Update! I got myself a new Beta! And I absolutely love her! I mean the magic she worked on these two chapters is amazing! I mean, she was able to help me merge two chapters into 1, that has to count for alot! Don't forget to continue reviewing!

Draco growled in frustration as his father left him behind in the study. He gripped his wand in his hand and turned on the spot, quickly apparating to Granger's flat. Draco was no idiot, he knew he only had seconds before his father arrived after him.

He knew he should have fought Granger more on her moving in with him, it would have made this a whole lot easier. His wand vibrated lightly in his hands, and he was at least thankful that Granger had agreed to his security measures. Draco rushed to her room, knowing that he needed to wake her up quickly.

With a flick of his wrist, he cast a mental communication link on the sleeping witch and himself before barging into the room and hovering over her.

Hermione Granger woke up with an awful headache and a wand to her throat. Her eyes fluttered open, and as they focused on the figure above her, widened dramatically. "Draco, what are you doing?!" she yelled, well more like rasped, her voice raw from sleep. She reached around for her wand, her eyes frantically looking about her room to try and spot it.

"Shut up, Granger!" Draco spat. He took one quick glance about the dark bedroom, his gaze hard, and if Hermione had to guess, it meant he was at unease. Hermione's eyes frantically tried to follow wherever his travelled, her heart pounding frantically in her chest.

'My father is listening to everything we say and do from the other room,' Draco thought to her.

Hermione blinked and nodded. Grabbing her wand, then his arm, she quickly apparated them to one of her favorite places in muggle London.

"What did your father want?" she asked him upon their arrival.

It was the middle of the night, and the park they were standing in was cold, causing Hermione to shiver harshly. She had been unable to grab a coat before being apparated out of her flat, and she was only wearing a snug pair of pajama bottoms, one of Draco's undershirts, and, of course, her thick woolen socks, which were quickly becoming wet and cold from standing in the snow.

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest to try and keep some of her body warm. Noticing this, Draco sighed and handed her his robe. He didn't bother thinking about himself at the moment; all he wanted was for her to have some sort of buffer between herself and the cold winter London weather. Once she was wrapped in his robe, he cast a quick and effective heating charm on himself.

Hermione relished the instant warmth his robe always seemed to provide. She buried her face in the long sleeves trying to warm it up as well. As an added bonus, it hid the embarrassing smile that always crossed her face when she breathed in Draco's cologne. "I assume he has finally caught onto us," Draco told her.

Hermione's eyes softened. Any and all brightness that had entered her face (despite the strange circumstance) disappeared. Her hidden smile vanished. Noticing her change in demeanor, Draco stepped in front of her and wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"We'll find a way out of this, I promise. I cannot afford to lose you when I finally got you," he whispered into her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head.

"It's just that… why must my blood status mean so much to him? Why can't he just overlook it like you do?" Hermione mumbled into his chest.

As the two talked, they were unaware of the white-haired, black-robed figure approaching them silently. His feet didn't make a sound as he crushed soft leaves, small branches and twigs beneath them, thanks to the carefully cast silencing spell upon oneself.

The cloaked figure raised his wand, pointing it straight at the couple.

"Facere ut dico," he spoke. "Break her heart and then kill her." The spell hit its target full-force, and the man smirked in victory. He would have preferred to use Imperio, but he could not. After the war the Aurors had convinced the Ministry of Magic to place a trace on all Unforgivables, in hopes of being able to catch any remaining Death Eaters. A pity, in the man's mind.

"Draco? Draco, love, are you alright?" Hermione shook his shoulder gently upon noticing that he had frozen in his spot.

Shaking his head as he tried to clear the hazy mess it had become, Draco pushed her off of him. This caused her to frown but understand. If she were in his position, having to choose between the person she was in love with, and his family, she probably would have done the same thing; it wasn't like he didn't appreciate the contact, Hermione just knew from experience that physical contact didn't always help to clear one's mind.

"I can't be seen with you anymore, nor do I want to be anywhere near you," he said after a long moment of silence between the two.

Hermione frowned. "Draco, why are you saying this?" she questioned calmly as she looked around. Perhaps his father or someone from his family was nearby, but she couldn't see anyone.

"Because it's true," Draco spat, his voice laced with venom. "I can't risk my family's position in the Wizarding World for some filthy little mudblood." Hermione flinched at his words, visibly hurt and confused.

"But Draco-" she began, but the boy cut her off by pointing his wand at her again. Tears made their way to her eyes.

"Shut up!" Draco ordered. Hermione complied, knowing it was best not to contradict him when he was upset.

"Now, I want you to turn around and leave me. For good this time," he commanded. Again, all Hermione could do was obey, she was so shocked.

Something in the way he had spoken reminded her of why they hadn't made their relationship public. They didn't belong together. Their love was like water and oil.

While she was happy and cheerful with everything and everyone loving her, he was her opposite. He had been down and somewhat miserable, with nothing but hardship after hardship. Their love was fatal and not meant to be. They came from two completely different worlds, worlds the other could not comprehend.

So, with tears streaming down her face, Hermione turned around and began to walk away.

"Hermione... r-run!" Draco called in a desperate attempt to warn her.

Confused, the girl turned around, eyes widening at the scene that met her. Draco's wand was aimed straight at her. Without a second thought, Hermione did as he pleaded and ran as fast as her legs could take her.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Draco cast the incantation, and Hermione, in a desperate attempt to save herself, pulled out her wand and yelled the only incantation she could think of. "Expelliarmus!"

Now, she had never before cast that spell as a counter attack, and when the two spells collided with each other just inches from her face, she did not expect the force. She was flung backwards and landed across the frozen greenery, hitting a wall.

