This is the 3rd Night of The Minecraft Hunger Games.

"Whoooooa!" said Acit when he almost fell into a ravine deep enough to have taken half of his hearts away. Fortunately, he noticed in time and ran around it. He is currently running along with Twofaced from a horde of 5 zombies, 3 skeletons including one with an enchanted bow, 3 spiders, a witch, and an enderman they accidentally looked at.

"Creeper!" said Twofaced as they sighted a creeper in their pathway of running. They sharply turned right and continued their escaping from the numerous night mobs while the creeper exploded. They could hear the grunt of zombies and the bone crumbling sounds of a skeleton, signifying the end of their chasing them, which is a good thing right now. They turned around to check if they were gone, and it turns out that there were still lots of them.

"We should have just built shelter! Why did you suggest not to! We have all these night mobs chasing us now!" said Acit

"No, I promise we're almost there, I know the way just continue to follow me," said Twofaced

"Alright," said Acit.

They kept on pushing through the mobbed forest, but the trade tower still isn't in sight. Acit could feel the power of the night trying to swallow them in mobs. They kept on going on for a pretty long time until around 30 mobs were following them, and then they were surrounded.

"Oh no, we are surrounded!" said Acit

"Come on, let's fight through!" said Twofaced

Acit swung his stone sword at a zombie in front of him only to get a punch from the zombie and an arrow shot at him by a skeleton. He saw a creeper about to blow up besides him, ran to the right, and found himself face to face with a spider beating him up. He swung his sword to knock it away, dodged around when it came back, and then sees an enderman.

"I can't seem to fight through them, we are really surrounded, and can't get out!" said Twofaced in the midst of their battle with the night mobs.

Acit acknowledged Twofaced and came up with an idea. He looked straight at the enderman, and nevertheless, it returned an offended, angry, and open-mouthed face. Soon, it teleported to Acit's side and was continuously hitting Acit. Acit summoned up all the strength he could find and fought for his life. He took several powerful swungs with his stone sword at the enderman. Soon, it hit the ground, disappeared, and left behind two ender pearls. He picked them up and started to run towards Twofaced. He only had about two hearts left and mobs were making their way towards him. He gave Twofaced one of the ender pearls.

"We can use these man!" said Acit.

"Alright!" said Twofaced.

They threw their ender pearls as far as they could and were teleported away from the night mobs. They quickly found each other and decided to continue going. Twofaced only had half a heart left and decided to drink a bowl of mushroom soup before they continued heading towards the trade tower.

"You better now?" said Acit

"Yeah, let's hurry! You can get healed later!" said Twofaced

They ran through the woods with Twofaced leading the way. Soon an arrow found it's way to Twofaced's sides. They became alarmed and continued running in awareness that night mobs might surround them again.

"How much further?" said Acit

"I don't know," said Twofaced

As they continued through the woods to the trade tower, the forest suddenly got thinner.

"This is where the woods get thinner! Yes! We are very close now!" said Twofaced

Acit followed Twofaced through the woods for a while, and then, the forest ended. They were near the coast of a large lake, probably the sea, and standing on the shores was a big magnificent tower. It was the trade tower.

"Yeah, we made it to the trade tower!" said Twofaced.

"Wow, it looks awesome," said Acit.

"Yeah, come on man, let's get inside!" said Twofaced.

They ran across the plains to the edge of the trade tower. The trade tower was a big but not yet gigantic tower with lots of lights, and around the tower was an area surrounded by fence. They went to the fence gate, opened it, and stepped inside.

"Hi, mryoshi!" said Twofaced as a player named mryoshi started approaching them.

"Hello, Twofaced! Welcome to trade tower, Acit!" said mryoshi.

"Thanks," said Acit.

In the fenced area there was a tiny wheat farm, some chicken, some cows, a tamed wolf running around, and two players that were starting to approach them.

"So, this seems like a relatively empty space for it's size," said Acit

"That is because we have sent a lot of people out to get more people to join trade tower. They are coming back 3 days later, when we will have lots more people, do more construction of stuff, and have a gathering!" said Mryoshi.

"Oh okay," said Acit.

"We were getting mobbed out there and about to die, so can we go get healed before we talk more?" said Twofaced

"Sure, go ahead," said Mryoshi.

Twofaced lead Acit to the back of the trade tower, where there was a dock leading out to the sea, a fenced pool of lava, and a group of mushrooms.

"Mryoshi is the leader of this place," said Twofaced

"Oh cool," said Acit, "so he tells everyone what to do?"

"Not really," said Twofaced, "we don't have a strict leadership system, he's just the main coordinator of things."

They went and got the mushrooms, made them into mushroom soup, and healed themselves. Afterwards, they went back to the front.

"Hey, whatsup Twofaced?" said a player named Grapesoda313

"Nothing much, we just got here Grapesoda, how about you?" said Twofaced

"Not much either, just helping SparknJetz over here with setting up the quartz flooring, furnace room, and stuff like that you know," said Grapesoda

"Hi, Twofaced," said a cow who was standing besides them.

