Hi, I wrote this story because I'm bored

"Hey, wanna team man?"

"No, f-k you, get a life!"

Acit was surprised by the player's aggressive reply

"Alright dude, f-k you too", Acit replied

"F-k your sh-t" retorted the player

"Chill out bro!"

Acit went ahead to search for another teammate while scouting around the arena of the minecraft hunger games. As Acit walked around, he walked up to the beach of a large sea. He decided that he would make a boat as soon as he had a crafting table and hide in the sea until player numbers died down. He decided to play safe and unaggressive. Until the end, that is.

A player with gravel skin and a player with dirt skin walked up to Acit

"Hey, you wanna team dude?" asked the player with gravel skin

"Sure, man" replied Acit

"I'm Sbarklez," said the player with gravel skin, "and this is my bother Nocch"

The player with dirt skin turned from checking out a ravine and said "Whatsup"

"Hey," said Acit, "I'm Acit"

After 10 minutes, the team members have gotten to know each other better and have formulated a plan. Acit chose archer kit, since he was an accurate archer. Sbarklez mines like a pro, so he chose monsters to help him to be safe while mining. Nocch chose boxer since he was an aggressive player.

The plan would be at first for Acit to tower up and snipe anyone who comes close, while Sbarklez stays at the bottom to make sure no one sneaks under the tower. Nocch would stay away from the team to speed up the game.

"I'll just go around killing people, and we'll meet up later in the game" said Nocch

"Are you sure?" asked Acit

"Yeah, there might be teams out there," said Sbarklez

"Nah, I'll be good"

"One minute until the games begin!" boomed the intercom

"Ready?" said Nocch

"Yep" replied Acit

"Get wood first, alright?"

"OK, I will. If we spawn in the swamps, gather mushrooms too"

"Wait, what kind of stupid plan is that?! Why would we get wood FIRST? First,let's run away as far as we can!" complained Sbarklez

"No, I have boxer kit, I have early game advantage, chill Sbarklez" replied Nocch

"Well, I didn't think about that..." responded Sbarklez

"Are we gonna team with anyone else? Or truce?" said Acit

"Yeah, let's ask this guy with the two-faced skin over here"

There was a guy standing near them, facing them, or was he facing them? He turned his head, and Acit suddenly realized that his head had a back that looks as though it could be the front of his head. Hmm, that can turn out useful, thought Acit.

"Hey" said the guy

"Hey, you wanna team?"said Nocch

"Nah, I'll just truce" replied the guy

"Are you sure?" said Sbarklez

Thirty seconds until the game begins! boomed the intercom

"Yeah, just remember not to kill me, and I won't kill any of you. Unless we're the only ones left, that is"

"OK" replied Sbarklez "Bye"

The team walked away a little bit to discuss their plan more

"Are we gonna go for cornucopia?" said Acit

Fifteen seconds left until the game begins! boomed the intercom

"I will," replied Nocch,"y'all get away, I'll eventually catch up"

"Alright," said Sbarklez, "get ready guys"

Ten seconds left!











Suddenly everyone is teleported to plates surrounding the cornucopia. The cornucopia was consisted of treasure chests located on a hill. Acit could see that the center of the cornucopia was packed with chests, and that the chests thin out as they go further and further out. Icons glowed on top of chest showing what they contained. Acit spotted a chest showing that it had 20 arrows. "Extra arrows!" thought Acit "Can come in handy!"

"Hello, tributes," boomed the intercom, "I am MoJanne, head gamekeeper, and I welcome all of you to the minecraft hunger games! In this arena, you will be fighting each other to death, and the last one standing wins! When the game starts,a nametag will appear above everyone's heads, and everyone will get 3 minutes to fight for the cornucopia chests! After the three minutes end, the chests will be locked and the ten minutes of invincibility starts! Everyone will be invincible in these 10 minutes! Get yourself wood, run away, or do whatever you choose to do in these ten minutes of safety. After the invincibility ends, the chests will be unlocked again. Much further into the game, there will be a feast, the feast's xyz location will be broadcasted through the intercom, and on the piece of paper that will be given to you once the game starts. At the feast there are many goodies such as diamond and tnt, but there will also be opponents there! Every time someone dies, their name and how they died will appear on your paper. When I finish talking, you will have to wait sixty seconds to step off your plate, or else you will quickly trigger a redstone wire signal leading to the detonation of tnt right below you! There are 150 players in the game! Good luck, everybody, and begin!"