Hermione hit her head on the wall's surface, then slid down onto the frozen snow covered grass below her, knocked out cold. The impact on the wall caused the snow piled on top of it to cascade over her small frame.

After a long moment, Draco was released from his father's control. Looking around, disoriented and very confused, he tried to figure out what had just happened. Shaking his head to clear the haze, it became a clear image of him shooting a jet of green light from his wand at Hermione. His eyes widened. "What have I done?" Draco thought and immediately set off at a run to find Hermione, hoping to find her alright... and alive.

He dug for her with his hands when he reached the spot where he had seen her fall. Finally, after what seemed like hours, though in reality was just a few short minutes, he found her.

Silent tears spilled from Draco's eyes as he cradled her cold and limp form to his chest, rocking her slowly back and forth.

"Please be alive... please be alright... please forgive me..." he murmured pleadingly.

Lucius Malfoy stepped up behind his son, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Leave her be. She isn't worth it," he said, trying hard not to sound proud of his work. Draco's head snapped up and his eyes shot daggers at his father.

"What you did is unforgivable and uncalled for," he spat as he briskly pushed his father's hand off.

Lucius frowned and took out his wand.

"I just wish it hadn't come to this," he said with a sigh.

"Obliviate," he chanted, and right before Draco was completely out of the charm's haze, Lucius knocked his son out with a strong hit to the back of his neck with his cane and carried him off. Lucius would need to make sure to erase plenty more memories from his head, and it needed to be done elsewhere.

Hermione woke up in what seemed like a whole other world. Her head was throbbing, which wasn't helping the headache she had woken up with the first time, and her back was also sore as well. "What the bloody hell just happened?" she groaned as she got back to her feet slowly and grabbed her wand off the ground.

As she got up, the memories of what had happened only a few hours ago slowly flooded back to her mind. Her face fell instantly. She couldn't move, much less speak. Sucking in a deep breath, Hermione closed her eyes and let the tears fall freely down her cheeks.

She walked, but in no particular direction. She just walked. She just couldn't believe that this had actually just happened. Well, she could, it's just that she had been hoping it never would. After hours upon hours of walking aimlessly around the empty London streets Hermione ended up at her apartment. Only one thing was abruptly different...

Her apartment was completely empty. Her furniture was gone, her clothes, pictures, you name it. Nothing was there anymore. This caused her to panic.

Quickly she took out her wand and began chanting a variety of spells to try and recover some of the personal, not to mention special and important, belongings. Something wasn't right. It wasn't just her missing belongings, and Hermione couldn't quite place her finger on it, but she had every intention of figuring out why that was. She took out her cellphone and called the only person she thought could help in this type of situation.

After all, to solve an insane problem, you needed an insane person to fix it.

"Hello?" a husky voice spoke from the receiver.

"Yes hello, Neville, is Luna there with you? I really need to speak to her," Hermione asked, sitting indian style on the carpeted floor of her apartment.

"No, sorry 'mione, but she did tell me to give you a message before she left the house this morning," he replied.

Hermione rose a brow. "A message for me? What is it?"

"She said to tell you that the gnomes told her that you need to get him back, 'the same way you got him in the first place.' Whatever that means. You know, I still can't figure out how it is that she-" Neville kept going, but Hermione wasn't listening.

At the moment, Hermione's brain was trying hard to process the small, yet important amount tidbit of information that Luna had provided her with.

"Hermione, are you still there?" Neville asked, snapping her back to reality. She shook her head quickly, trying to clear it out, and cleared her throat softly before speaking again. "Yeah, sorry, I just got distracted," she admitted. In response, all Neville said was "alright."

"Listen Neville, I have to go, there's something I need to do." she said quickly before hanging up.

She quickly got to work formulating a plan of action, and, after long hours of plotting, she knew what she needed to do.

Hermione Granger was going to make Draco Malfoy fall back in love with her, no matter what. Because apparently, someone wanted to get rid of her and remove the very memory of her from Draco's mind. And to do so, obviously they needed to wipe her existence from all of London, so no loose ends would be left behind.

Quickly getting to her feet she went straight to work, but first things first. She needed to change her look. Wand in hand she murmured the incantation taped it on her hair, the top of her head, eyes, lips and then let the magic do the rest.

Instantly her short messy curls, grew longer and cleaned themselves up in the sense that her curls grew thicker even as her hair volume thinned, making it easier to manage, and the brown shade of her hair was also gone and quickly replaced by blonde. Her smothering chocolate brown eyes changed to hazel, her plump lips reddened up, and her skin paled up slightly.

After all the changes had been made, she took one look in the mirror and gasped. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought that she belonged on a runway, perhaps even the cover of one of those ridiculous witch magazines. She had a smirk that just screamed Slytherin, and she supposed that would do the trick.

It pained her too look so different. Draco had told her time after time that she was beautiful the way she was, like when she had tried to dye her hair a different color, or when she would put on makeup, or even contacts for that matter. But she was still herself though, so her looks shouldn't matter right?

Taking a deep breath, Hermione took out all of her important documentation and made a copy of them. Then, she changed the name on all of them. Her birth certificate was the hardest, seeing as she had to change it from a muggle hospital to St. Mungo's, but she managed to do it nonetheless.

A lot of arrangements needed to be made before she could set her plan into motion, but the planning could wait. There were other things she needed to do right now, like get herself another apartment and clothes, can't forget the furniture, there were just a whole lot of other things that she would need. Including, first and foremost, a secret visit to her old friends down at the Ministry and the Daily Prophet.

But she needed to hurry, because every minute that she wasted plotting was a minute in which Draco could not be next to her.