"Hello?" said Twofaced

"Um, you can talk?" said Acit to the cow

"Yes, I found him and was about to kill him before he talked to me, it's amazing right?" said Grapesoda

"Wait a minute," said Twofaced as he approached the cow and punched him.

The cow transformed to a player named SparknJetz.

"Hi SparknJetz," said Twofaced.

"Hello," said SparknJetz.

"It's good being chameleon kit right?" said Twofaced.

"You bet," said SparknJetz.

"Hahah," said Twofaced.

"Hi, what's you name man? I'm SparknJetz," said SparknJetz as he greeted Acit.

"Acit," said Acit to he handshaked SparknJetz, "thanks for scaring me like that with the cow, gosh."

"Hahah, no problem," said SparknJetz, "welcome to trade tower."

"Thanks," said Acit

"Yeah," said Grapesoda," welcome."

"Thanks," said Acit.

"What's your kit, Acit?" said Mryoshi.

"Archer," said Acit, "but I lost my bow to a pickpocket kit. I can make one later though."

"Oh that's not good," said Mryoshi, "but we're glad to gain an archer kit."

"Thanks," said Acit.

"Is this all the people we have right now?" said Twofaced.

"Yes," said Mryoshi.

"So, shall we continue to finish the mine leading down to y10-16 (optimum mining level) we've started on?" said SparknJetz.

"Sure," said Grapesoda, "wait look, there's more people coming, and they seem to be new!"

A miner looking player named BudderFTW123 and a player carrying a clock looking thing named Winner133 came towards them from the forest Acit and Twofaced were in before they got to the trade tower. A player named BadBoyHalo is also approaching from sea. He got up, went around the fence, and got in.

"Hi BadBoyHalo," said Grapesoda.

"Hi," said BadBoyHalo.

"Hello," said Mryoshi, "did you really swim here?"

"Yeah," said BadBoyHalo, "I'm a Poseidon kit."

"Oh yeah that's right boy," said Mryoshi.

The first two players had almost approached the fence gate by the time they looked over, they went to the gate, opened it, and got inside of the trade tower area. They were hesitantly looking at the first group and slowly approaching.

"Well," said Mryoshi, "we seem to have new people."

Acit heard a sound up in the air, and then everyone looked up. A player, apparently phantom kit, was flying towards them.

"Man," said Grapesoda, "pretty awesome kit."

The player got close and then landed. His named was Flyingmaniac555. He held a feather which he put back in his backpack.

"Whatsup Flyingmaniac?" said Twofaced.

"Just flew here from the upper forests," said Flyingmaniac.

"Nice," said Twofaced.

"Are these the new members you've brought back?" said Mryoshi as he looked at BudderFTW123 and Winner133.

"Yeah," said Flyingmaniac.

They greeted, talked on for a bit more, and then did some trading of emeralds since it was the trade tower after all.

"So, what is the main purpose of the trade tower?" said Acit.

"We are just a giant team," said Grapesoda.

"Yes," said Mryoshi, "our main goal is also to do away with the 'hunger games' in the arena and make this a peaceful arena."

"Our main enemies are the career tributes," said SparknJetz.

"Yeah," said Flyingmaniac, "they want to kill everyone."

"Oh," said Acit, "alright, cool."

"Yeah," said SparknJetz, "let's continue building?"

Everyone agreed and they went to finish the mine then went inside. There were five floors to the trade tower. The first floor of the inside was a large room with quartz floors and a tall "trading place" in the center and some message boards and boards with the names of all the trade tower members on the sides. On the second floor there was a crafting and furnace room, inventory room, and personal chest storage room, and many empty rooms that were added but not yet filed in and finished. Third floor was mostly still empty. On the fourth and fifth floor there were personal rooms here and there scattered over the place, on top of ladders, and under some rooms, the rooms all looked about as good. The other rooms were empty. After they got done trading with each other, the players hung out for a while on the third floor before they went to bed.

"I'm going to bed," said Winner133 when there were just three of them left that weren't in bed.

"Yeah," said Twofaced, "should we go to sleep too Acit?"

"Okay," said Acit.

They took a room on top of ladder and went to each of their own beds there. Acit has not slept for a long time, but he finally could sleep, and it felt pretty amazing. "Man," thought Acit, "I do just as well if not better without my team." He went through the events since the game started in his head, and soon fell asleep.

What Sbarklez did during the night: He mined around with his mining teammates but mined the wrong way for a while and ended up in an underground trapped maze set up by possibly career tributes. Luckily, they met up with two none trade tower members who were also trapped, but one of them was really good at redstone and the other was an explorer kit with a map and a good sense of direction. So they found their way out with out being blown up by tnt or dying any other redstone trap typed minecraft death. The two were asked to be trade tower members, and they agreed. They went back to being on the way towards the trade tower.

The End of Chapter 6, their 3rd night. Their 4th night, Chapter 7, will be a bit delayed as these chapters have been but will not be too late. Reviews appreciated please.