Disclaimer: I do not own Inspector Gadget (or any associated characters, for that matter), Jackie Chan Adventures, or even the idea for this story (credit goes to Realm9).
I'm not really too familiar with Inspector Gadget, but I looked it up on Wikipedia so I have the gist of the characters. Feel free to correct me on anything out of character and/or etc. One more thing…this occurs around season 2, while the dark hand is still strong (as opposed to Valmont the distinguished hobo in the later seasons).
Chapter 1
A Most Diabolical Plot
"Raaaaaaghh!" The metal hand slammed down on the hand carved mahogany desk hard enough to scare the rather scruffy-looking Maine Coon cat laying on it, and the unsettled feline yowled as it nearly fell off. "That damned Inspector! It's bad enough that he continues to foil my plans and elude my hit men, but he insists on mocking me by acting the FOOL!" Settling down a bit, the good bad evil doctor contemplated on his past exploits.
Starting his villainous career at a young age, he had nevertheless risen quickly in the underworld, and soon came to be head of his own organization, M.A.D. Shunning the name given to him by his parents (who would take a villain named George seriously?), he instead took on one he thought befitted a criminal mastermind of his standing, preferring to be known only as "Dr. Claw". He had a knack for all things Machiavellian, and soon his organization had branched out all over the world, involving itself in thievery, embezzling, "protection" services, "import-export", world domination, general pandemonium, and other-less pleasant-endeavors.
Though the exploits of the Infernal Inspector Gadget had hampered his devious plans, it was a far cry from stopping his business cold. In fact, a much larger threat was an organization called "The Dark Hand", led by the influential and wily Valmont. Though the brit could not hope to match him in sheer manpower, his shrewd business dealings had kept Claw from expanding as he liked, and was really getting on his nerves. Speaking of which…
Dr. Claw swiveled his chair, depressing a switch that caused a screen to descend from the ceiling and present itself a few feet from his face. On the screen in the top left corner were the words "Mobile M.A.D. Spy Camera 3". Taking a joystick from beneath his desk, Claw maneuvered the camera until he caught sight of what he was looking for. He had been observing the movements of the Dark Hand for a while now, and was becoming more and more intrigued by the events occurring in their city of operations. He had recently received intel that The Dark Hand, indeed Valmont himself, was going to china. Add that to the fact that his contacts in Chinese government had informed him of an American agency's request to run an operation in Guangxi, and one could easily infer that something big was going down, especially since the Chinese agreed almost immediately.
Jade Chan looked on in horror as a giant walking lizard attempted to eat her uncle, not just because she liked Jackie, but for the reason that if he succeeded, there would be no one to stop Shendu (the giant lizard) from releasing a massive army of dragons to ravage and destroy china's mainland. Apparently 900 years ago he had been the tyrannical dictator of china, but the Chinese people were fed up with his rule and, with the help of Lo Pei (a good sorcerer) they revolted and sealed Shendu, turning him into a statue until Valmont released him just yesterday. Of course, there was Uncle, Torhu, and Captain Black along with Section 13, but she had to face facts: once the Demon Sorcerer's legions of dragons had been set free, there was little chance of turning the tide in their favor.
Jade was itching to help, but didn't really see much she could do; even if she went down and helped uncle Jackie unleash the "ancient art of butt-whoop" on Shendu, the Dragon was Immortal thanks to the dog talisman, and with the other twelve he was also stronger, faster, and had more firepower than both of them combined. As she considered this, she saw that Jackie's hands were glowing, and that as he and Shendu were fighting, his would sink his hands into the Demon Sorcerer and remove something, which Jade quickly deduced were talismans. Running down the crumbling walls that surrounded the palace, she ended up right next to Jackie right after he had smashed Shendu into a wall.
"Heya Jackie, you got the ox talisman, cool, huh?"
"Yes, Jade…" her uncle responded in a weary voice, then startled as he realized what he just said. "Wait, Jade?! What are YOU doing…" he petered off "Why do I even bother asking…whoaaaa!" Jackie was cut off as Shendu grabbed him, pinning his arms to his side as he lost most of the items in his pocekts, including the talismans and a flask containing a green fluid. "You may be the strongest of your species, Chan, but compared to me that still makes you an ant!" Shendu began to carry Jackie over to the portal from which he would summon his dragon minions, intending to throw him in and have them rip him limb from limb. Jackie looked on in growing dismay "bad day bad day bad day!"
Jade, swiftly putting two and two together, uncorked the flask and poured a liberal amount of the liquid over her hands. "Hope there isn't an incantation to go with this" she muttered as she ran after the two combatants.
Jackie was in a bit of a pinch. Well, actually, it was more like a bone-crushing grip; he struggled to break free of Shendu's grasp as the Dragon began the chant to free his lesser brethren.
Shendu laughed inwardly as his revenge neared completion. Oh sure, there was still a country to raze, but seeing Chan dead would be much more satisfying. Suddenly he heard a yell from behind, followed by a ripping pain as talismans were torn from his body. "AAAARRGHH" distracted by Jade, Shendu released Jackie, who then grabbed one more talisman before flipping back and landing lightly on his feet.
"Sweet, dog of immortality" Jade taunted cheekily.
"And rat, motion to the motionless" Jackie finished with a smirk.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Shendu howled despairingly, banished again to a seeming eternity trapped in stone. Fortunately (or perhaps not), this did not prove to be the case.
"You have stopped be today, Chans, but You both know I will rise again, and when I do, I will hunt your clan to the ends of the earth; I will not stop until your lineage has been utterly eradicated and every trace wiped from the face of the earth!"
"I know" replied Jade, "which is why I'll make sure you don't have the chance!" Grabbing the dragon talisman from where it lay on the ground, Jade squeezed until she felt the raw power fuse with her being. Before Jackie could stop her, she blasted the stone Dragon with a powerful blast from her hand, leaving nothing but dust and stone shards behind.
"Jade" Her uncle said sternly "That was-" Jackie never got to finish that sentence as the palace began to fall apart around them. "Never mind, let's just get out of here."
Meanwhile, at the legion of doom… (Sorry about that, I just couldn't help myself).
Dr. Claw could barely believe his eyes; a 900+ year old immortal demon sorcerer with the powers of the twelve zodiac animals had just been routed by an 11-year-old girl. Now, personally, he shared the sentiments of Jackie, in that he didn't like to get mixed up in magic. However, the girl…he always had a need for new recruits, and this one looked…promising.
Claw pressed a button on his phone that put him straight to his secretary's office: "Doris, I have a prospect for a new recruit; put surveillance on a Jade Chan, in San Francisco. Have the team meet with Ninja and come up with a plan to abduct the subject-remind them that the utmost discretion is necessary."
He chuckled mirthlessly, the shadows of the room hiding his face from view. His cat, however, had a smile that could curdle blood…
[End Chapter 1]