**Chapter has officialy been beta'd as of 14/07/2018**

Thank you to my awesome new beta theunrealinsomniac, lifesaver is what he is.

I would also like to thank all of you for putting up with my bullshit. Anywhooo, carry on!

"Are you done mutilating my skin Carter, or are you planning on cutting the whole thing off?" he snapped.

Melodey narrowed her eyes at him and deliberately stabbed his open palm.

"Bloody wench!" he yelped as he pulled back his hand.

"That's for being a dick; now shut up and let me concentrate," Melodey said as she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she began chanting in an ancient tongue none of them seemed to recognize.

Melodey kept at it for about a minute or so before she picked up the cup with Draco's blood. "Speak Granger's name, or the name of your child, should you have chosen chosen one already, and then say 'blood calls to blood'," she instructed as she handed Draco the cup.

Draco's eyes narrowed, unsure, but nonetheless, he did as he was told. "Hermione Jean Granger, blood calls to blood." He murmured into the cup.

Instantly the blood rippled before turning black. His heart stopped. Had it worked? Or did it mean they were gone?"Did it work? Is it supposed to do that?"

"That's disgusting … wicked." George said looking over Draco's shoulder.

"George, will you step back?" Melodey asked, annoyance lingering in her tone as she stood up from the grass. "Alright, so the spell worked, otherwise it would have shattered the goblet." She assured, figuring he was thinking the worst. She wouldn't be surprised, most tended to think the same thing when dealing with blood magic to locate someone, but this was way faster and more effective than a locator spell, not to mention that they didn't have the tools to cast one in the first place.

"Now, as soon as we step out of this circle the blood will clot and begin to rise, You'll know we're heading in the right direction while it continues to vibrate in sharp spikes, if it stops, we need to change directions." She explained, Draco nodded, and behind him the others looked at each other and swallowed hard, bracing themselves for whatever was to come.

"We have to move fast, the spell will only last for a few minutes before the whole thing turns to ash." Melodey finished as she stepped out of the circle and waited for Draco.

Draco took a deep, steadying breath. He had to do this, he knew he did. He was just ... afraid of what would happen if suddenly something happened, or worse, that he reached her with just enough time to watch her die. But those were thoughts that he wanted to chase away, fears he did not want to admit to having. Gripping the goblet in his left hand he took a step out of the circle, and instantly the blood rose and fell before it sent them in the direction they needed to go.

Hermione's breath hitched as another contraction burned through her body. The young witch did not know which was more painful- the contractions that brought wave after wave of pain to her every few minutes, the fact that she had felt her child grow in what the baby would have had time to grow in a span of 6 months in a matter of minutes, or the feeling of her child kicking and moving about inside her.

As another contraction hit her the door to the room she was in burst open and six black cloaked and hooded figures stepped inside and began making their way towards her. Terror coursed through her veins, turning her blood cold. She scurried back up against the wall in an attempt to put distance between them, but with a flick of their wands suddenly she was dragged forwards.

She cried, screamed, kicked, clawed and even pleaded for them to let her go, but it was to no avail. Hermione was taken to another room, this one in much better conditions than the one she had been kept in, but the room only made Hermione panic more. This was the last place she wanted to be in right now.

A Birthing Room.

Draco ran as fast as he could, turning corners sharply, leaving a few of his party falling to the ground as they tried to keep up with him, and sometimes even losing them. But he paid them no mind. At the moment only Hermione, his child and getting to them on time was his only priority, and if that meant that he had to leave behind his comrades, so be it.

The goblet he carried suddenly began shaking and the blood inside it bubbled before turning to ash and floating up into the late evening sky. Draco cursed loudly at the sight and turned to face the witch with experience in the spell, who had surprisingly managed to keep up with his stride.

"Malfoy, we're here," she said, gesturing to the large crumpled building not too far ahead of them.

"Is that where they're keeping Hermione?" Harry asked.

"It would appear so; we need to get a move on," Draco said, Blaise, George and Melodey nodded, Harry seemed a bit hesitant. "What is it now Potter?" Draco growled.

"Don't you think perhaps we should have an extraction plan, or a plan of attack or something?" he asked.

Draco narrowed his eyes at him. "Here's the plan, we go in there, attack before they do, kill those bastards if the opportunity presents itself, and get Hermione, and ourselves the fuck out of there as soon as possible. Is that a good enough plan for you pothead, or would you like to plan it out more thoroughly over tea and crumpets?" he spat.

Harry frowned at the blonde and was about to make a comeback when George placed a hand on him. "Alright mates, no need to get riled up about it. Let's get a move on, we'll figure things out as we go," he suggested.

"Weasley is right, we should get a move on, as a precaution. Weasley, Potter and I will be at front. Carter, Malfoy, you go behind us, you two are better at slithering out of trouble, we'll be your cover," Blaise said as he took charge and went at the front.

