A/N: I'm so late, I'm sorry! It was impossible for me to finish the story earlier, but at least I finally did it!

I don't want to hold you back, so please go on, have fun! =)

Chapter two

After exchanging the skates for their shoes they left the ice rink and strolled towards Lisbon's car.

"You sure that I shouldn't give you a ride?"

"Yeah, don't bother. I'm going to take a walk and return to the CBI afterwards."

Lisbon hesitated and glanced at him. "You know, you're not supposed to be at the CBI on Christmas Eve, Jane."

They stopped next to her car, unconsciously standing way too close.

He eyed her while she firstly opened her mouth again but then closed it without a further word. She was struggling with herself, he could tell. There was something she wanted to say. Urgently. But she wasn't brave enough yet.

It was unusual behavior for Lisbon, but since he had a hunch about what was in her mind, Jane understood her hesitation. He had disappointed her so often this year – and even worse, he had rejected her many times, had hurt her badly, even though she would never admit it. However, Jane knew. Whenever he had looked into her brave eyes during the past months, he had noticed that.

There was only that much even a strong woman like Lisbon could take. And on the other hand she also was a woman who was especially protective of her heart.

So he totally understood, but it made him sad somehow. A part of him longed for her to simply spit it out while another part was afraid that she would indeed pick up the courage.

Finally, the coward in him won this round, so he interfered before Lisbon had the chance to say anything more.

"Don't worry, my dear, I'm fine." He squeezed her elbow in a soft touch and stepped back. "Good night, Lisbon."

Lisbon furrowed her brows and nodded slowly with a hint of disappointment. Whether she was disappointed in herself or him, he couldn't tell for sure, but it didn't matter. Bad enough that he had made her feel this way again.

"Good night, Jane."

He watched her getting into her car and driving away. He even stood there motionless when she was long gone.

It was not until his fingers felt like freezing that he turned away with a sigh and started his walk.

Jane had barely made a dozen steps when someone called his name and stopped him.

"Hello Patrick!" Old San caught up with him and Jane greeted back politely but a little bit startled.

"Do you mind if I accompany you a short way?" San asked while he still shook Jane's hand fatherly.

"Not at all." The CBI consultant would have preferred to be alone, but then again he was tired of brooding about something he couldn't change at the moment – although he wanted to.

After walking in comfortable silence for awhile, San turned to Jane.

"So tell me, son, have you thought about the question I asked you yesterday?"

"What question?"

San looked at him with indulgence. "I'm pretty sure, you know what I'm talking about," he said softly.

Jane remained quiet during the following minutes and his older companion let him, just walking next to him and leading the way.

Honestly, Jane hadn't pondered over a suitable Christmas wish at all. When his mind hadn't been on Red John, it had been full of thoughts about Lisbon. And while being honest, during the past twenty-four hours thinking about Lisbon had even been prevailing.

Jane put his hands into his jacket pockets as the wind freshened up and finally, just to give the nice old man an answer, he confessed, "I don't have a wish for Christmas."

"Hmm..." San hummed and glanced at him. "You sure about this, son? You know, a Christmas wish doesn't have to be about you. You can also use it for someone else. For someone who means something..."

The wind around them increased until it was whistling in Jane's ears and he had some difficulties to understand San.

"You might want to think about it again, Patrick," he heard him saying as if he was speaking through a wall of cotton. With the howling wind becoming so strong that it brought tears to his eyes, Jane had to close them tightly.

"Think about it, son, we still have time..."

And suddenly as though something deep inside him had been touched, Jane's mind started to wander on its own.

Someone who means something.

All of a sudden he remembered the moment on the ice not even an hour ago – when Lisbon had sat on his lap after the collision. He remembered her hearty laughter, pictured her sparkling green eyes and saw the lively red cheeks. She had looked so beautiful – she was a natural beauty anyway, but that very moment had been special – and even the memory of it warmed his heart.

