This story was written for the Tumblr Christmas Virtual Love as a present for ananonymoustipster. Happy Christmas! I hope you like it, if you don't I'm sorry, my muse has been giving me ideas then running away.

The first thing Eric saw when he woke up the morning after the OSP CHristmas party was a framed photo of a very, very fat cat. His half awake and hungover mind thought it was rather funny until he realized that he had no idea where he was. He sat up but immeditaly regretted it and groaned as his head pounded and the room spinned in his blurry glasses-less vission. Next to him another figure groaned and punched him half-heartedly in the side before covering her head with a pillow.
"Nell?" Eric croaked "Why am I at your apartment?"
Nell groaned again before poking her head out from under the pillow. "Hetty drove us here last night and you decide just to sleep at my place." she said before pulling her head back under the pillow.
"Ok" Eric said before laying back down and falling asleep.

It had been a long case involving a missing Marine, 3 allnighters and way too much coffee. Kensi and Deeks were walking up to Ops to see if everything was under control before heading home for a well- earned sleep. Not together, of course, well, maybe. As they enter the tech mica, the agent and the detective spotted the two resident geeks asleep on the floor with, pillows under their heads and their tablets and keyboards still at their fingertips. Kensi smiled and went to find some blankets for the pair while Deeks pulled out his phone to snap a photo. Kensi came back and spread the blanket she had found on the couch down stair over the techs and sends Deeks a look for taking the picture before they leave.
The next morning Nell and Eric woke up sore from sleeping on the floor but refreshed. They looked over at each other, grinned and then started giggling from the silliness that is waking up on the floor.

Nell had been shot. She had gone out to a suspect's house with Sam and Callen to go through their computer. While they were there the suspect had turned up and realizing that the cops had caught up with him began shooting. Nell had had her gun but was still hit in the ribs. The doctors had said she would be fine but Eric was worried none- the- less. He had not left her room in the 6 hours since visitors had been aloud in even though Nell had yet to wake up. Around midnight the stress of the day finally got to him and he drifted off to sleep his head next to her side.
Nell awoke the next morning sore from her wound and groggy from the painkillers. She turned her head to the side and saw her partner and best friend asleep next to her. Smiling she patted his face to wake him up. He opened his eyes and saw her then sat up and gave her a huge hug.

There was a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder over the driving rain on the roof of the house. Nell snuggled closer to Eric but continued to sleep.
"Mommy?" came a voice from the end of the bed "Daddy?" Nell and Eric looked at their 5 year old daughter standing at the foot of their bed holding a teddy bear.
"What's wrong Sophie?" Eric asked.
"I'm scared of the storm." the little girl said "Can I sleep with you guys?"
"Sure" Eric said "You too Henry?" he asked the 3 year old boy who had just stumbled into the room looking teary eyed. Henry nodded and he and his sister crawled into bed with their parents.