sorry if this is bad but we really want you to be stronger...


Team Natsu



Wendy came over with a small carton of chocolate milk and sat down next to Lucy and started to drink the milk. Wendy wasn't of legal age yet, so no one would let her drink wine. That was actually a good thing...

Then after 2 sips of her delicious chocolate milk, she noticed Lucy shaking with anger. Wendy leaned over to see what it was but Lucy crumpled up the letter into a little ball and held it tightly in her hands. Lucy was practically frozen.

Wendy had to pry it out of her hands using a lot of her strength. After Wendy got the letter out of Lucy's hand, she read the letter. When Wendy finished she had a dark aura and was shaking uncontrollably in anger.

Wendy soon stopped shaking and took deep breaths. Wendy knew that she could never become too angry or else 'that' will happen.

Then when she remembered about Lucy and the sad aura that Lucy had. Wendy knew she had to do something to cheer Lucy up.

"Ah Lucy-san lets go on a mission to pay your rent! "cried Wendy waving her hands in front of Lucy's face to catch her attention.

Lucy snapped out of her trance. She saw Wendy look at her with worry. Lucy smiled. Wendy must have read the letter and was trying to get her to become happy.

"Sure Wendy! What mission?"

"Er- Want to pick now?" asked Wendy nervous.

Lucy laughed. "Of course Wendy." They went over to the request to find a job. Lucy tried to look for one that was harder.

"Lucy-san! I found a really good mission!" said Wendy. Lucy looked at the mission. It said:

Exterminate the Crisis!

There is a all female dark guild named Demon Crest that keeps on invading our town. They steal all our stuff! They defeat S-class mages instantly with lots of wounds but normal mages only get a few scratches! Please get rid of them!

Other info: You will be working with another guild

Reward: 7 billion jewels

"7 billion jewels! That's a lot of money for a regular mission! But then again, they did request normal mages, not S-class. Good find Wendy!"

"Thanks! Since it will be a while since the next train, let's wait a while!"


"And um...Lucy-san?"

"Yes Wendy?"

"Since Natsu-san the others kicked you off the team, do you want to form a team?"

"Sure! What about Carla?"

"She's with happy right now. Happy dragged her away and Carla followed since they both like each other now..."

"Sure! Then let's form a team Wendy!"

"Okay Lucy, how about we call it Team Amazing Blessing?"

"Okay! We are now Team Amazing Blessing!"

Time skip ~7 hours

Lucy and Wendy were waiting at the train station for the train.

"Next Stop 7 Island town" yelled the conductor.

Lucy and Wendy boarded the train since it was the place they were going to. After they put their luggage away, they sat down. They were about to start talking about what they should do until a hand appeared on Lucy's shoulder.

"Little Girls like you shouldn't go on trains yourself" said a person with blond hair. Beside him was a person with black hair.

Wendy and Lucy spun around. It couldn't be...

Hello Everyone! This is our new story, Why natsu? We will still be continuing I hate you natsu, revenge is sweet but we will start this one as well!

In this story, we will try to make Lisanna nice and innocent. The evil one is the other members of team natsu! Because they don't and never will understand Lucy's situation.

Sorry works the first time but it will NEVER EVER WORK the second time!

Both of us know that better than ANYONE else! Because it happened.

Anyways...Merry Early Christmas! And please review!