"I wish I could...For once I really wish I could..." he heard himself saying and only when he felt his lips moving he noticed that the memory became one with reality. "Instead of making her sad I wish I could make her happy for once. Truly happy. I want her not to worry so much but to find some peace."

And without thinking he knew – he felt – that it was true. He had caused so much pain, so for a change, he wanted to make her happy, make her laugh like he did unintentionally earlier that day. It was almost Christmas after all.

The wind decreased and Jane blinked as if he was awakening from a dream. Confused he gazed at San who returned the look warmly.

"This is a very nice wish, Patrick. I gladly accept it."

"But what should I do to fulfill it?" He wondered more to himself.

"By making her Christmas wish come true, son," San answered helpfully.

Jane blinked and examined him with a mixture of awe and skepticism. "What is it?"

But San only smiled and when Jane averted his gaze and looked around, he suddenly found himself standing in front of Lisbon's apartment. His eyes widened in shock.

"What the-...How is that possible?" They hadn't even been on the way to Lisbon – at least that was what he thought. It wasn't possible, was it?

"San?" But when Jane turned around, the old man was nowhere to be seen.

For awhile he simply stared at the empty space next to him.

Did he finally lose his mind?

Well, Lisbon would have agreed to that, undoubtedly. Jane smiled but then his expression turned serious.

Talking about Lisbon...what now? He could hardly just stand here – on her doorstep, in the middle of the night. But now that he was here already, he couldn't just leave either, right?

That was ridiculous! Since when was he such a coward? When it concerned really important things by all means.

With a Christmassy bravery washing through his body and making his heart beat faster, he stepped forwards and knocked.

XxxChristmas WishxxX

"Jane?" When Lisbon opened her door, she was all but surprised to see him – Jane was the only one who dared to come over just before midnight. "What are you doing here?"

Even though she obviously was suspicious, she stepped aside to let him into her warm and welcoming home.

"Uhm..." he started sheepishly and by way of exception had no idea what to say. "I forgot to wish you merry Christmas." It was a miserable attempt but he wasn't able to come up with anything smarter for once.

Lisbon raised her brow. She didn't believe him. "You did?"



They stared at each other in silence, waiting for him to get his act together.

Eventually, after some hesitation, Jane asked, "What do you wish for this Christmas, Lisbon?"

She looked at him in surprise. "You're the second, who asked about my Christmas wish today."

"I am?"


"So...what did you reply the first time?"

"Nothing at all."


Their eyes met and Lisbon was startled when she found hope in his.

"So...you want to know what I wish for...?" Now she was the one hesitating.

Jane nodded. "Please."

"I..." She swallowed and crossed her arms. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

This time her answer was merely a whisper. "I don't want to offend you."

And I don't want to hear you refuse – but she didn't say these words out loud.

The agent saw his tense expression softening and then he came closer, catching her hand with his cold fingers. "Listen, my dear, there's no way you could possibly offend me. Please tell me!" he almost begged now.

"I..." She took a deep breath and told herself 'Oh, screw it, you chicken!'

"I wish for you to take a break...from Red John, Lorelei and everything. Just for now. I would like you to...stay with me for the holidays. I wish that for a moment – even if only for a blink of time – you could relax. I wish for knowing you save and not on a crazy suicide mission. And some peace...for both of us."

Unconsciously she lowered her gaze to the floor, but then she forced herself to look back at him. She was Teresa Lisbon for God's sake!

Jane had obviously guessed that she had wanted to invite him for the holidays but he seemed somewhat surprised that this actually was her wish for Christmas.

Lisbon wasn't sure what reaction she had expected but she hadn't anticipated that look full of true affection he was giving her now. He stared at her as if his own feelings became almost too overwhelming, so that he only managed to nod. Her already pounding heart became erratic in her chest.

Somewhere outside church bells started ringing softly.

It was midnight.

And they were still standing in her dimmed hall, looking into each other's eyes and holding hands.

"I'd love to stay with you for Christmas, Lisbon," Jane whispered and brought her hand to his lips.