Sparing one last cold glance at the raven haired nuisance, Draco turned on his heel and ran alongside the other blonde. "You know he means well Draco, he's just worried too," Melodey told him as they turned a corner.

Draco didn't respond, because he knew it was true, and if there was one thing a Malfoy didn't appreciate, was being wrong.

Hermione was torn between pushing and bringing her child into danger, or not pushing and risk them tearing her child out of her, possibly killing her in the process, after all they had made it very clear that they did not care what happened to her. Her mind was made up as soon as she saw one of them pull out a large dagger from under his robes. As the contraction wreaked through her, she pushed with all her might.

Clearly having achieved their wanted reaction they formed a circle around her and began chanting lowly, their wands drawn and tracing intricate patterns in the air around Hermione. It wasn't until the second time she pushed, and Hermione felt something rip inside of her that she noticed that no one was standing near her legs at the ready to pick up her child.

Magic shot out from the men around her and shot towards the child as soon as it took its first breath of life and wailed. Hermione was too weak to do anything; she could feel a warm liquid quickly seeping from between her legs, tears streamed from her eyes as she concluded that both her and her child would suffer the same fate tonight after all. The last thing she heard before a dark oblivion consumed her was a loud crash and a jet of green light.

Harry blew the doors off as soon as they were in his sights, the group quickly running behind him. It surprised, just as much as it worried, them that there was no one in sight to even try to stop them. Draco was just about to complain that they had no bloody idea as to where they were headed when a piercing cry caught his ears and they all turned in the general direction of the sound.

Reaching the source they spotted yet another sealed door, Harry made to blast it to shreds only to be blasted off his feet by the force of the protection wards placed on the door. "She's there alright, else they wouldn't have bothered with such powerful wards, and the spell I've been using to blast them open should counteract them and blast it apart. It's an Auror standard," he told them.

"Leave this to us," George and Melodey said raising their wands, sharing a look. They nodded their heads before their wands shot out a silent spell cast by each, causing orange and blue to collide upon contact with the door. Instantly the door was torn off its hinges and thrown across the room. The wards placed on it sparked and dispersed angrily in reaction to Melodey's.

"Go," Pansy prompted before everyone charged inside.

As soon as they entered, Draco's vision blurred. Hovering mid-air before a hooded figure with a blade was his child, behind him Hermione, pale and covered in sweat as blood flowed quickly down her legs. He didn't hesitate, and he most certainly didn't thing, in raising his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!" The yet of green light caught its intended target.

"Accio infant!" Melodey called, and suddenly his child was in her arms, which were glowing a faint shade of grey-blue, her eyes pitched black. Draco knew enough about Veelas, and even more about Melodey Carter to keep a safe distance from her. It pained him to not be able to take his child from her arms, but as dangerous as she was to everyone in the room, save their company, he knew it was probably the only thing keeping her grounded, and the child was probably in the safest hands available.

Curses, Jinxes and Hexes flew from every direction and even a few Unforgivables every so often. Despite being outnumbered, and obviously out powered, none of them stopped till each and every last one of the hooded figures was out cold, or dead. Leaving the fighting to those more experienced Pansy eased her way out of the direct line of fire and began making her way to the seemingly lifeless Gryffindor Princess.

Suppressing the urge to vomit at the amount of blood coming out of the woman, she held her wand against her and cast a quick blood clotting spell, effectively cutting off most of the bleeding, but knowing full well that it would only hold for so long before it either started again, or worse.

Quickly she cast several cleaning and minor healing spells on the pale woman. For now this was all she could do until things were settled enough for them to get the hell out of here.

"Damage report?" Harry grunted out, turning his face to the side to spit blood at the floor and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Blood, missing limbs, and more blood," Blaise spat between breaths. "We don't have the time for this, we need to get out of here."

"Sorry force of habit," Harry apologized as he got up.

"We need to get Granger to St. Mungo's. I've done what I can , but I have no official healer training, and we-" Pansy's panicked voice trailed off by Draco's calm steady hand on her shoulder.

Draco squeezed her shoulder, and watched as some of the worry left her face. He figured it wasn't so much the contact, but more because of the calm he was putting on for everyone. "Blaise, Carter, Weasley, get Hermione and my daughter out of here. Potter, stay behind with me; we need to dispose of the bodies, and burn this whole bloody place to the ground."

Melodey nodded and adjusting the small child she had managed to wrap up securely in a warm blanket a few minutes ago, she turned and began leading the way out. Draco would eternally be indebted to the witch. It was not something he ever wanted to admit, and much less do, but he did. That woman had placed her life on the line to protect his daughter, risking the possibility of leaving her own daughter to grow up without a mother, as if having to grow up without a father wasn't a hardship in its own.

Draco had always held a mutual respect for the witch, having known her his entire life, his father and mother being her godparents. Mainly because they both understood what it was to go through what they had gone through and still be able to wake up each morning and face the world with their backs straight and their chins held up high with pride.