"Alright, so here it comes," thought Acit

The player three or four plates down from Acit started panicking as soon as he heard the word "begin" being spoken by MoJanne, he ran back and forth on his plate as if trying to get off. There seems to be a invisible barrier surrounding the plates preventing players from stepping off. The player that had panicked is now exerting tremendous effort on getting off of his plate. The next thing Acit saw was a hole in the ground that contained a sheet of paper.

"Five seconds left!" said MoJanne






As soon as the game began, the icons on top on the chests disappeared, which lead to Acit not being able to tell which chest was the one with the arrows. Acit decided to sprint in the general direction. He soon met up with two other people in close proximity. One was on fire and frantically searching through the chests for something that could help her, but soon she disappeared, she was still too slow and was not like Katniss Everdeen, a well known hunger games champion, who was also viewed as the girl on fire. The other person, a guy, his nametag reading Monkeyman, was staring right at Acit, and was wielding a glowing stick.

"Hiya! My knockback wooden stick!"

He knocked Acit back very far with with stick, and Acit took little damage but was quite far away from the chest now. Acit switched to his bow, pulled back as hard as he can, and aimed at the arrow hogging guy. Fffffffffzzzzzzzzzz! A hard head shot made Monkeyman turn around and start to sprint away. Fzzz! Another arrow to the chest made Monkeyman disappear and leave behind a bunch of arrows on the ground. Acit went up to the arrows and the knockback stick and took them.

"First kill," though Acit

He was a grandpa kit? Why did he need arrows anyway? Acit decided to start to go around looking for his teammate, and as soon as he spotted Nocch and started yelling to him, he was interrupted by consecutive, loud thundering noises.

"Die! Die! Die!" said a thor kit as he sent thunder down from the sky, by which he killed two and injured five in a row

"Gosh thors are overpowered and annoying" thought Acit

A barbarian kit, or at least Acit thought he was barbarian kit because he was wielding a stone sword, sneaked up on the thor and started slashing him consecutively. Before the barbarian could finish the thor, he got a strike. One strike was enough to catch him on fire, but even though he was on fire he still decided to come towards Acit to kill him for something that could help. When Acit started pulling back the arrow on his bow, a player from behind quickly hit and killed the barbarian. It was Nocch.

"Hey Nocch," Acit said, "It's good to see you man."

"Hey, what's up," replied Nocch

Two girls pass by. One girl whacked another with a wooden sword, while the whacked girl switched to a flint and steel and set the whacking girl on fire.

"Okay, now is really not the time to talk" said Acit

"Yeah, let's get away, I have enough stuff, and Sbarklez is waiting for us" replied Nocch

Acit followed Nocch into the woods and to Sbarklez. The team was together again.

"One minute left before chests are locked!" booms MoJanne

"Hi, I eventually got wood, despite the lumberjack kit tree hogger, why did he need so much wood anyway? I also got raw steak and some leather from killing two cows" said Sbarklez

"I got a fishing rod, a clock, and a bottle of potion of night vision from the cornucopia," said Nocch

"I got nothing but a knockback wooden stick from someone I killed" said Acit

"Oh well, it's cool, we'll share what we have." Sbarklez assured

"Forty-five seconds before chests are locked!"

"Hey look! All those left lying things on the ground! I'm gonna sprint and get them!" said Nocch

"Hurry, then!"said Sbarklez

Nocch hurriedly ran off to the cornucopia

"We should dig down to avoid trouble" advised Acit


Acit and Sbarklez quickly made a 2 block tall 2 by 2 hole with 3 blocks above them

"Keep alert" said Sbarklez

"Thirty seconds left until chests are locked!" boomed MoJanne


"So," said Acit, "once invincibility starts, are we going all the way out to the force field?"

"Nah, that'll take 2 whole days and nights. Let's not go too far out, because that's what everyone does. Let's stay closer to the cornucopia, so we can go back and get stuff."

"But, there'll be a giant pack of career tributes there. They always gather in villages and in the cornucopia."

"We'll take them by surprise. By the way, that reminds me, do you how to work redstone?"