Lisbon felt burning warmth sneaking not only into her heart but also on her face. "Okay..." she answered with a small smile. "You know...I was about to go to bed when you knocked. You...want to come, too?"

Jane nodded with a smug grin which made Lisbon blush even more. She rolled her eyes at him and swiftly turned away, but then he called her name.

"Yeah?" She expectantly looked over her shoulder.

"Merry Christmas, Lisbon." His voice was soothing and full of fondness.

"Merry Christmas, Jane." Still not sure whether she was dreaming or not, Lisbon entwined their fingers and dragged him softly with her towards the bedroom.

XxxChristmas WishxxX

When Jane awoke in the early morning of Christmas Day he needed a moment to recognize his surroundings. Right, he was in Lisbon's bedroom. In her bed to be exact. Under her warm covers with Lisbon herself snuggled against his back, her arm around his waist.

There wasn't anything sexual about it and they were both fully clothed. She hadn't wanted him to sleep on her couch and he hadn't cared to share a bed with her. They knew each other for nine years and had even been close friends for almost that long. There was nothing to think of it.

Lisbon sighed in her sleep and nestled the back of his neck with her nose. Jane couldn't help smiling. He always knew she was the cuddly type behind her hard cop shell and he dearly loved (not only) that soft side of her. Mother bear was in protection mood, even in her sleep, and that was way too sweet.

Jane wondered what had woken him up, since he had slept surprisingly well in her arms. Maybe it had been this strange dream which he just remembered. Instead of his usual nightmares that dream had been oddly Christmassy.

"Hey Lisbon..." He nudged her softly with his shoulder.

She moaned and tightened the grip around him.


"What?" she murmured against his neck without opening a single eye.

"I just had a really weird dream I want to tell you about!"

"...And that can't wait for some more hours? It's my first day off!"

"Meh, you can go back to sleep afterwards."

"How unbelievably generous of you."

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, do I have your attention now?"


"Very well. Okay, I dreamed that I was in the story of 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King'. Do you know it?"

"I think I watched this animated film called 'The Nutcracker Prince' many years ago." Lisbon yawned and wished she could simply drift off again. "I always wondered why they called that creature Mouse King since it obviously was a disgusting rat."

"Well...I never thought about that. Anyway, I dreamed that we, you, me and the team, were living said story. I played the main role of course, you were the nutcracker, Grace was that Trudy-doll, Rigsby the old soldier Pantaloon and Cho was Uncle Drosselmeier."

Lisbon snorted. "Let me guess, the Mouse Kind was Red…wait, what? I was the nutcracker?" Now fully awake she pushed herself up to look at him over his shoulder. "Are you telling me that you were Clara and I was the prince who had to save the girl? Well, that sounds familiar."

"Kind of...despite the obvious gender confusion."


He ignored her sarcasm and went on. "Additionally, my dear Lisbon, in The Nutcracker Prince the nutcracker might have tried to fight the evil, but actually it was Clara who saved the prince at the end."

"There's something wrong with your story. It doesn't fit reality."

"That's a question of interpretation and I – did you hear that?"

"What?!" Lisbon let her head fall into her pillow and groaned in frustration.

"There was a noise! Now I know what woke me up. I heard a noise from your front door...There it is again! Did you hear that?"

"The only noise I hear is the one my annoying consultant makes."

"Not nice! There's someone! Come on, we have to check if it's an intruder!"

"No way." Lisbon shook her head firmly. "Do it yourself if you have to, but for me it's way too soon to get up!"

"Lisbooon!" Jane whined and turned his head to look at her.

"What?! You need me to have your back?"

"Yes?!" He stared at her as if she had stated the obvious.

"A man only is brave with a woman covering his back," she murmured into his neck.

Jane smirked at her meaningfully. "Just like now, you mean?"

Lisbon flushed and tried to hide her face between his shoulder blades. "Oh shut up, smart-ass!"

XxxChristmas WishxxX

Lisbon felt truly ridiculous when she followed Jane downstairs. He had even insisted that she should take her gun with her. Ridiculous, really, but if it made him happy... And honestly, she had her fun too, as she watched him tiptoeing towards the door.

