OK, so it's like Christmas Eve, and this evening I was in bed reading a fanfiction that I printed off last week. And it was really good and a particular part of it gave me an idea to make this one. So I wrote it straight after I read the fanfiction.

This story is set somewhere around Series 3 of Tracy Beaker Returns, but it's got an inconsistency of characters. Sapphire has left, Liam has left but Toby has come back. That's the best i could do to explain, so here is the first part of it.

Everything was becoming strange to Harry. No one was coming out to play with him, especially since Sapphire had left. Tee and Carmen had been exceptionally kind to him, offering to keep him company during the weeks. But he had seen a change in them when they started to hang out with Elektra.

Not just Carmen and Tee, but every other kid: Lily, Rick, Toby, Johnny, Frank and Tyler. Gus and Harry were the only normal people left.

Did the care workers notice anything different about them? Tracy certainly did, constantly asking everyone if they were OK, only replying that they were fine.

Harry noticed that he was usually up before everyone else, even before Tracy arrived at the Dumping Ground. He didn't even bother going into anyone's room to ask them why they didn't get up. Chief reason being that everyone was in a bad mood when they got up. That scared Harry because everyone used to be so cheery-eyed.

So what was Elektra doing to make everyone feel so edgy?

It was just after lunch on Friday. Harry gripped Jeff who was lying on the dinner table; he was the last to leave. He went to see what Gus was doing, and found him on the piano, practising a number. Harry paced over to him and was about to speak when Gus cut in.

"No talking for 3 minutes, I have to finish this piece."

Harry patiently waited until Gus finally hit the last long note.

"What is it, Harry?"

"Jeff wants to play."

"Jeff does not feel desire; he is just a stuffed animal."

"No one wants to play with Jeff anymore. Everyone hangs out with Elektra."

"Then ask Mike, Gina or Tracy to play with him." Gus watched Harry take his advice and leave him alone. How could a young boy be so obsessed with his giraffe? Gus took his notebook out of his pocket and wrote something into it.

Harry went to find Tracy, which was not hard to do because she was in the kitchen finishing the dishes that the kids were meant to clean, but had avoided doing by scampering the room.

"Tracy, Jeff wants to play."

"I don't think Jeff would want me to get him wet right now, wait 'til I finish these. Aren't any of the other kids free?"

"No, they all want to play with Elektra."

Tracy stopped scrubbing the plate. "Yeah, I have noticed that the past few days everyone is usually quieter than before. Especially the girls. Have you tried talking to them?"

"They sometimes shout at me when I try to ask them to play. So I stop looking for them."

Tracy let the tap run water over the plate. "Maybe I should ask everyone what's happening. They don't sound themselves anymore... It's like they've been replaced by zombies."

Harry went upstairs to try and find out what Elektra was exactly doing with the others. He had first noticed it when Elektra called some of the kids to her room for a private meeting. After that, everyone except for he and Gus changed their moods. They used to be so relaxed, but now they were arbitrarily acting high and low.

Harry didn't understand much about people, but he didn't want to find out what it was, if it were anything bad.

Continuing up the stairs, he came to a stop as he reached the top. He knew where the kids were. Pressing Jeff against the wall, he slowly proceeded to the attic door, which was a tiny bit open.

It was like last year all over again when Elektra started the SETA Club. Things were bound to go wrong soon. But what was Elektra planning now?

They probably weren't stealing anything because the staff hasn't noticed anything missing. Harry could hear everyone laughing and talking in the room. Were they just having a friendly gathering in the attic? If they were, then why did they act so hostile later on in the day?

Harry wanted to go in, but he remembered what had happened last time he had seen something that he was not supposed to have seen. He looked at Jeff and wondered whether he should risk taking Jeff with him. On second thoughts, whatever they were doing might not be so innocuous, so Harry took Jeff back to his room.

The second time Harry neared the attic door, he was a little bit more afraid because he didn't have Jeff. He heard the kids talking loudly and laughing in between. This was apparently the same club with new members. But why had they rejoined? Most of the kids didn't even like Elektra that much, so why were they spending their company with her?

Harry opened the door and stepped inside. No one saw him come in due to the dark surroundings. What Harry could see was that the kids were acting peculiar. They seemed happier than before.

Tyler and Rick were laughing at the things that Elektra was saying (which were just deadpan things to say anyway; Elektra wasn't usually like this). Carmen, Lily and Tee were dancing with an energy that they didn't appear to have had before. They looked so wild, especially Tee who was normally the sensible one. They were also singing out a track acapella, not realising how loud and crazy they sounded. Johnny was telling them to shut up because they couldn't sing, while Elektra and Frank stopped talking to laugh at his insulting comments.

Harry put his hands to his ears. He couldn't endure their current behaviour, nor could he see how they didn't noticed how different they were acting. What was wrong with the group? Elektra seemed to be the ringleader of this out-of-control clan, telling everyone how great it was for her to re-organise her club.

So it was still a club, Harry thought. But they didn't look like they were doing anything unauthorised. He didn't understand why everyone stopped being themselves just to play circus up in the attic.

It was all too much for Harry, and he didn't want to dither any minute longer if they were behaving like this. He knew that their spirits would fall later on in the day. They hung about in the garden now, if not the attic.

Harry left the room and closed the door. He went back to his room and held on to Jeff. any minute now, the kids would leave the attic to go downstairs. How joyless he had been without Sapphire. If she or Liam had been here, they would have sorted out everyone else instead of leaving him as an outcast.

Harry know that something had to been done about this situation.

What did you guys and girls think of the first part? I wrote it all down sitting in bed, I didn't really get stuck, prior to writing it, I didn't know that it would be principally from Harry's perspective. So it's 22:29M now.

Have a good Christmas for tomorrow.