More Jack/Bunnymund, after that first one I have received many persistent requests from my creepy children. So here is another one. Again, I cannot put a good plot line in a smutty fic it's too much effort and I am a busy woman.
Okay you guys know the deal, you don't like, leave. You're hate will be laughed at, don't waste your time. This is very forward, so if you are a baby (young person) or can't handle it, you should probably leave too, just a warning.
Reviews are nice; they make me actually want to continue writing for my creepies. It's easy to walk away from a story if no one gives a fuck about it. I'll shut up now.
Anyway… yeah enjoy.


Jack bit down hard on Bunnymund shoulder, smiling when the rabbit growled.
"Argh. You little bugger." Bunny quickly swapped their positions, pressing Jack against the wall instead. The older guardian roughly squeezed the teen's backside, kissing him deeply. Jack moaned into Bunny's mouth, rolling his hips against him. Bunny grinned, lifting a knee and rubbed it mercilessly against the white haired male's groin. Jack threw his head back, standing on his tip toes as Bunny rubbed against him.
"Hnnnnghhh" Jack breathed out a soft moan, silencing himself when Bunny chuckled deeply.
"Noisy tonight, aren't you, Snowflake?" Jack glared at Bunny, and tried to push him back, but Bunny pulled him with him. Turning their positions, Bunny pressed Jack against the bed. Jacks hand immediately went for Bunny's groin. Bunny yelled out, moaning and growling as Jack pumped. Jack laughed softly, watching up at Bunny's face as it contorted in ecstasy.
"Noisy, aren't you?" One of the Aussies eyes opened to look at Jack in annoyance, and he tried to contain his moaning, harshly panting instead. Jack chuckled at that, and pumped faster, trying to tear cries from the Australian Pooka. Bunnymund wouldn't give in easily, he shut his eyes tightly, his claws tore into the bed sheets as he leaned over Jack and his toes curled. But he didn't make a noise. Jack frowned, and took the opportunity to push the Aussie back while he was weakened by pleasure. He pushed him onto his back, topping him in an instant. Bunny growled up at Jack who was giving a cocky grin. Frost put his two icy hands on the rabbit's knees, tearing them apart. "Mmmm" Frost hummed quietly and he trailed icy hands down the insides of the Pooka's legs.
"Hrrrg" Bunny growled, throwing his head back onto the sheets. He felt Jack's Icy breath on his groin, then his Icy tongue. "Uuuuuuuhhhnngg" The rabbit let go a soft breath with turned into a breathy moan as he felt the frosty tongue licking him. A smile formed on Jack's face and he took the Aussie into his mouth. "Ahhh! Ah-ah-ah-ah" Bunnymund's hips lifted from the bed, he panted and moaned loudly. "B-bastard!" He cried out. Jack pressed Bunny's hips down onto the bed, continuing to quickly suck him. "Ah-ah- nnnnnn!" Bunny tried to contain his cries, but couldn't. Jack suddenly began moving slowly. Painfully slow. Bunny whined and shouted as Jack teased him. The younger male moved with amazing control and intensity. Bunny gritted his teeth hard, his brow furrowed and moans poured from his mouth. Jack rubbed the Aussie's inner thighs roughly with his icy thumbs in time with his slow sucking. "P-please! Pleease! Aaahhh!" Bunnymund's deep raspy pleas had Jack shuddering with pleasure; a small groan escaped his throat. Jack pulled away from the Aussie's groin for a second.
"Begging? That's not like you…" Jack flicked his tongue against the writhing Pooka before continuing his torture.
"Arrrggnnnn! J-Jack!" Bunny tried to lift his hips, trying to speed up, but Jack kept pushing them down again. "Uuuuuuhhhhhnnn" The Australian released a long powerful moan. Jack growled at the noise, his hips bucking. Another louder moan was tore from the Pooka as the vibrations from Jack's growling surged through him. The Australian felt himself getting closer to the end, there's no way he was going to let Jack finish him like this. He kicked Jack off him. Jack flew off the side of the bed and onto the floor with a thud. Bunny jumped up, grabbing Jack by the shoulders and pressed his stomach onto a wooden table. The Aussie was still panting raggedly.
"Nonono" Jack tried to escape Bunny's grasp, but the Pooka's paw had already reached around for Jack's crotch. "Nnnnnnnng!" Jack mewled at the touch, writhing below the Aussie who was pressed against his back.
"You'll pay for that, you ratbag." Bunnymund lifted Jack, pressing his hip bones against the side of the table, Jack could only juuuust reach the floor with his toes. Jack felt the older male at his backside, and he grabbed the other side of the table. The Aussie pushed into him, groaning deeply as Jack gave a ragged breath and shuddered.

I don't have the volition to continue right now, it's late and Im going to watch Rise tomorrow.. again CX. If I get enough reviews wanting it finished I will, otherwise THE END!. xD