With a grin she stepped beside him while he looked through the peephole.


"Shhh- What the hell?" Throwing all caution in the winds Jane pushed her aside and opened the door.

Lisbon blinked and found herself just as surprised as Jane. Right on her doorstep was a pile of fluffy white snow and on top of it they found a white box with a red bow.

"Is that...real snow?" Lisbon bent down to check and immediately became startled when some white crystals melted on her palm. In the meantime Jane had picked up the box and pressed his ear against its white surface now.

"I don't think it's a bomb."

Lisbon rolled her eyes. "Why would anyone put a bomb on a pile of snow? By the way, where did that snow come from? It's too warm for a natural thing."

Jane just shrugged and read the card next to the bow. "To Teresa Lisbon and Patrick Jane."

"What?" Standing up she looked over his shoulder and tried to get a glimpse of it. "From whom is it?"

"Doesn't say. Should I open it?"

"Uhm, I guess." They returned to the hall and Jane undid the bow. As soon as the box was open, both of them gasped in surprise.

On the bottom was a beautiful Christmas cake, covered with snow white fondant, and red and green mistletoes made of marzipan. Additionally, there was a note, written in red icing.

Lisbon read out loud,

"'Merry Christmas, Teresa and Patrick!

I hope you got your wishes fulfilled.

Santa Claus

PS. It's Christmas, Patrick, just do it.' What the hell does that mean?"

When she looked at Jane again she expected him to look as puzzled as she did, but to her great astonishment he looked...thrilled? He even flushed!

"Jane? What is this about? Who sent this box?"

"Well, Santa Claus, apparently."

"Come on, there's no-"

He raised his hand to silence her. "I know, spare me this discussion, please. Do you have a better explanation?"

"Several, actually."

Jane shook his head and mumbled in wonder, "But who could possibly know...?"

Lisbon's expression became worried because he suddenly looked so serious. Softly she touched his arm. "Know what? Do you mean the postscript? What does it stand for?"

"Fulfillment of an unspoken Christmas wish." Still absent-minded he carefully put the cake on a cupboard and turned to Lisbon.

"Wha-" But Jane didn't allow her to finish her question. With a smooth movement he pushed her against his chest, grabbed her face with his warm hands and pressed his lips softly on hers.

Lisbon gasped in pure shock, growing stiff against him while her vision became blurred. Her heart hammered so loudly in her chest that even the angels in heaven must have heard it. Hot desire, being suppressed for far too long, flooded through her veins. When he gently parted her lips and sneaked his tongue into her mouth, she sighed and finally relaxed in his embrace. Closing her eyes she put her arms around Jane's neck and started to return his loving kiss. She felt him shivering when she allowed him to plunder her mouth, to deepen the kiss, to heighten the passion. Lisbon herself felt goose bumps spreading over the whole body and her knees becoming weak. All the nerves, every fiber of her was exploding with pleasure. What had she missed all these years?!

However, she knew this kiss – and whatever also was about to happen during the holidays – wouldn't change a thing. Not on the surface, that is. Maybe it would change those intimate moments, they shared sometimes. Though they won't act any differently at work and it certainly won't change the whole Red John topic. Or maybe it would make it even worse.

Maybe it would complicate everything.

But for now...she thought, while Jane pressed her against the nearest wall, his lips placing hot, open-mouthed kisses on her face and his fingers clinging to her waist.

For the time being…it would simply represent some fulfilled Christmas wishes.

The End

I'm not satisfied. Hmpf.

You might have guessed it...Jane's dream was originally planned to be a separate story (actually I had several ideas for Christmas, partly begun already) but that damn time deficit...I wanted to put at least a little piece of it into Christmas Wish. Maybe I'll write the whole story next year...

Anyway, thanks for the reviews, I read and loved every single one, even if I wasn't able to comment them! And if you are so kind and review this chapter again, I will answer you! I promise!

Have a nice New Year's Eve and a great New Year!