"Yeah. I can't build huge, complicated circuits, but I can build little ones."

"Good, because Nocch and I know very little about redstone."

"Why are you asking me this though? You can't do anything with redstone in the minecraft hunger games. Redstone circuits take time to make, you know. Plus, redstone circuits make alot of noise, light up, and are too noticeable to use in the hunger games."

"Well, you see-"

"Ten seconds left!" said MoJanne

"Well, you know about the tnt detonation at the beginning of the game?"






"Ten minutes of invincibility begins!"

"Let's dig up, and then wait for Nocch" said Sbarklez

They dug up to the surface

"Yeah, what about the tnt detonation?" asked Acit

"The tnt detonation device can be activated to act as a minefield, I'm sure you know that already. But, did you know you can actually make a cannon with the tnt and the dispenser? That can only be done because of the high amp and voltage of the tnt detonation system. With the high voltage, you can also make what's called compact tnt from nine tnts. Compact tnt separates into nine tnts on impact, and then the nine tnts explode, causing aerial damage. Nine compact tnts can be put together by tremendous redstone energy to make an atom bomb, which can blow up most of this arena to about bedrock level."

"Oh, wow, that's cool, I'll look into it. Hey, look! It's Nocch!"

Nocch came running to them

"Don't run so much, it makes you hungry." said Sbarklez

"Well, I got 4 compasses, 2 seeds, 2 flowers, a beacon, and a bucket." said Nocch

Sbarklez made a wooden pickaxe and started to mine for cobblestone. Soon, he had enough for stove, two stone swords, and a stone pickax. He crafted those things, plus leather boots and two wooden pickaxes. He kept a sword for himself and gave one to Acit. He kept the stone pickax and gave the wooden ones to the other two. He gave the leather boots to Nocch, and Nocch put them on.

"Let's gather more wood for towers," said Acit

"I'll use cobblestone," said Sbarklez

Acit and Nocch got plenty of wood, and Sbarklez even more cobblestone. Sbarklez gave some cobblestone to the other two people.

"Nocch, do you need a stone sword?" asked Sbarklez

"No, I like to take people by surprise,"answered Nocch, "well, remember our original plan? I guess it's time for me to leave now."

"You'll be safe?" said Acit

"Yeah, I have boxer kit" said Nocch

The team walked far enough to the edge of the forest to see the cornucopia. They saw that most career tributes have almost full iron armor and iron sword, two people even had diamond swords.

"Okay, boxer kit is useless against career tributes. Stay with us and we'll get far away." said Acit

"Yeah, that's true" said Nocch

"What time is it?" asked Acit

Nocch looked at his clock and said "It looks like morning, let's use this day to travel far away."

"Acit and I agreed to travel only halfway" said Sbarklez

"Let's go until tonight" said Nocch

The team traveled through the forest and into the plains without discovering much except a player who was burrowing, killed by Nocch, who dropped a compass and a wooden sword, and later on, another player, who was wearing leather helmet and wielding stone sword, ambushed by the team, who dropped his helmet, his sword, and a compass. His helmet was given to Nocch. They also encountered a stray ocelot, saw from a distance an abandoned dirt tower with burning netherrack on top, and killed a skeleton whom they encountered in a downward sloping cave extension of a mini-ravine they rested in. Sbarklez found and mined two coal lumps in the mini-ravine, and made them into 8 torches. In the plains, they discovered a patch of pumpkins, and got all five of them. They rested by a pond in the plains. Nocch used his fishing rod and catched one fish. He cooked and ate it, since he was hungry from running too much. He also filled his bucket with the water, and got some sand. Sbarklez cooked his three steaks to eat or give away later. After that, they continued onto the hills. By the time they reached the hills, it was dusk and almost nighttime. They decided to go and spend the night in a tiny cave on the side of a hill.

"Let's make sure we kill the monsters in there," said Acit

"I'll go in first, since monsters won't attack me unless I attack them," said Sbarklez

Sbarklez went in and got back out

"It's a tiny cave, not many monsters will spawn, I discovered only one zombie whom I killed."

They went in and Sbarklez used a torch to light up the whole cave

"Okay, now monsters definitely won't spawn" said Sbarklez

"Yeah," said Nocch

"Good," said Acit

They block off the entrance and start talking about how they'll spend the night.