If Draco Malfoy had thought that she hadn't earned his unwavering respect, and perhaps even loyalty, when she had willingly taken the Mark and sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord to save her Weasley lover, and to keep him company when he himself had done the same to spare his mother, now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the witch could say that she was the one person that Draco Abraxas Malfoy, respected above all others, and that should she wish it, he would lay down his life for her or her daughter's life.

Blaise and George Weasley left behind her. Each wizard draped an arm over the other's shoulder. Blaise was visibly missing a chunk of off his right leg, and had George not stopped the bleeding, the witch Potter once called wife, would not only be left a divorcee, a shamed one at that, but her child would grow up fatherless. George had managed to come out with minimal wounds, well as minimal as it could get in a bloodbath. He had been hit with a spell that caused cuts to appear all over his body, both externally, and internally. And really, Zabini wasn't known for being indebted to someone, so he killed the wizard who landed the curse, effectively cutting the magic at work before it could get lethal, and saving the ginger wizard's life.

Pansy and Potter stayed behind with him to deal with the disposal. Pansy, he was sure was not yet comfortable with many Gryffindors knowing her secret, after all, the witch could barely stand having Blaise and himself knowing. Draco had always underestimated the witch, thinking of her as a useless nuisance and whiny little body that breathed too much down his neck for his liking. Draco was seriously considering coming up with some sort of apology speech, he was even thinking of adding a few admirable lines here and there, just to let her know that what she had done for Hermione today was something he greatly appreciated.

Were it not for her, Hermione would most certainly be dead.

And Potter, Bloody fucking Potter. Draco hated to admit it, but The-Boy-Who-Will-Forever-Be-A-Large-Thorn-In-His-Side, was someone he was glad to be able to say he had fought alongside. The wizard was a skilled duellist, perhaps not as advanced as himself, but he was exceptional nonetheless. His doubts on how the man had survived seven years of his life during a time of war were answered and settled over. He saw then that the so called 'Hero Complex' the Golden Trio seemed to suffer from was in fact, a good thing, rather than bad as he had grown to think. And for once, Draco discovered he was grateful that he was the wizard who stood at the front lines against The Dark Lord.

The three of them piled the bodies high in the centre of the chamber, one on top of the other. Well, Potter did anyways, whereas Pansy and he separated the dead from the stunned. So far every one of the wizards that lay crumpled on the ground was dead. Pansy looked up at the two wizards that remained in their party. "Draco, Potter, if you want, go after Granger, I can stay here and deal with everything else; it'll only take me a couple of hours at most to finish up here, and I'll join you afterwards," she suggested.

Draco glared at her, but whatever response he was going to give her to deviate her of the idea was lost when she returned the glare and Potter spoke up. "Malfoy, go, I'll stay here with Park-Pansy," Harry said, correcting himself last minute, after all if the witch had been able to put her pure-blooded thoughts and tendencies aside to help a Muggle-born like Hermione, then, perhaps he could look past some of the annoying habits on both parts and call her by her given name, after all she had earned it, they all had.

Draco narrowed his gaze at Harry. "Stay with her Potter and don't Apparate anywhere without her by your side," he said before turning on his heel and Apparating to St. Mungo's.

Turning to face the short raven haired witch, Harry smiled awkwardly. "So… think we could, you know, skip the body pile up and just burn the whole place to the ground?" Harry asked, hopeful.

"It's disrespectful for the dead, even if they were dark wizards. They deserve some sort of burial, a communal one, but one nonetheless," she informed him as she walked over to another corpse and began to turn it on its back to inspect the body and clean it off. "Well, are you helping or not?" she asked Harry, as he had stopped moving and just stared at her dumbly.

Harry blushed a bit and nodded. "Erm, sure," he said and got to work. After about an hour or so, the two stood outside the building and watched it burn, a group of Aurors behind them, finalizing legal matters with both of them.

"Well, Mr. Potter, we'll be leaving you now. Have to file the paperwork, the sooner the better, department head is not going to be happy 'bout the way you proceeded with things, but what 'can-ah tell ya?" Auror Grenspen, a tall chubby red faced Auror shrugged before Apparating.

"OK, so we better get going now," Harry suggested to Pansy.

"Oh, Gods yes, I'm tired, filthy and all I want to do is get home, take a nice long hot bath and go to bed," Pansy said.

Harry chuckled in reply. "I might not have the same procedure as you, but I can sure say I feel the same," he admitted. "So, do you think we should head home, or to St. Mungo's with the rest of the group?"

"I'd say Mungo's, we might feel fine, but if Granger wakes up and finds out Draco didn't see that we both got medical attention, she'll most likely end up having his head." Pansy rolled her eyes.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Can't say I don't see that happening. Well, see you there." He said and before Pansy had time to react and grab hold of Potter before he Apparated he had turned on his heel and was gone. Frowning, she kicked her foot at the dirt and began walking, she had seen a nice little stone bench while they had been running the labyrinth, and if her memory served her right, it was right before the exit.